MERGED:Ireland’s, Fins’ arrogance unacceptable, Mike Silver rips Ireland and the Fins | Page 13 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED:Ireland’s, Fins’ arrogance unacceptable, Mike Silver rips Ireland and the Fins

When I was at my first command in the Navy, the Chief Petty Officer that I had, called my mother a "whore" right to my face. I don't remember what provoked it, or how the whole conversation started, but I remember the statement pissing me off. I wanted to hit him, but I couldn't. Not unless I wanted to get a severe paycut and possibly get booted out for striking a higher ranking authority.

Since the penalty didn't appeal to me, I withheld my anger. After that incident, I never really complained about it, or held any sort of grudge against the guy that said it. Bottom line, in the Armed Forces stuff like this gets tossed around every single day. If you don't have a thick skin you won't survive, and I saw what happened to the people who couldn't deal with it. Often times it wasn't pretty. So, I get what Jeff Ireland did, it was a test of mental toughness. Because, the way I see it, if he can't handle a simple insult like that, how is he going to deal with grueling two-a-days in South Florida in upper 90's temperatures with coaches riding his butt for every little mistake?

Mental make-up matters, especially when you throwing around millions of dollars to unproven rookies.
I already said this in the Jason Taylor threads a week ago. I am not intent on convincing anyone to think like I do. But just to clarify my thought here:

I do not agree with the youthful overhaul of the team. I do not agree playing two rookie corners last year. I do not agree with not resigning Goodman and Hill, and playing Sean Smith and Gibril Wilson and Vontae Davis last year. Ido not agree with stripping the team again this year, but this time of linebackers. We got no value for Roth, Taylor, and Porter. That is three vet linebackers.

I do not agree with trading Ginn for the fifth and getting some Joe Schmo.

I do not agree with the: one step forward two steps backwards approach.

Let's wait and see how all this plays out, but IMO their football decisions are not winning decisions, but lead to mediocrity, and I want to win the Superbowl, this year.
I guess Bill Parcells is not God after all. Maybe he can make mediocre players into good players, but he can't make a dirt bag like Jeff Ireland into a civilized human being.
I already said this in the Jason Taylor threads a week ago. I am not intent on convincing anyone to think like I do. But just to clarify my thought here:

I do not agree with the youthful overhaul of the team. I do not agree playing two rookie corners last year. I do not agree with not resigning Goodman and Hill, and playing Sean Smith and Gibril Wilson and Vontae Davis last year. Ido not agree with stripping the team again this year, but this time of linebackers. We got no value for Roth, Taylor, and Porter. That is three vet linebackers.

I do not agree with trading Ginn for the fifth and getting some Joe Schmo.

I do not agree with the: one step forward two steps backwards approach.

Let's wait and see how all this plays out, but IMO their football decisions are not winning decisions, but lead to mediocrity, and I want to win the Superbowl, this year.

Then again you wanted them to draft Taylor Mays in the 1st round. I am glad we have an experienced NFL personnal guy on the board.

By the way Dez, I hope the door hit you on the vagina on the way out of Davie, you mental lightweight. What was the point of leaking the story? There was no point you are just a pansy. For all talking about Dez not doing a job nearly as important as being a cop or nuclear tech guess what? He is getting paid millions of dollar more than any of these people that we trust with our lives. Football is a violent sport and it does require mental toughness. Dez apparently does not have it.
I guess Bill Parcells is not God after all. Maybe he can make mediocre players into good players, but he can't make a dirt bag like Jeff Ireland into a civilized human being.[/QUOTE]

Why is he a dirt bag? He asked a question. Get over yourself.
If Barbara Walters asks a question like this, which she often gets into peoples pasts, would she be an *******?

Its all perception. He apoligized. Appears media is god looking for someone to hang again.

Big deal,he was just testing his temper and I'm sure other players say worse stuff out there to get into ppls head.
I already said this in the Jason Taylor threads a week ago. I am not intent on convincing anyone to think like I do. But just to clarify my thought here:

I do not agree with the youthful overhaul of the team. I do not agree playing two rookie corners last year. I do not agree with not resigning Goodman and Hill, and playing Sean Smith and Gibril Wilson and Vontae Davis last year. Ido not agree with stripping the team again this year, but this time of linebackers. We got no value for Roth, Taylor, and Porter. That is three vet linebackers.

