Tannehill Having Best Year Of His Career. | Page 26 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Tannehill Having Best Year Of His Career.

So you still think that RT is basically interchangable with Russ? That is crazy to me really shows you’re not being objective in the slightest

Are the Seahawks 8-6 with a much better team or not?

There are things Wilson does better and things Tannehill does better. Sounds pretty objective to me.
That offensive line doesn’t give Wilson more time to throw. It just seems that way because Wilson doesn’t just sit in the pocket, he’s mobile all over the place extending the play looking for an open man. I’ll give you the top 5 running game, but with the Backs the Dolphins have, if Gase utilized them more instead of abandoning it all the time they’d probably be up there in rankings.

Hell their defense isn’t even in the top 15. Apparently this year is their worst defensive ranking in the Carroll era. So I don’t know where people get the Seahawks are a better team.

Seattle has the 8th ranked scoring defense. Miami is 27th. Come on man.......

Wilson is more mobile and more creative. Their offense is designed around that.

This is part of the problem with the Tannehill critics. They compare Tannehill to some mythical robo-QB. He needs Wilson's escapability, Rodgers' arm. Brady's brain, Newton's size, Watson's speed or he sucks......
It is what it is.

The bar is very low for Ryan Tannehill.

Even last week, people acted like he had some big time game against NE when in actual before the miracle play he was under 200 yards passing with 2 touchdowns. Same with the Oakland game.

Ryan Tannehill is irrelevant far too often for a starting QB. He isn’t a consistent difference maker and once again he needs everything around him to be damn near perfect.

His pocket presence is below average as is his ability to improvise, but we all know that and has shown small gains in this area. The 3rd down rollout to Butler where he was out of bounds was good stuff. He had a step up in the pocket and throw to DA that should of been caught. He has made gains here for sure.

He can make big throws and he teases you just enough to wanna stick by him. That is his M.O.

He absolutely is still hurt . . .ankle, shoulder and mentally, but its just getting old at this point

As much as I have critiqued him over the years, I have never stopped rooting for him to take that next step. I am still gonna root for him . . . It ain’t his fault you have a regime that has put the QB position group on the back burner.
Seattle has the 8th ranked scoring defense. Miami is 27th. Come on man.......

Wilson is more mobile and more creative. Their offense is designed around that.

This is part of the problem with the Tannehill critics. They compare Tannehill to some mythical robo-QB. He needs Wilson's escapability, Rodgers' arm. Brady's brain, Newton's size, Watson's speed or he sucks......
He already is a mythical “robo” qb who needs to use his legs more and not just sit in the pocket. I don’t doubt his arm strength or size, Never have and never will. It’s his mobility and escapability in and out of the pocket I have serious doubts about. Kids got wheels use them.
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In Tannehills last 16 starts he has had 2826 net passing yards on 462 dropbacks.

To say that is awful would be pointing out the obvious.
Seattle has the 8th ranked scoring defense. Miami is 27th. Come on man.......

Wilson is more mobile and more creative. Their offense is designed around that.

This is part of the problem with the Tannehill critics. They compare Tannehill to some mythical robo-QB. He needs Wilson's escapability, Rodgers' arm. Brady's brain, Newton's size, Watson's speed or he sucks......

We do have a ROBO-QB the Tannebot
If everything goes perfectly as planned he can light it up, just follow the manual. Anything off script and the program freezes up
It remains the most boring era in franchise history and that is very unlikely to change as long as Tannehill is around.

He creates or exaggerates his own excuses. Today he was gifted two touchdowns. Absolutely gifted a flash interception return and a flash 75 yard touchdown run. That is a huge percentage of scoring required to win the game or at least be very competitive. Other quarterbacks would be in disbelief to receive handouts like that, similar to last week with the 50+ touchdown run and obviously the game ender. Miami is scoring tons of points that the quarterback is not responsible for.

But Tannehill never had any fire or sense of urgency in this game. He has never been great and no concept of being great so he merely jogs off the field and accepts whatever happens. Mid second quarter we were down 21-0 and had 3rd and 14 approaching midfield. The offense has to wake up and jolt the team, to provide some sense of possibility. A give up swing pass to Drake wiggled for 11 yards. Now it is only 4th and 3, and on their 43. The correct call is to go for it there. Your defense hasn't stopped anything. But amidst Crowd vs. Crowd often all it takes is one score and turn of momentum to shift matters. We saw that with the Fitzpatrick interception.

