Ryan Tannehill Close To Throwing Expected To Miss Jets Game | Page 15 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ryan Tannehill Close To Throwing Expected To Miss Jets Game

This whole injury ordeal with Tannehill is like dejavu........ who’s at fault now coaches or the player?
guys i know this is gonna sound crazy but aint it strange Gase says 17 only needs to rest his shoulder not have surgery’? didn’t we hear that about his knee too?

maybe it was Gase who told 17 he didn’t need surgery then too... after all, it was Gase who tied his dingy to the SS Tannehill the whole way..

True, we did hear that about his knee but don't put this on Gase. Gase tends to err on the side of caution when it comes to his players. Speculating that Gase is telling RT he didn't need surgery is ridiculous.

With this shoulder injury, Gase seems a bit confused because the doctors have cleared RT to throw but he isn't seeing the power/velocity behind the throws. So he rests RT expecting that it will return to normal. But it didn't. Now he is in a bind. Doctors still not recommending surgery but he still cannot play him. What do you do?
True, we did hear that about his knee but don't put this on Gase. Gase tends to err on the side of caution when it comes to his players. Speculating that Gase is telling RT he didn't need surgery is ridiculous.

With this shoulder injury, Gase seems a bit confused because the doctors have cleared RT to throw but he isn't seeing the power/velocity behind the throws. So he rests RT expecting that it will return to normal. But it didn't. Now he is in a bind. Doctors still not recommending surgery but he still cannot play him. What do you do?

Wait til we are mathematically eliminated. Then shut him down if he can’t go before then.

Book it.
Still waiting for Tannehill to turn into Brady with legs after 5 years. I doubt you will be right on that one.

Isn’t this considered baiting by a mod? Per usual words taken out of context.
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This whole injury ordeal with Tannehill is like dejavu........ who’s at fault now coaches or the player?

I get the impression that Tannehill definitely hurt it during the Bengals game and didn't tell the coach/medical staff how serious it was. Ultimately, he didn't want to come out and it ended up getting worst.
Yeah it's so far fetched. Dude is way off base thinking Tannehill won't be in Miami next year...
Watch the drama unfold at today's press conference where Gase tells Armando Salguero of the Miami Herald, "You don't even know what you're talking about" in regards to how Ryan Tannehill played early in the season. What's your take on it?

You, Armando and the rest who think RT is going anywhere have a lot in common.
I get the impression that Tannehill definitely hurt it during the Bengals game and didn't tell the coach/medical staff how serious it was. Ultimately, he didn't want to come out and it ended up getting worst.

Hey ANU, I think this is DejaVu all over again. Wasn't there some bit of a dust-up about a knee injury, that needed surgery from the get-go, or not, then questionable stem cell therapy, or not, then weird stories, then surgery, then Mr. Gases long hangdog face. This is another mystery with this organization, becausssssse it's the second time it happened with RT17. Having a competitive spirit is one thing, but seriously, if you are hurt, and can't perform, you damage your team worse than if you were sidelined.

And yet here we are. So for me this whole deal looks like another FAIL for the whole organization, they can't even take proper care or their #1 "asset". Did I mention this is the second time that something like this happened? Oh and this nonsense "they need to play hurt" and "so and so plays soft", or "what a pusillanimous player, can't even play with a trimalleolar fracture". Is, so immature that I can't even begin to comment on it. Oh yeah, and heeeeeere comes the hangdog face.

The Ever Wondering How People Keep Their Jobs VIPER
The prospect of Tannehill shutting it down and giving him next season to prove himself makes me sick. I thought this season was put up or shut up. I was absolutely shocked we did not go after a QB when our starting QB spent the entire season on IR and the season before that finished on IR. So are we not going after a QB this offseason now? This is literally the definition of insanity.
The prospect of Tannehill shutting it down and giving him next season to prove himself makes me sick. I thought this season was put up or shut up. I was absolutely shocked we did not go after a QB when our starting QB spent the entire season on IR and the season before that finished on IR. So are we not going after a QB this offseason now? This is literally the definition of insanity.

I totally agree, I've always been sceptical of the QB that is Tannehill, but thought since our QB guru of a whisperer HC had so much faith in him, it was only fair to give him this year to prove himself. If he broke down again physically then clearly you need to move on for health issues alone. But to say we still need to give him another year or it's too expensive to move on from his talent makes no sense to me. We are going to be paying him $19million or whatever it is, in the hope that he can get thorough 16 games, after missing 25 games in the last three years, better hope we have a better back up next year than Brock, because he's likely playing just as much if not more than our superstar.
Isn’t this considered baiting by a mod? Per usual words taken out of context.
Baiting? Please.
I just gave you a taste of your own medicine. And those words were not taken out of context. It was your signature for many moons that Tannehill will be a Brady with legs. I just don't know what year it was supposed to be. It was year 2 or 3. Maybe 4. Anyhow. Never happened.
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