My bully story... | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

My bully story...

Have to say I agree with fintastic, stud, and Hayden on this one.

Also I can't justify taking any sides on this. IMO they're both idiot druggies who don't belong on this team.
Another thing. I seriously doubt, a locker room full of blackdudes would defend a racist pos, especially if his victim is another black man. I mean really, just think about that for a minute. You really think all these guys would take a black man hating racist, over a black man. **** i believe they named Ritchie Incog a "honorary black man". Really? You guys really think they do that for a guy they even suspect is a racist pig? Come on guys, i know you guys know better.
@illscriptures most people in this world have been tried by someone at some point in their life. You were not in a rare position, its about how you handle the people around you. If you and Martin (as he claims) tried to accept the behavior and befriend those who were annoying, that is YOUR FAULT! Because that is the decision YOU MADE. YOU accepted the behavior and once you done so, you can NOT blame those around you. I have been tried plenty of times by some of the craziest people around.

I have plenty of stories that are far worse than what you just told. I too made that same mistake by accepting annoying people, and I blamed myself not them. I also stepped up to those who wanted to oppose their will on me. I have plenty of worse stories but since we want to talk about the classic children book bully story; 7th grade bad ass wanna be come to me in the lunch line and tells me he going to skip in front of me and Im going to get him a moose juice, I responded "you must be prepared to get punched in the throat". He gets big eyed and walks away end of story............

Stop blaming those around you for your troubles. You cant go join the army and then tell them they being mean to you by yelling at you and making you fold your bed. Thats freaking ridiculous STOP blaming others for your troubles.

Second stop buying into this Martin was Bullied he was never bullied. He quit the team and his agent put this story together..
I can't believe how ANYONE could take that voicemail seriously and actually think that it's a real threatening or racist remark. It's two friends/teammates joking around using vulgar language, just like in any other male-dominated workplace. Does that sort of language cross a line? Yes, if you're an extremely sensitive, sheltered person. This may describe Martin, but he also used the same type of language and threats.

gofins60 there are people who never experience people who joke around with each other like that. So they can not rationalize how that's even a possibility. I use to say the same thing about many issues, how anyone cant believe this or that can happen, because i seen it so many times. But those who are ignorant to certain experiences really cant comprehend the possibility.

I use to ask "how can anyone come to a decision to use crack in today's world, haven't they seen a crackhead before?". And the answer is NO, they never seen a crackhead so they ignorant to the outcome of using crack.

Plus different generations were raised different so they have different sensitivity levels. But regardless, I truly believe we need to stop sheltering weakness from the world, and instead start teaching them how to deal with the world.

There is nothing WRONG with how Incognito acted when he around those friends that accept, understand and communicate with each other like that. It only becomes WRONG if you told him your not comfortable with that language and he CONTINUES to do so.

Another thing. I seriously doubt, a locker room full of blackdudes would defend a racist pos, especially if his victim is another black man. I mean really, just think about that for a minute. You really think all these guys would take a black man hating racist, over a black man. **** i believe they named Ritchie Incog a "honorary black man". Really? You guys really think they do that for a guy they even suspect is a racist pig? Come on guys, i know you guys know better.

"If your the only one with a problem, chances are your the problem."
I strongly suspected from the get-go that the vociferous defense, eager, gratuitous victimization and enabling of Martin on FH would be doggedly and gullibly clutched onto by those with a visceral reaction bred from one point in their lives being legitimate and unfairly targeted as weak. And lo and behold, I was correct.

Whether it's through nature or nurture considering he comes from a family who manipulates the system's technicalities for fun and profit, including obviously knowing how to chum the waters by race-baiting, but either way, Martin through word and deed has proven himself to be no victim, but instead, complicit with no reservations about throwing his supportive teammates, and team under the bus to obfuscate his own mental and pharmacological foibles and failings, while continuing to receive payment for doing nothing.

Real, legitimate bullying is indefensible but this scenario has proven to most anyone with a scintilla of objectivity to bear little resemblance to that. Richie made his own bed true, making himself into the obvious pinata, but he's been unjustly tarred and lilbeled by these faux self-serving accusations. And as I taught my son early on, while it's prudent to ignore, walk away, overlook, etc etc, if provoked whenever possible; however like Neville Chamberlain and England found out turning a blind "Appeasement" eye to Nazi Germany's aggression, capitulation rarely works. If you get the crap kicked out of you, you may also have earned the respect of the bully - but either way your own self-respect allows you to look yourself proudly in the mirror admiring your new-found backbone!
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Still not buying it. Reading over the evidence clearly shows that if anybody was martin's closest friend it was Incognito. Richie seemed to look out for martin, too. Prime example in the recently released text messages, Richie trying to tell Martin to not use drugs and also trying to get the boy laid.
jesus another thread of this bull****, why have these attention whores always have to create these new threads all the time...hit the freaking search button and look for the other bully threads and post it in there,but no your ego wants that everyone has to read this.....

