Best owner in the league will give us his emotional support during this game and celebrating the 50th anniversary of the undefeated team. Who else is excited?
This mofo:
wrote this long bs commentary in which he tries to come off as all-knowing, and in which he does his best "i-hope-you-learned-from-your-past-eff-ups monologue", with a list of "21 lessons" Ross...
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Really good article by Dave George.
Whether you want Landry here or not, if the reason is just a couple million AAV, considering other...
Adam Gase and Mr Ross are creating what I believe to be the next NFL Dynasty. Take a minute and check out all of the other AFC East media outlets and I think you will notice something that is beginning to become a Trend.... The dolphins investment in its players and its fan base.
Unless Ross is the most incompetent dufus on on the planet, the Texans game should have come as no surprise. Ross never got out in front of it. Suddenly we lose the game the entire world knew we were going to lose and NOW ross leaks his dissatisfaction with Ireland. Something Stinks here. I...
We all know the dolphins suck and have for years. All the sports media has been talking about it, Local Media talks about it, all the fans talk about it, all the forums and message boards talk about it. And now the whole country could see on Hard Knocks how we suck. So it is no secret AT...
With all the TV money and Revenue sharing and tax shelters does he care. He never really seems to be emotionally involved with the product on the field. Oh sure he likes a nice Orange Carpet and flashy things but does he really give a crap about the team?
I have to say it looks like Philbin is going to be a good HC> Not sure about the other coaches time will tell. So we stock draft picks hope for the best 8-8 hopefully. Philbin seems like a guy that likes to communicate in peace and order but I wonder I he has the gonads after this season If...
Year after year season after season coach after coach there remains only one connection to the Disease that is the Miami Dolphins. Jeff Ireland. Ireland must really have something big over Ross's head to black male him with. This makes no sense. He is willing to change everything else except...
Ok maybe we are all wrong about Ireland and he is doing a good job the problem is that perception is fact in these cases. Some times you have to throw the lamb to the wolves however I dont think Ireland is a lamb I think he is the problem. Ross needs make a statement to the entire league...
Ross and Ireland are so stupid they cant see that every team in the League comes down here to play us. They know they can drive up their price then go back and laugh about it. Ross is really stupid and Ireland is pretty much his yes man.
Sorry but this has that feeling written all over it. Sure go ahead and bash me and blast me but Ross has never been able to pull the trigger when he needed to and we have all been excited just to be crushed. I'm telling you be carefull lest you be sorely disappointed:tubes:.
Ok here is why i ask. Ross is getting bashed on his hapless coaching search. I'm not a big ross fan but let's be fair. The colts are looking at the same retread coaches that Ross is looking at. So why arent the colts subject to the same media speculation the dolphins are? Andrew Luck that's...
I was thinking about it -- Fisher can go to St Louis and possibly Indy/SD and handpick his GM or at least have final approval over players.
What if he says to Ross, "I want final approval over player selection (draft and FA) and the active roster."
Is Ireland going to sit there and give up...
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