Nice artical on TE Les Brown | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Nice artical on TE Les Brown

My body rips quickly when I start to lift serious - some guys like nme just balloon - it can be genetics when the blood starts flowing add in a proper diet - few guys can afford it and yes - A guy can gain serious weight in 10 weeks
I doubt this kid would risk taking drugs to get the results. Hard work and genetics can get you looking like this.......I'm only worried that he may not be able to sustain it. I hope he's dedicated.
Youre overthinking this one bro. Youre assuming 2 things: 1. Hes on steroids, and 2. People care if he is. Unless hes the next Rob Gronkowski, AND tests positive for steroids no one is gonna think twice. Remember, people didnt think less of San Diego after Shawn Merriman tested postive, and he was nearly DPOY.
I'm not assuming he's on steroids. It's just the perception when you look at him (whether it's true or false).

But from what I can gather, the rest of your reply seems to suggest that it won't hurt the Dolphins unless he turns into an All-Pro TE and test positive. Which I agree with.

But what about the player? The example you used works perfectly. No it didn't effect San Diego negatively, but it sure as **** effected Shawn Merriman. He was never the same player after that, and of course no longer plays for the Chargers.
I'm not assuming he's on steroids. It's just the perception when you look at him (whether it's true or false).

But from what I can gather, the rest of your reply seems to suggest that it won't hurt the Dolphins unless he turns into an All-Pro TE and test positive. Which I agree with.

But what about the player? The example you used works perfectly. No it didn't effect San Diego negatively, but it sure as **** effected Shawn Merriman. He was never the same player after that, and of course no longer plays for the Chargers.
So that begs the question, could a perceived abnormal body transformation adversely effect Les Brown's game on the field?

And could it hinder his rookie development?
Awesome story, I'm also rooting for this kid,but not just because it will help my favorite team, this would be an amazing story if he was able to reach his dream and also succeed in a big way. Good luck Les :up:
Lol who cares how he got his body. If he can play then great. As of now he is a project who most likely will not be anything but a practice squad player. Why would you possibly start a thread like this? Talk about over
Unless his muscles balloon up to look like David Boston's incredible hulk muscles, I am not concerned. Just be concerned if Brown weighs 275 pounds when training camp begins.
my only question is where can I get that white miami shirt hes wearing?
Lol who cares how he got his body. If he can play then great. As of now he is a project who most likely will not be anything but a practice squad player. Why would you possibly start a thread like this? Talk about over

[mod]Personal Attack[/mod]

In fact, to most of the WHO CARES crowd...thank you very much for bringing your thought provoking comments to this thread that you don't care about. I truly appreciate it!

Staying on topic, Les's mom had some very positive comments in defense of her son in the link comment section. I for one agree with her and commend her for standing up for her son. By no means was I trying to insight hate for her son. The point of this thread was simply the impact on the Dolphins organization if any because of the traffic it's surely getting on Yahoo.
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Hopefully he can do some things in preseason. However he is gonna have a long way to go in camp
What is the issue here? I struggle to see it. He has a dream and he's chasing it, and it'd be a terrific story if he makes it through training camp and if he doesn't then it's over with. The absolute worst case scenario is that he makes it through TC, and while he's sitting on the bench he tests positive for steroids and we lose him for a couple of games. You said yourself that you don't care what other football fans think, and people that have no interest in football will not care about this story either. Since I have no reason to doubt how he got in shape, I'll give him the BOTD and assume he's clean.
It's nice to see some positive energy. I hope he succeeds.
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