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After last years embarrassment against NE opening night I thought was his wake call for conditioning.......I guess not.
After last years embarrassment against NE opening night I thought was his wake call for conditioning.......I guess not.

I would have no problem cutting a first round cornerback who feels entitled. I hope this move lights the fire because first round, 3rd corners are expendable and upgradeable.
Why do I get the feeling that this will magnify everything negative he does on the field. Every CB gets beat from time to time but after this I'd bet the farm that there will be a bunch of fans saying Vontae sucks after he allows a few catches in a game.
All he has to do is suck it up and do what's expected of him...like his brother eventually did. Do that and all the negative goes away and makes him a better person and player.
Gut check time Vontea figuratively and literally! Time to grow up this isn't the Big Ten and you aren't at Illinois! Put your big boy pants on and go to work! God I wish you were Haliem Nicks!
The most interesting thing was during the coaches meeting when they were talking about Vonte was when they all said how Sean Smith has taken the next step this year and Vonte still has not. Smith was very immature his first few years and the fact that he is getting it and Vonte isn't is unsettling.
I agree you don't trade a talent Vonte. He just needs a good A$$ chewing like his brother received. At some point the light does come on and they will realize playing in the NFL is a priveleage and not an entitlement. I am glad at least Sean Smith is taking it to the next level.
you would easily get a 2nd for davis and you don't trade a CB with his abilities.

I agree.

I remember Sean Smith outplayed him in camp as rookies as well.

Sean was ahead of him until the season got under way when they were rookies.
Like Vernon early in his career, Vontae hasn't "gotten it" yet. He better soon.
All he has to do is suck it up and do what's expected of him...like his brother eventually did. Do that and all the negative goes away and makes him a better person and player.

Yup. This pretty much sums it up right here. He may have gotten away with all this stuff while Sparano was here, but there's a new sheriff in town. He's going to have to EARN his starting job here and that includes getting in shape. Vontae's getting paid a ton of money to play a game...there ain't no reason why he shouldn't be giving it his all. It's step up time for Vontae.
Coach Philbin said in a recent interview that he had practiced well two days in a row. :ponder: :chuckle:

Now there is a back handed compliment if ever there was one.

Davis has to respond. He basically was publicly humilated in front of the whole world.

He has NO CHOICE but to get his arse in gear and take it more seriously now.
Didn't see the show but you can bet that Vernon will get on him.

I Agree whole heartedly.............Vernon and his grandmother will demand better! He must believe that he can just show up and compete with the very best without work. Glad philbin's not having it. Question was there any talk of this last year outside of the ball to the face by B.M.?
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