Gase's Rebuilt Offense is going to shock the NFL | Page 13 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Gase's Rebuilt Offense is going to shock the NFL

If a player doesn't know the playbook and is put on the field than yes that's the coaches fault. Funny I didn't hear the players not knowing the playbook excuse in 16 when they went 10 - 6 and AJ had over 1200 yards and 3 200+ yard games. Its okay to disagree.

You didn't hear when Aj was left home bc of it? Selective memory?
Concerning AJ none of your arguments hold water with the success he had the year prior in the exact same offense, same coach same playbook.
maybe year 2 he was expecting jay to know the play book by then. you would think 2 years to learn it would be enough.
You didn't hear when Aj was left home bc of it? Selective memory?
Actually that's the one good coaching move made by Gase. And funny I have posts giving him credit for that. And that was about his attitude not not knowing the play book. Gase said as much publicly at the time. I understand there are very ardent Gase lovers on here including you, lurking, ray r, andyhas who believe Gase can do no wrong and is the most amazing head coach in all the world. I just don't see it yet and the main excuses of players not knowing the playbook and culture change are all non sense arguments you all need to hold onto to defend Gases bad decisions. For all our sake I hope Gase can turn it around and we go to the playoffs. I just don't expect it seeing his style of coaching. He has yet to prove he belongs as a head coach.
Actually that's the one good coaching move made by Gase. And funny I have posts giving him credit for that. And that was about his attitude not not knowing the play book. Gase said as much publicly at the time. I understand there are very ardent Gase lovers on here including you, lurking, ray r, andyhas who believe Gase can do no wrong and is the most amazing head coach in all the world. I just don't see it yet and the main excuses of players not knowing the playbook and culture change are all non sense arguments you all need to hold onto to defend Gases bad decisions. For all our sake I hope Gase can turn it around and we go to the playoffs. I just don't expect it seeing his style of coaching. He has yet to prove he belongs as a head coach.
just because I don't agree with you doesn't make me a gase lover. you weren't around pounding your chest like this in 2016, were you...
it starts with one malcontent player, then two and so on. you get rid of employees or players like that. is it being childish or being an employer or coach. I think its the latter

Yet Doug Pederson had no problem taking such a "malcontent" player like him on and/or getting him to play in his system.....Player failure??....Or coaching (Gase) failure??
Wow. Talk about damage control

That tweet from Ajayi is totally immature and unprofessional- if you don’t think so- sorry you’re wrong. He got traded for football reasons. Deal with it. We didn’t even lose anything by replacing him with Drake.

And LOL at him “leading the eagles (and/or phins) to the playoffs” if you wanna try that one, it’s already been beaten down in this thread

Read my post again....where did I ever say Ajayi led the Eagles to the playoffs?....oh, yeah...I didn't. My point is Ajayi was welcomed & utilized fairly effectively by Doug Pederson who got the best out of him he could....Why couldn't Gase??? IMO it's because Gase 1. Is not the great coach people or leader people give him credit as being and 2. Gase took it and/or made it personal regarding Ajayi (got traded for "football reasons"?? - I think not, it was definitely a personality issue/conflict with Gase) when a great coach would have found a way to make it work or channel the conflict into positive results for the team.

And I agree...Ajayi tweet was not professional but I'm sure he was getting a little payback as just desserts where & when he could (Gotta admit - getting a SB ring/win after being kicked off and labeled a problem child had to be pretty sweet revenge). Funny how many are supporting Gase here with no credence given to the possibility that Ajayi may have some valid points of his own.....again, if he was really that bad or a distraction/uncoachable why did the Eagles jump on him as soon as they could, esp. in the middle of a SB run where he could have been the "Malcontented Distraction" who caused upheaval in the team??

Another thing.....Gase seems to think he is or tries to play the "my way or the highway badazz coach" .....It doesn't and won't work for him because he doesn't have the rep or "cred" that he apparently imagines he has (Belicheat & maybe Tomlin, Payton and one or 2 more do and he's fooling himself if he thinks he's even close to them and their images at this point). Also, as we've seen from quite a few coaches like Saban ,etc....the millionaire players today aren't going to accept or respect a coach with no proven history to boss them around like college kids. If he had a few AFC championships or SB's then he'd get the benefit of the doubt....he has none of that and at this point is just another unproven who btw, never played college or pro football (which also dents his rep to the players until he achieves something).
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Concerning AJ none of your arguments hold water with the success he had the year prior in the exact same offense, same coach same playbook.

