WVDolphan's Get Real - Henne boo'd at practice. | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

WVDolphan's Get Real - Henne boo'd at practice.

Hard to believe that some of you think he is going to do better. His mechanics suck. He doesn't read the field well and he is way off target with easy throws at slow speed. How much more do u need to see?

At this point I think they need to spend more time with the longshot Moore because he may actually have upside.

I believe people actually forget just how bad Henne was last year. Its the only reason I can think of as to why people still think he is a starting QB in the NFL.
I believe people actually forget just how bad Henne was last year. Its the only reason I can think of as to why people still think he is a starting QB in the NFL.

They have forgot. Go re-watch the Cleveland game. or the Lions game or the Buffalo game from last December. Blaming Henning is cute and all but its not reality. Yes Henning stunk, but Henne couldn't throw a legit pass!! He was throwing tot he wrong team, that isn't playcalling
I don't have a problem with fans being upset, but their boos are directed at the wrong person. What did Chad Henne ever do to the fans? So he probably doesn't have what it takes to be an NFL quarterback. Big effing deal. Does he work hard? Absolutely. (As evidence that he went to more team workouts than most people during the lockout.) If he had his skill with Albert Haynesworth's work ethic, then I can see pointing the finger at him. That would show that he has no interest in getting better. (Which is why the only time it might have been ok to boo the players is when they failed to show up against the Pats in week 17 last year.) But that's really not the case with Henne. It's just that his ceiling is lower than that of a legitimate starting quarterback.

If you want to boo, point them at Steven Ross; who came in saying he was better than Dan Marino on like his first day owning the team. Ross was enamored by his fellow alumnus, blinding his vision of him as a football player (not that Stephen Ross knows the first thing about judging talent anyway.) I really believe he is pulling the strings, and Ireland and Sparano are just his whipping boys. It sucks, but you stick it out because they are your team.

Look, living in Boston, obviously we have had successful teams as of late. But that wasn't always the case. When I was growing up, Boston possessed some really bad sports teams with some really bad players. But we NEVER booed the players. In fact, people sometimes disparage Boston fans for being homers, but that's really not the case with most fans. It's just that we care about our athletes and root for them. As terrible that the Pats fans around here are, I can tell you that they would NEVER do something like this. When Pats fans are showing to be classier than us, you know there is a problem. I'm really sad for the people who waited so long to do something like this. If you want to root for your quarterback to fail, you're better off not being a fan at all. The booing fans were getting along fine without football just over a week ago. They should just go back to that.
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If they're gonna be ayeholes anyway, I would hope some of those BooTards have some residual bile left over for Benedict Taylor when he drags his carpetbagging azz back onto the field.
I really can't determine if you're angry at someone specific, angry for the sake of being angry, or just whining about people whining.
Look, living in Boston, obviously we have had successful teams as of late. But that wasn't always the case. When I was growing up, Boston possessed some really bad sports teams with some really bad players. But we NEVER booed the players. In fact, people sometimes disparage Boston fans for being homers, but that's really not the case with most fans. It's just that we care about our athletes and root for them. As terrible that the Pats fans around here are, I can tell you that they would NEVER do something like this. When Pats fans are showing to be classier than us, you know there is a problem. I'm really sad for the people who waited so long to do something like this. If you want to root for your quarterback to fail, you're better off not being a fan at all. The booing fans were getting along fine without football just over a week ago. They should just go back to that.

Really? I can remember when they were booing Bledsoe and pining for Bishop up here. Tell that to John Lackey too who got booed off the field no more than a month ago. If anything, Boston fans are far worse now because of the success. Most of the fans up here have never shown any class. That explains why free agent never came here back in the day. Players hated Boston.

If they want to boo, let them boo. If Henne is actually affected by the boos we've got bigger issues.
If they're gonna be ayeholes anyway, I would hope some of those BooTards have some residual bile left over for Benedict Taylor when he drags his carpetbagging azz back onto the field.