There have been much worse threads here recently. You could've just moved on, tough guy.

Good story and all but it's been known for awhile now that Martin and incognito went back and forth in the name calling and other sorts.

I have no idea if Martin believed what he's saying or not, none of us really do, but this I do know, what Martin did by engaging with Incognito in the way that he did is consistent with how many people deal with bullies. And because of that, the fact that Martin went back and forth with Incognito isn't proof that his story is bs. There's a mountain of empirical evidence on the subject that shows just that.
Bullying is a real issue that should not be tolerated at any level. There is plenty of information available to anyone interested on this subject.

The Martin / Incognito issue is not a bullying case regardless how Martin spins it. Jonathon Martin is a weak sister with possibly some mental issues and Rich Incognito is a meathead who doesn't know any better or when to stop. This whole thing has spiraled out of control and I think Martin's interview with Dungy is a preemptive damage control step for the onslaught he knows is coming.

There are real bullying situations that exist that need to be dealt with, but this isn't one of them.
There have been much worse threads here recently. You could've just moved on, tough guy.

I have no idea if Martin believed what he's saying or not, none of us really do, but this I do know, what Martin did by engaging with Incognito in the way that he did is consistent with how many people deal with bullies. And because of that, the fact that Martin went back and forth with Incognito isn't proof that his story is bs. There's a mountain of empirical evidence on the subject that shows just that.

:bobdole: so there is no way to prove Martin wasnt bullied, even if he agreed to be friends with THEM (not just Richie) and act like THEM.................... Its impossible, so those who believe he was bullied can forever stand proud........... This is one of those statements that in a debate that you just throw you hands up and say I give up its hopeless....
The next accused bully is going to claim that the victim is pulling a "Jon Martin". Nice job Martin for hurting those in real need…not those that are pissed about playing RT.

I didn't read the OP but I don't think "bullies" exchange texts like the ones we saw with their "victims." IMO the extent of the relationship is they were a group of friends, Incognito is an ass and Martin couldn't deal with the ass of the group in a mature way. I would take it a step further and think Incognito was actually trying to be a mentor is his own bizarre way.
I'm sorry I started a new thread, but I didn't want it to get buried even though it is not easy to write about for the public to see. I want people to read this not so they could feel bad for me because my life is great now, but I write it so you can see that people have been in Martin's shoes before, a lot of people, and a lot of times they get treated how you people have been treating Martin... they get called names just for speaking up for themselves.

I have never seen a bully/aggressor be protected the way this guy Incognito has been revered by some of the people on this forum. No matter what opinions you guys have about Martin it does not excuse Incognito calling him a half ****** and threatening his family. Those are the kinds of words people have died over in the past. There is physical proof, tapes of Incognito clearly berating Martin, with racist remarks. There is no proof of Martin doing anything bad, only being sociable with Incognito, joking around with rude remarks but nothing like Incognito did to Martin.

I'm going to have to get personal to try to explain this from my point of view. I am a hispanic male, growing up I was literally homeless at times, I was over weight and short. I never considered myself a nerd, and I wasn't picked on constantly because I always moved around for financial reasons, and because of that no one ever got the chance to truly pick on me. But as someone who went to many schools, I can explain how some individuals in the school were known as bullies or "tough guys", every school has them.

I have always been quick witted and quicker to spit it. This led to many people not liking my outspoken demeanor. I have always considered myself a very nice guy and have always been able to befriend from the toughest of the tough guys to the nerdiest of the nerd guys.

But then, there are those people that outright don't like you. Most of them ignore you, but then there is one or a couple of guys, who are literally up to no good, who given the circumstances could verbally berate you or even hit you. These types of guys loved me, meaning "they ****ing hated me and the type of person I am."

I am not an Alpha type physically, but I consider myself intelligent, and I have found myself against bullies often times being the "new guy" wherever I went. What do I mean by being bullied? I mean that at different times these "bullies or roughnecks" called me names, made fun of me, strong armed me, shoved me, threatened to beat me up, and all kinds of intimidation tactics to try make me scared or uneasy.

