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Tannehill injury updates - no structural damage

for what it's worth i'd take kaep over any other qb out there right now....
Gase not speaking to the media today is concerning. This quote by Gray is as well.

Herald is saying that players are hoping for the best but they are fearing the worst.

This is a bummer. You have to think he was only down for 15 seconds, and if they thought it was really bad they would have carted him off.

On a funny note. My friend who is 27, and not 12, said if he is on IR he will not meet me at the hall of fame Saturday, even though he spent $150 on tickets, because he will be done with football.
Brady walked off the field with his ACL.
A Buddy of mine who is supposedly in the know just texted me and said Tannehill is out for the year. ACL tear. Take it for what it's worth.

Tell your friend he's a ****ing idiot.

There's virtually no way of knowing without an MRI which must be done at a hospital.
A Buddy of mine who is supposedly in the know just texted me and said Tannehill is out for the year. ACL tear. Take it for what it's worth.

Does he work in the Dolphins building or something?

Gotta say i'm getting more and more doom and gloom feeling....if it does come to out for the year, i'll just rally behind matt moore....we don't need someone else's stinking washed up vet when we have our own likeable one right here on the team.
I don't understand why people like you really worry or care about that , If I want to put periods and commas in apostrophes in there I will if I don't feel like it I won't. Maybe you should go notify the grammar police... oh wait you already are one. They should give you a icon or a signature for it.

It's hard to read fella.
lol it's amazing what deep and twisted thoughts surface when panic sets in:

"I knew Tannehill should have had surgery"
"We should have drafted a mid round QB"
" What about Kaepernick?"
" Foles?"
"Can We dig up McNair's corpse?"
" Is Mallet on the block?"

I'm waiting on RG3 and Tebow referrals

The first gripe is valid. I said over and over I didn't like them holding out hope he'd come back for the playoffs last year. With the likes of Spencer Paysinger and friends getting significant snaps on defense we had no shot. EVERYBODY should have realized this. If if he's OK how long will he last if he can't make it through 7 days of practice? I guess it could be a fluke thing, sure but what a coincidence.
for what it's worth i'd take kaep over any other qb out there right now....

Just seen of the coast of Miami

Sons you don't have any belief in the physical manipulative tests they can perform? Been thru those myself without an acl thankfully. I want to say lachmanns test amongst others. I know an mri is definitive but they can usually have a good idea by testing for slipping and slack
Terrell Davis did too.

Everybody does! I completely discounted the, "he's fine because of 15 seconds down" theory. Pretty sure we didn't even really know Ronnie Brown was hurt. Limped off the field and had a post game interview where he said he was fine. Folks clinging to the, "only down for 15 seconds" theory must have never watched football before.
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