Miami reportedly 'very interested' in Tom Brady | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Miami reportedly 'very interested' in Tom Brady

It'd be so hard to al of a sudden start rooting for brady. We're suppose to be going younger instead of older and we already have our older QB. I doubt brady would be a mentor to a young QB. Too much ego and it's always been all about him. I hope this doesn't happen and use the money to get one or two more OL guys.
If Brady agrees to mentor Love or Herbert then I’ve no problem with it.
The truth is that we were never 'in' the Brady chase.

That Tampa Bay area is the perfect place for him to go and slip into retirement.
Miami doesn't just need good players, its needs a culture change. Brady - as much as I hate him - is a winner. Would signing him bring the change the Phins need? I dunno. But to suggest it would be subtraction by addition just doesn't make sense.

But, having said that, it appears the Phins have spent a majority of their available money and the addition of a 43 year old QB - while possible economically - does not align with the the current personnel strategy (IMHO).

Do we still need a culture change.

It appears that culture has already changed. Brady being a winner previously means nothing in the present. Nothing about the guy right now says he’d have any chance winning a super bowl in New England , hence his desire to look for a better option. Miami is not that option. I’m fact, there is no destination that can bring back the old Tom Brady. All you’d get now is an old Tom Brady.

That’s not a culture, that’s a way to sell jerseys.
I just don’t see this at ALL ... even after the FA splash, we are not close to being a playoff team - AND it will cost EVERYTHING we have left to sign him ....

Makes NO sense!

Nice misinformation campaign for the draft !
Do we still need a culture change.

Changing culture isn't like switching lanes, its like turning a battleship. Are the Phins moving in the right direction? Absolutely. Still, moves need to be made to keep up the momentum. Additionally, winning cultures aren't created and then left to their own devices. Winning cultures are ongoing processes; in fact, I'd argue one hallmark of a winning culture is never accepting that the process is finished.

It appears that culture has already changed. Brady being a winner previously means nothing in the present. Nothing about the guy right now says he’d have any chance winning a super bowl in New England , hence his desire to look for a better option. Miami is not that option. I’m fact, there is no destination that can bring back the old Tom Brady. All you’d get now is an old Tom Brady.

That’s not a culture, that’s a way to sell jerseys.

Brady was, is, and - notwithstanding evidence to the contrary - will always be a winner. There are winners and losers in life and I am not just talking about wins and losses in the standings. Brady has exhibited an uncanny ability to do what it takes to win sometimes to the point of bending and breaking rules. I don't like the guy but to declare Brady finished on the field isn't to say he is devoid of value on a roster. Signing Tom Brady would not be just a means to selling jerseys.

Again, though, I am not advocating for his signing. I believe his cost will far exceed his value. I'm using him as an example of how the Dolphins can continue to move towards a winning culture and maintaining the same.
All I know is that Stephen Ross is a University of Michigan Alum and why wouldn't he want the greatest UM alum on his team. If we don't get him that is fine, as there are plenty of other alternatives, but I definitely think where there is smoke there is fire.
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