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The 2006 Boston Red Sox Thread

FaninPatsyLand said:

He's such an easy target. By the way, I think you made the right choice to post it here. It's always entertaining to make fun of him for us Sox fans.

Hope you stay around this thread for the long haul Rocky.. the atmosphere in this "Other Sports" forum gets intense during the stretch run and there's always room for another Yankee hater. Seriously though, I think I speak for all of us on this thread when I say that we enjoy and value your input.

I think we have a love connection!
hmm youkalis plays third too? he was always at first base before right, im watching the game now and saw him make a pretty nice diving play at 3rd
Lenny Dinardo is awful.. Hopefully Boomer pitched well today, if so he starts Fri vs. the D-Rays..

Youkilis is a stud, thank god we didn't move this guy..
GreenMonster said:
Lenny Dinardo is awful.. Hopefully Boomer pitched well today, if so he starts Fri vs. the D-Rays..

Youkilis is a stud, thank god we didn't move this guy..

You don't like his overpowering 85 MPH fastball? :lol:

Considering the pitching matchups that we had this weekend, I'm very happy that we took 2 of 3.

Skanks on Monday at Fenway. Here's hoping for a solid outing from Schill.....
I'm surprised no one killed Francoma for leaving Beckett in pitching in the 8th last night. Awful decision. He really doesn't have a clue on how to manage pitchers.
Big series coming up:

Schilling vs. Wang on Monday
Wakefield vs. Wright on Tuesday
Clement vs. Johnson on Wednesday

We need to start getting a lead in the standings on them.

I think taking 2 out of 3 is very possible, although Schilling hasn't be sharpe lately (ditto for Johnson though) and Wang has been very good.

Can't wait to see what Wright brings on Tuesday, although I shouldn't laugh too hard because Clement is going on Wednesday.
Ray Finkle said:
Big series coming up:

Schilling vs. Wang on Monday
Wakefield vs. Wright on Tuesday
Clement vs. Johnson on Wednesday

We need to start getting a lead in the standings on them.

I think taking 2 out of 3 is very possible, although Schilling hasn't be sharpe lately (ditto for Johnson though) and Wang has been very good.

Can't wait to see what Wright brings on Tuesday, although I shouldn't laugh too hard because Clement is going on Wednesday.

With Matsui, Sheffield and (for the moment) Posada out, this is the time for Boston to open up a lead. The Yankees are vulnerable right now; their lineup is average (with the injuries; obviously at full strength it's either the best or 2nd best in baseball), perhaps a bit above, but their rotation is in a shambles. If the Red Sox can't take 2 of 3, at least, that's a huge blow.
phunwin said:
With Matsui, Sheffield and (for the moment) Posada out, this is the time for Boston to open up a lead. The Yankees are vulnerable right now; their lineup is average (with the injuries; obviously at full strength it's either the best or 2nd best in baseball), perhaps a bit above, but their rotation is in a shambles. If the Red Sox can't take 2 of 3, at least, that's a huge blow.

100% agree. The Sox need to take advantage of the Yankees while they're down. No time to feel sorry for them. Personally I'd want a sweep which I think is possible, however I'm also a realist and it still is the Yankees.

I'd love to expose their weak pitching though.
phunwin said:
With Matsui, Sheffield and (for the moment) Posada out, this is the time for Boston to open up a lead. The Yankees are vulnerable right now; their lineup is average (with the injuries; obviously at full strength it's either the best or 2nd best in baseball), perhaps a bit above, but their rotation is in a shambles. If the Red Sox can't take 2 of 3, at least, that's a huge blow.

I totally agree.. 2 of 3 here is a must.. Wells pitched ok today at AAA and deemed himself ready to go on Friday vs the D-Rays.. Anything but Dinardo, its laughable we spend all that money and the best 5th starter we have is Dinardo..
GreenMonster said:
I totally agree.. 2 of 3 here is a must.. Wells pitched ok today at AAA and deemed himself ready to go on Friday vs the D-Rays.. Anything but Dinardo, its laughable we spend all that money and the best 5th starter we have is Dinardo..

It could be worse..... we could have started Aaron Small or Scott Erickson :wink:

EDIT: Ok it's not that much worse.
Ray Finkle said:
It could be worse..... we could have started Aaron Small or Scott Erickson :wink:

EDIT: Ok it's not that much worse.

Those guys are washed up, Dinardo is just junk..
This is a huge homestand. Not only do I think they have to sweep the Yankees, but then they need to take 3 of 4 from the Devil Rays.

Can't afford to have a let down against Tampa if they take care of business against the Yankees. And screw feeling sorry for them, it's the Yankees. You think they were concerned about us last year when we were without Schilling and Foulke basically all year?

Hopefully the Sox will put alittle distance between them with a good showing this week at Fenway. Go Sox!
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