I do not agree with trading Ginn for the fifth and getting some Joe Schmo.

I do not agree with the: one step forward two steps backwards approach.

Let's wait and see how all this plays out, but IMO their football decisions are not winning decisions, but lead to mediocrity, and I want to win the Superbowl, this year.

well, you could be Fireman Ed and start hanging over there with all the new JT lovers....oh yeah, Ed said bad things about JT. go figure. He must be a brash ahole of a human being.
Exactly, people are acting like he had an affair with Bryant's Mom. Or that he punched Dez. He asked a question in an interview.

Without Ginn and Porter, people need their new whipping boy. I guess we've found the new scapegoat for any adversity we see for the next few seasons...
When I was at my first command in the Navy, the Chief Petty Officer that I had, called my mother a "whore" right to my face. I don't remember what provoked it, or how the whole conversation started, but I remember the statement pissing me off. I wanted to hit him, but I couldn't. Not unless I wanted to get a severe paycut and possibly get booted out for striking a higher ranking authority.

Since the penalty didn't appeal to me, I withheld my anger. After that incident, I never really complained about it, or held any sort of grudge against the guy that said it. Bottom line, in the Armed Forces stuff like this gets tossed around every single day. If you don't have a thick skin you won't survive, and I saw what happened to the people who couldn't deal with it. Often times it wasn't pretty. So, I get what Jeff Ireland did, it was a test of mental toughness. Because, the way I see it, if he can't handle a simple insult like that, how is he going to deal with grueling two-a-days in South Florida in upper 90's temperatures with coaches riding his butt for every little mistake?

Mental make-up matters, especially when you throwing around millions of dollars to unproven rookies.

Turning the other cheek is one of the toughest things to do in this world but it is a bit easier when faced with the court martial or degrading.

But thats an excellent point you make. I was in the military. The things people said and did to me was often funny to me because I didnt even know these people. It is either a reflection on them or they are testing you.
Exactly, people are acting like he had an affair with Bryant's Mom. Or that he punched Dez. He asked a question in an interview.

we know he asked a question, the question was it an appropriate question. I guess by him apologizing even he recognizes that it wasn't. If its a legit question then why is he apologizing.
Without Ginn and Porter, people need their new whipping boy. I guess we've found the new scapegoat for any adversity we see for the next few seasons...
I guess so. Hate the bad press this has for our team, but I am not going to lose sleep over it. I think Ronnie getting arrested for a DUI is a lot worse then this.

Ireland appologized, so it should just end there. Sadly though, people likely won't just let it go. At least there is a rookie mini camp this weekend which can get people to let it go for a bit. Ireland maybe made a mistake, he appologized, it is over with it.
In a normal business this would be outrageous and uncalled for, but in a business where you are giving young men that you don't really know $10 million+ of guaranteed money, you want to do a thorough background check no matter how uncomfortable it may be. You want to know if the person you are going to draft had a bad childhood or had problems with drugs. You would be dumb to hand over that much money without during your homework.

In a normal day to day business, you are not putting so much money into one person that if they screw up destroys your whole company.

What Ireland may or may not have said is not a real surprise to me when you are dealing with so much money. Have to cover every basis.

There is truth in your point. However, if everything in the article is accurate it could have been handled more tactfully. Just outright asking someone if there mom was a prostitute is demeaning and insulting. He should have asked a general question of his Mom's legal issues to see his reaction. But to hold judgement on someone because of their parent's actions is not the right thought process. Environment affects people for sure. But, there are plenty of good people who rise above bad environments to better themselves. Judge the character not the cover of the book.
we know he asked a question, the question was it an appropriate question. I guess by him apologizing even he recognizes that it wasn't. If its a legit question then why is he apologizing.

No, he probably apologized because we live in a touche feely world, where stupid crap is overblown. He apologized because it is the PC thing to do since he is running a business. He must be thinking " Thanks Dez. We knew you were a pansy and you proved our concerns right."
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