Gase had made some comments during the beginning of the first year about simplifying the play book while the players were starting to learn it. When they hadn't learned it by the second year he introduced the term "dumbed down". The first year he was working with the players giving everybody a shot. The second year he was stuck with what was available and some of them were regressing, not progressing. The standard to which they prepared and played was not acceptable. He made this clear to the players and it was obvious to the fans. Many of those who failed to progress are no longer here.

It's not in a coaches best interest not to build up new players, or players who are being exposed to a new system. That's why Gase typically emphasizes the positives. It's also not in a coaches best interest to accept poor repeated performances that demonstrate a lack of knowledge about their part during a play. I'm not talking about missing a block. I'm talking about not knowing who to block, or worse, giving a half hearted effort.
Three players (JA, Juice, Suh) widely reported to 'improvise,' with JA and Juice complaining THEY wanted more focus, and all are gone. That is no coincidence. No reasonable person will knock a HC for getting rid of players who won't follow assignments. And let's leave the 'unquestioned' hyperbole out of this. It IS possible to like some of Gase's (or Tanney's OR Parker's OR . . .) decisions, but not all.

Nothing wrong with improvising but the team wasn't good enough to improvise. Keep it simple and execute. They couldn't do it and now they're gone. Can't wait till July
ajay was on his way to another 1000 yd if he had stay in Miami.
I’d say that Gase has a high ceiling as a coach, but he took some lumps last season. In the end, it may be good for him.

Let’s see how the draft goes, but the team has very few blue chips to work with. But, compared to last year, I expect a more fundamentally sound team that will capitalize on opportunities instead of shooting itself continually. That should lead to improvement.

Then, you have to wonder, can some of our younger guys be transformed into blue chip players? Parker, Tunsil, Harris, Phillips, McMillan, Lippett, Tank, Et al come to mind. Drake and Howard showed blue chip ability but in small sample sizes. It’s good that we are going to be more sound as a team. But, at the end of the day, blue chip players are difference makers who make game changing plays. The team lacks that in sufficient quantity unless a number of the younger guys ascend like we want.

And if any of those guys take the next step, start signing them early instead of being dipsticks about it. The last thing we need is for some of these guys to ascend and then we lose them and re-create the needs. That’s a recipe for an owner to double the value of his investment in the team but not to win consistently.

Regarding Gase, familiarity is fine, but we need the best guys, not cronies. I’m hoping that is among the things Gase is figuring out.

As mentioned in the Wayne thread, he tried getting Saban, Jimmy etc. and nothing worked with the splashy, big hires. The more effective concept may very well be to get the young coach on the way up. He’s hungry, aggressive, etc. The downside is a bit of OJT but it may be worth it for the long haul.
jimmy was not bad coach for dolphins. he just didn't win superbowl. ()he gave job to his home boy that what started down slide
saban was not pro coach. that why he left.
Yet Doug Pederson had no problem taking such a "malcontent" player like him on and/or getting him to play in his system.....Player failure??....Or coaching (Gase) failure??
He went from the feature back to 3rd string. Think about it.'s all on Ajayi I guess. Any chance Gase was/is being "childish" casting off talent that he doesn't see eye to eye with but who can still help the team??? Oh, I forgot, Gase is an unquestioned guru who shall lead the way.

Gase gets WAY too much credit for being a good coach or guru when he hasn't done much of anything to deserve it.

Name a *single* head coach that doesn't run the team with a 'my way or the highway' attitude? It's easy to over look when your team is winning and that draws (most everyone: see Patriots in the last SB) into fold, but when you are struggling to change and create a new team identity, and you have players and coaches in disagreement, the players end up loosing that fight (even if the HC goes, the players typically end up dumped by the new coach for exactly the same reasons).

This has nothing to do with 'Gase as the unquestioned guru' and everything to do with he gets between 2 and 4 years to prove that he's the guy to build the team around. If the player causing friction was Dan Marino / Aaron Rodgers / Tom Brady good, you would have a fair argument that the coach potentially isn't flexibly enough. But to suggest that after 1.5 seasons that Gase didn't try or that he should have tried to build the team around those two as the offensive linchpins is off the charts nuts.
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