Tannehill Having Best Year Of His Career. | Page 28 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Tannehill Having Best Year Of His Career.

Right back at ya. Tannehaters may be the least aware group of people on the planet.
Nobody on the globe outside of about five people on this board believe Tanneyhill is the answer at QB for this franchise. Are there other problems? By all means. And he’s one of em.
Tanneyhill will go down as the martyr this much we know. Here’s his postmortem after the Vikings loss where he stunk up the joint (in addition to his offensive line and defense).

“It starts with me,” Tannehill said, stepping up. “We can all play better. That is disappointing when you have a big opportunity on the road. Came in confident we were going to play well and things unraveled quickly for us. It’s a disappointment and it’s frustrating.

“I cannot put my finger on what made that happen or what could have prevented it or slowed it. But it’s a disappointment. I love playing this game. I love competing with these guys and I love winning. To come out and have this game go the way it did hurts.

“It’s disappointing and frustrating.”
Im trying to think of a great throw RT has made while moving forward in the pocket and I really can't. I know the OL sucks but somewhere in the 6-7 years of QB play you would think he would show the makings of great QB if it was in there.
He’s made some great throws. Problem is he is too inconsistent and can’t put the offense on his back. Ever.

This all goes back to his college coach believing he was the guy to draft and convincing the franchise to take him.

Who wouldn’t be sold on

Superior arm talent
Work ethic

Problem is he can’t overcome

Football IQ
Not pro ready
Learning to play QB in the NFL
Pocket awareness

This makes him a middling at best QB. And it will not be overcome without stars aligning as in all talent around him.
He’s made some great throws. Problem is he is too inconsistent and can’t put the offense on his back. Ever.

This all goes back to his college coach believing he was the guy to draft and convincing the franchise to take him.

Who wouldn’t be sold on

Superior arm talent
Work ethic

Problem is he can’t overcome

Football IQ
Not pro ready
Learning to play QB in the NFL
Pocket awareness

This makes him a middling at best QB. And it will not be overcome without stars aligning as in all talent around him.

I’m talking about specifically stepping up in the pocket (when there is one) when I think about Rodgers, Luck, Brady, Russ etc I know when they start stepping up in the pocket and they’re looking downfield good things normally happen for their teams

I also think he lacks the arrogance to play the position at the highest level dumb as that sounds
If tanny climbs he usually hitches forward which at times walks him into peripheral sacks.

It’s very rare that he climbs like get out of dodge forward looking to pass.

He tried one yesterday but amendola dropped it. One he needed the wr to make the play on.

But again it’s rare and it looks a little forced
Yep. Working with a top defense and running game for what the like 7th year straight. Only this year he’s not even doing the running.

I say this knowing that we could have really used Wilson’s bail before he finishes the drop improv yesterday.
I'm sure someone has said this...Inwant to highlight it

Seattle has the #19 ranked defense in the NFL...hardly a top defense.
I'm sure someone has said this...Inwant to highlight it

Seattle has the #19 ranked defense in the NFL...hardly a top defense.

Since when? The San Fran game maybe. I saw that defense murder Minnesota 2 weeks ago. Don’t even lol
I think someone at PFF read the title of this thread and proceeded to shred that theory. Pretty interesting read, especially the yards after pass.

I'm glad this article addressed the issue about turnover worthy throws.

I was going to bring up that Tannehill must be leading the league in dropped interceptions by the defense but didn't want to go through the painstaking task of doing all the research.

I also look at QBR to go along with QB rating b/c QB rating which is such a flawed system. QBR may not be perfect since it can't be explained by some simple formula, but at least there are people with knowledge looking at the variables that don't go into QB rating but are instrumental in determining the quality of a QB.

Whereas QB rating has Tannehill as the 8th best QB in the league, LMAO, QBR has him as 31 out of 32 which is much more in line with what I see on the field of play.
Since when? The San Fran game maybe. I saw that defense murder Minnesota 2 weeks ago. Don’t even lol
Any given Sunday. I mean **** look at what the colts did to the Cowboys and Zeke on Sunday, they shut them out.
Since when? The San Fran game maybe. I saw that defense murder Minnesota 2 weeks ago. Don’t even lol
I saw Tannehill murder the Patriots who murdered the Vikings who murdered the Dolphins...

Really....don't even.
Any given Sunday. I mean **** look at what the colts did to the Cowboys and Zeke on Sunday, they shut them out.

There’s a difference between not showing up and having your ass handed to you physically on both sides of the los.

And you know that.

Dallas no showed. We got our ass handed to us. I’d much rather have been able to say after we no showed
There’s a difference between not showing up and having your *** handed to you physically on both sides of the los.

And you know that.

Dallas no showed. We got our *** handed to us
I don’t disagree with that in the least. What’s even worse is the Vikings had a short week by a day and just changed OCs, that makes it even worse.
I don’t disagree with that in the least. What’s even worse is the Vikings had a short week by a day and just changed OCs, that makes it even worse.

Yeah but they had the formula all along to beat us. Run game and pa and let the defense dictate. Miamis only real chance was Kirk cousins mistakes.

Let’s be real that defense is a whole nother level. In their building with that damn Viking horn blaring every other play just about.

If we had to beat that team to get to the playoffs I’d say our odds were about nil and that’s how it played out.

We were in it for a bit because of a pick 6 and a 75 yard run they didn’t bat an eye about by the way in how they played backside contain etc but all those plays did was delay the inevitable when our d wasn’t playing lights out football.

We tried a couple long developing back to the action pas when that game was in the balance with a back responsible for Anthony Barr. And he wrecked us for it. Which is bad matchup ask of the back frankly vs that scheme and that player.
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Did you even read the thread? Pretty sure I said that it was very important to me how he plays these last 3 games and specifically mentioned not choking etc. The thread was simply pointing out the numbers. Maybe you are the one who needs to wake up since your reading seems to be faulty I am no blind Tannehill cheedleader I live in reality

Been playing 7 years but you gotta see these last games huh. And it's 2 games not 3. Delusional.
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