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tylerdolphin said:
Its a shame really. Griffey would be considered a top hitter in history without the injuries.

I beleive half of his injuries were fake.

Japan just got totally jobbed on that call... They had the go-ahead run taken off the board by an appeal of an appeal to third on a tagged up sac. fly... 3B ump called it safe, but the crew got together and ruled him out for leaving early.... Replay showed no such thing at all... Japan refused to take the field for several minutes in the bottom half of the eighth.

I believe the Bush administration had something to do with rigging this game. :tongue:
looks like Damon has already caught Yankee fever.... K zone in the clutch!
whats that necklace some of the japan players are wearing?
Well here we are.... bases loaded, two out, tie game.

A-Rob's chance to shine. Surely he'll do something HERE...
whadya know... the league MVP muscles a single through the middle, and we win a controversial game to begin round 2...
chris84chambers said:
A-ROD, A-ROD is great, ever since his days back in seattle.

Yeah, a clutch hit just like last fall, oooppps, I forgot, he didn't get any then?:rolleyes:
Yeah, a clutch hit just like last fall, oooppps, I forgot, he didn't get any then?:rolleyes:

I beleive he had too much pressure to make the big hit last year.
you could see it in his eyes in every at bat. I told him chill out bud and play the game just like in the regular season. Lets see if he took my advise this year.
Looks like all the oriental teams are solid as hell
making the USA team look more like the NBA "dream" team

I agree Japan got robbed
sucks that Korea beat the US but I think the republic will win this whole thing, they have all of the good hitters
man venezuela was good great pitching
they wanted it bad
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