Tannehill, Gase & Tannenbaum: Epic Failures | Page 10 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Tannehill, Gase & Tannenbaum: Epic Failures

Well then. Case closed.

Sorry but most of your post is just wrong, FinFanInBuff has been picking it apart in this thread, plenty of others have ‘debunked’ plenty of that pure garbage of your last post

We have and have had plenty of posters here who break down film and you want us to just believe your opinion of a few sentences? Hoops and Sons of Shula used to make threads dedicated to such, as well as breaking down other things. Sorry you weren’t here for that. You could however look into the work Travis Wingfield has done into this subject too, you’ll learn some things.


Not sure how far you’ll need to dig but i know plenty of his stuff relevant to this has been posted here.


Would you care to chime in?
Months before the Tannenbaum signing this message board was bracing for impact. We feel your pain.

Welcome aboard
To be a really good, let alone "great" QB, ya score TDs. And ya gotta get 'er done EARLY. And ya gotta get it done OFTEN.

The scoreboard doesn't lie.

Ryan has a LOT to prove this year. As does Gase.

If they collectively don't get the job done.

I've seen enough.
Can't read defenses and calling effective audibles go hand and hand. Unless Tannehill is instructed to repeatedly throw 3 yard passes on 3rd and long or is forced to hand the ball off on 3rd and 15, hes garbage at calling audibles. He has been his whole career, I don't think he was even allowed to call an audible until year 3. When you cant read a secondary, these things happen.

The pocket presence thing should not need an explanation, I can't even begin to count how many times Tannehills took a sack when he could have stepped up 6 inches or slid left a foot and delivered the ball down field. Instead someone grabs his ankle and down he does like doughnut at Curves.

In Tannehills career he has not been good in the red zone, I've been told, probably 50 times since joining the board 3 days ago, that Tannehill was the best red zone qb in the NFL in 2016, but he didn't finish 2016 healthy so I don't see how thats even possible and he wasn't good in the red zone for the majority if his career.

We havnt seen enough of Tannehill in the last 2 years to say he's made any improvement. In fact, what's been put on film in this meaningless preseason makes me think hes worse than he was in 2016. Also it's year 7, that is a long time to be a QB for one team in the NFL, a very long time. Look at teams like the Chiefs who just kicked Alex Smith out the door to make room for a young guy. Alex Smith is a very good QB, miles better than Tannehill. Or the Redskins, they had Cousins who's younger than Tannehill and very comparable to Tannehill in my assessment and they kicked him out of the locker room. We have been way to patient with Tannehill as our QB. Put it this way, I'll agree Tannehill is probably better in year 7 than year 1, but even in year 7 he's simply not good enough to take this team anywhere. I think Tannehill can manage a game effectively but hes not a top 20 QB in the league. A poll of coaches and front office people just ranked all the starting QBS and had Tannehill as the 27th best QB entering the 2018 season.

This franchise needs to get lucky and hit on a franchise QB, and we don't have that guy yet. I'm sorry if you bought a Tannehill jersey and don't want it to lose value but in order for this team to turn the corner we need a different QB. The rest of our roster is just not good enough to hide Tannehills inefficiencies.

Boom Shiva! Thank you and welcome aboard!! Continue to speak your truth, this board needs it!
When the newly drafted QBs come in and by year two are excelling and have their teams forgetting about that position for the next 15 years, we have a QB problem if ours isn't ahead of them or at least equal to them. Watson, Wentz, Keenum, Prescott, Wilson, Goff, Mariota, Carr............

Yes, that's why you can never use the theory that Tannehill will move up the ladder simply due to age and attrition elsewhere in the league. That notion has been attempted countless times over the years, including by posters who like to make a list of everything that was supposedly correct and incorrect about Tannehill. I was the only one emphasizing repeatedly that the attrition aspect was preposterous, since there are always elite newcomers at the position, no matter what it looks like via scouting report a year or two ahead of time.

Sigh. Tannehill isn't going anywhere. Other quarterbacks are like paper plates and disposable once stained. Ryan Tannehill is more like a Wyoming senator, with one six-year term after another, even if nobody across the country knows his name or cares in the slightest. I'm sure some people in Wyoming love their senators and can recite any number of wonderful things about them. That's like some Dolphin fans with Tannehill. Those senators will be proper speaking and pleasant looking.
Teen, what are you talking about??? Tannehill never lost a starting job. He did take a few starting jobs from upperclassmen, though.

I wish there was some kind of posting penalties for people who post outright lies. oh well....

In '08 and '09 he competed for starting QB, losing out to Stephen McGee and Jerrod Johnson. That's what I meant when I said he lost out on a couple of starting jobs.

I acept your apology in advance ;-)
but they've already proved that together they're 10-6

They aren't together anymore for one thing. For another luck/variance plays a factor in a 16 game sample. If you beat pocket aces with pocket kings does that prove anything?
They aren't together anymore for one thing. For another luck/variance plays a factor in a 16 game sample. If you beat pocket aces with pocket kings does that prove anything?
and that's the only reason your heartthrob Philbin ever managed to ever make it to 8-8 .. an anomaly.
If we don't make it to a wildcard playoff birth this year then it's time to move on. Gase has Tannehill back and Tannehill has more weapons on offense then he's ever had. No more excuses.
In '08 and '09 he competed for starting QB, losing out to Stephen McGee and Jerrod Johnson. That's what I meant when I said he lost out on a couple of starting jobs.

I acept your apology in advance ;-)

Sorry, Bucko, it dont work that way! You dont get to state a nontruth, then come back and say what you "meant" (even while again misrepresenting what you actually said).

You said he lost 2 out of 3 starting jobs. Not that he lost out on competing for them.

He actually only had one quarterback competition (2009) and he never lost a starting job. Here are the FACTS:

1. RT redshirted as a freshman in 2007.

2. Stephen McGee was one of the top QB prospects in nation (and tops in Texas) when A&M signed him in 2005. He threw for over 8,000 yds in HS. He was a 4yr starter for A&M and a senior in RT's freshman year (2008) and ended up a 4th rnd pick of Dallas Cowboys in 2009 draft. Neither RT nor Jerrod Johnson (understandably) were ever in any competition for his starting job. RT was asked to play WR (while still maintaining a qb status)as Sherman took over and installed a pro style offense.

3. In 2009, junior Jerrod Johnson was named the starter as sophomore RT continued at WR. JJ was a terrific athlete (even played basketball for billy gillispie as a fresh). He led the Big 12 in TDs and was named B12 offensive player of the year entering his senior year, and a darkhorse Heisman candidate. RT lost out on a very tight QB competition. Weighing in JJ's favor was the fact that RT was proving to
be A&M's top WR and Sherman could get them both on the field at same time.

4. JJohnson had a lingering shoulder problem and RT was named starter
midway through year in 2010. It was apparent to many that RT was the better QB from the start of season due to JJ being "not quite right" from an injury suffered inlast game of 2009 season. But Sherman loved JJ (he was an incredible young man but thats another story...) and was not about to bench a senior returning starter and B12 player of the year.

So, my friend, if you want to use those facts as a basis for your position that RT was obviously a reach since he "lost 2 starting jobs in 3 years", have at it.

At least now everyone will know just how far off you are.

No apology for you; please try to be more careful in your statements from now on.

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