Everyone knows how to deal with a bully, you stand up for yourself, if not it will continue. I, on the other hand, always found violence to be needless until you have to defend yourself. I have never thrown the first punch in any fight, and I never will if I don't have to. I have defeated all of my "bullies" by either befriending them, fighting them, or ultimately moving away from the situation.

I know exactly what Martin did, because I used to do it too, he got picked on, by someone he saw almost every day. Even though he didn't want to, he tried to befriend him in order for things to stop, or to calm the situation, instead of fighting or telling someone. But bullies are like bombs, they have short fuses and are very unstable, and will blow up in your face if not properly disarmed.

At first, he didn't like it, but he befriended cogs only to see if he could take care of the situation without telling someone, because if he did tell someone, all **** would hit the fan. But one day, Incognito blew up in Martin's face by way of voicemail, and I am completely sure that there were worse occasions that occurred between them, which meant Martin had to tell the front office because things were getting out of hand.

I want to say more but I know people will only think I am a "rat" or "snake" or "*****" just like Martin, for standing up for someone who decided to stand up for himself.

P.S. - I hate both Martin and Incognito at this point. But that won't make me see the truth less clearly. Martin sucks at football and Incogito is a bigot asshole(I knew this before he came to Miami).

I feel bad for anyone that gets pick on by a bully but your story and the martin-cogs story is apples and oranges. Btw, I believe that most of us have been picked on or bullied by someone at some point in our lives.......99% of the time when we were in school.......Martin is the first guy to ever complain about something like this. He's a grown man that went to college. He could have handle the whole thing in any number of ways but he picked the worst way of them all and he complain about Cogs doing the same thing he(Martin) was doing. He might have fooled you but he didn't fool everyone. In the end, we're all(most of us anyway)ready to move past all this.

Ozzy rules!!
You say you weren't a physically alpha guy. Well Martin is, any size advantage Incog may have is negligible at best. This isnt rocket science. Martin was partying, taking drugs, hangin at strip clubs, exchanging berating texts with Incog.

This is a key point, OP. What makes bullies so dangerous? That they're bigger and stronger and yet they never come at you alone, they have a pack and they collectively can do a lot of damage to you. So what happens in a situation like this, where it's one on one and both guys are the same size or just about? How can you possibly not manage to draw a line? I think it's 50/50 between Martin and Incognito in the blame assigning dept.
I feel bad for anyone that gets pick on by a bully but your story and the martin-cogs story is apples and oranges. Btw, I believe that most of us have been picked on or bullied by someone at some point in our lives.......99% of the time when we were in school.......Martin is the first guy to ever complain about something like this. He's a grown man that went to college. He could have handle the whole thing in any number of ways but he picked the worst way of them all and he complain about Cogs doing the same thing he(Martin) was doing. He might have fooled you but he didn't fool everyone. In the end, we're all(most of us anyway)ready to move past all this.

Ozzy rules!!

I don't even like using the term "bully" for adults, its either assault or just one human being a dick to another.
I will say this first off, bullying sucks period! However in this situation you are wrong in stating there is no proof Martin did anything wrong.
These are a few Martin texts to Incognito:

"Ima egg your house & light a bag of s--- on fire then ring your doorbell."
"I'm gonna give McDonald bath salts and lock him in your house with a tranquilizer gun & a box of sand paper condoms."

Another exchange between the two came Oct. 23, when Incognito texted "F--- you!!!" to Martin, who responded with a photo that read, "I will murder your whole f---ing family."

After Martin left the Dolphins in October, there were other exchanges including when Incognito repeatedly asked Martin to call him and asked him if he was OK. Martin responded Nov. 1, saying, "Wassup man? The world's gone crazy lol I'm good tho congrats on the win."

Incognito replied, "Thanks dude. It's unbelievable all the attention this is getting. All that's important is that you feel better and know we miss u dude."

Martin then said in a text on the same day, "Yeah I'm good man. It's insane bro but just know I don't blame you guys at all its just the culture around football and the locker room got to me a little … Btw … never check yourself into a mental hospital.

As you can see from just these texts the statements were back and forth. I hope Martin gets help, but I have zero sympathy for him in regards to this bullying BS! It was a mutual bad behavior that was accepted by both members. Martin was is a weak ass and instead of handling it appropriately and through appropriate channels, he tried to save his own sorry ass by turning this in to something it wasn't. He just didn't count on all of this evidence being readilly available showing that he was an equal contributor in all of this! No integrity at all!
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