You done lost your blue mind lol.

Henne sucks. Dude deserves to be booed. At least Taylor will step on the field and be a bit productive.

Just think folks, this is the same guy who got benched for someone who couldn't stay healthy for 2 plays. We were excited for Tyler Thigpen for goodness sakes, Henne just isn't good. He hasn't looked good since his MNF debut
I'm ok with booing professional players and professional teams (college players and teams is another story), but damn at least wait for a regular season game, not the first scrimmage practice after a lockout and a brand new offensive scheme. Man, as fans we have to get a grip. This team isn't making the playoffs no matter who our QB ends up being. Sparano (and probably Ireland) will be let go. A new regime will be in place that will draft their own guy in the 1st round. We'll be starting from scratch next season, hopefully with a young franchise signal caller. Then you guys can find something new to boo about.
Really? I can remember when they were booing Bledsoe and pining for Bishop up here. Tell that to John Lackey too who got booed off the field no more than a month ago. If anything, Boston fans are far worse now because of the success. Most of the fans up here have never shown any class. That explains why free agent never came here back in the day. Players hated Boston.

If they want to boo, let them boo. If Henne is actually affected by the boos we've got bigger issues.

As a die-hard Red Sox fan, I am of course frustrated with John Lackey. We all are. But I was at a game recently where he was pitching (coming off of a terrible start) and when they announced his name in the starting lineups he was cheered wildly. He had a good game and was cheered wildly when Tito finally took him out. Fans here are rooting for their players to be successful. It feels like many Dolphins fans are rooting for Henne to fail. That sounds so ridiculous, but it is really true.
I said it last night and I'll say it again: Henne is not the future in Miami. With that said, I do have empathy for the guy. He could have his head up his *** like Leinart. He also seems like an overall likable guy and *tries* to be the leader. If only he had the talent to go with the heart.
The booing is not just directed at Chad Henne but the organization as well. If pro athletes can't handle booing (VY) they have no business being on the field.
A lot of you are making way too big of a deal over this incident. A player got boo'd. Big ****ing deal. Happens all the time. Usually when a fan base is frustrated to the max and a player ****ing blows, which is of course the case here.

I wish those of you who are so upset about Henne getting boo'd would just quit whining about it and saying it bothers you from the standpoint that fans shouldnt boo members of their team etc etc etc and any other excuse you can think of for not admitting what you really feel. Just ****ing admit that you LIKE HENNE, you still BELIEVE in Henne, and you want more than anything for him to succeed. Thats all. Quit being *******. And GET REAL!

If thats how you feel, which of course it is, then say so. We all know you think the whole thing with Henne has been because of Dan Henning or whatever other excuses you have and that with Daboll, Henne will be gold. If he isnt, you will blame it on the OL or whatever excuse becomes available such as Daboll or if Long gets injured etc etc etc.

Just ****ing admit youre a huge Henne fan and you believe in him. Why the **** are you people so afraid to do that? Oh wait. I know. Because deep down you know he blows and that if he starts again this season its going to be another huge failure and you dont want to be on that train moving full speed.

Chicken ****s is what you are. ****ing get out there in front of what you believe and roll with it. God damn some of you cant stand it not to be on the fence at all times.

Really, if you just admitted to how you feel about Henne then even though you may not have a clue about what a real QB is, but at least you would have some ****ing courage and be able to stand behind what you believe. And that I could respect. But, this nonsense you spin up is just ridiculous. As if some of you would be so upset over a player getting boo'd if you werent a huge fan of that player. GET REAL!

I'm not a fan of Henne, I'm a fan of the DOLPHINS...I want every player on our team to succeed. If they're not on our team or get traded, I could really care less. For someone to hope negative things about our current starting QB is disgusting. If you don't see what is wrong with fans booing our team on the 4th practice, something is wrong with you.
Sorry, never liked him.

He rode into the draft off of one good Bowl game against my Gators in a season where everyone was throwing for 300 yards against them.
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