But you can't assume a Fitzpatrick interception. That is a severe long shot. Converting on 4th and 3 is hardly a long shot. I was going nuts when Tannehill merely jogged off the field, instead of taking over the team and demanding to Gase that the offense stay out there.

That's what a great quarterback would have done. No question about it. But Gase and Tannehill were both wimps. From that point forth I didn't particularly care what transpired later. You aren't rewarded for frailty and stupidity.

No kidding the offensive line caved in late. But so much of that was feasting on Ryan Tannehill. Minnesota steadily sensed he had no fight and no confidence and no variety. First and second downs often unfolded fine but Tannehill did nothing. If Brock Osweiler had fired that deep ball to Stills 5 yards out of bounds we'd never hear the end of it from Tannehill backers. Then how many times did Tannehill make exactly the wrong move, as soon as there was any hint of pressure? It was like the defense asked him to pivot this way and Tannehill obliged. He has no ability to shuffle his feet like a dance move by darting forward then sideways to create his own brief pocket. It's always pause...panic...then turn to retreat. Somehow he think's he Russell Wilson 5 years ago. No problem backing out and turning the corner.

I knew I'd be reading about 9 sacks. That never would have been 9 sacks with a different quarterback. We've got a guy who went 7-6 at Texas A&M as a senior despite #8 preseason ranking and being favored in all but one game. He remains a .500 or thereabouts quarterback, with no reason to expect that to change. I know one thing...as long as Tannehill is Dolphins quarterback I'll predict between 7 and 9 wins every season. No thought required.

As I posted last week, if the current Dolphins were actually the current New York Jets, then Jets fans would be laughing at us for ruining our draft position and keeping our quarterback.

Neither Tannehil nor gase even considered going for that 4th down.. They just watched their defense get destroyed for 3 straight drives get a 4th and 3 at the 43 and they are happy to just punt it away. Absolutely incredible as Tannehill jogged happily to the bench. A player with some feel for the game or situational awareness is telling his coach to go for it. but, that likely wasnt in the manual programmed into tannebot before that drive..

For him 4th down means punt, same for gase thats as far ahead as they can think.. If course, as we all knew the ount was a touchback and gained them a net 20 yards by punting and and not even considering going for it.
A QB with some fire or half of a brain would immediately signal to the coach to go for it, and a coach that wasn't a fraud, coward with zero ability to think ahead would agree.
This is seriously misleading. Brady, Roethlisberger, Wilson all won SBs before they were great QBs. Manning won one after he was no longer very good at all. The fact that Brady, Roethlisberger, and Manning are HOF QBs does not change the fact that they won SBs as average or worse QBs.

I don’t want to take stat lines as an indication of what determines whether or not the QB was great “at the time”.

Manning I remember explicitly being awful in his last one, but again, he was on the tail of an incredible defense.

Is it a coincidence that these “soon to be great/HOF” QBs won a Super Bowl before or after their prime? If that were the case I’d say we be more likely to see more Eli Manning/Joe Flacco type winners over the course of history.
They are better coached.

And they have a franchise qb. Switch the QBs and the Seahawks would not have the record they have now.

I'm not a Tannehill hater. We could do worse. But he is what he is. Slightly above average.

Only reason to consider dumping Tannehill is to tank a season for a high pick. We'll never get out of our swirling vortex of mediocrity the way things are.
And they have a franchise qb. Switch the QBs and the Seahawks would not have the record they have now.

I'm not a Tannehill hater. We could do worse. But he is what he is. Slightly above average.

Only reason to consider dumping Tannehill is to tank a season for a high pick. We'll never get out of our swirling vortex of mediocrity the way things are.

I think slightly above average is too high of a rating. He is average, with glimpses of above average play and glimpses of below average play.

Above average arm talent, below average pocket presence and ability to improvise.

Vortex of mediocrity describes him and this team the best . . . And that is worse than being dreadful.
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