Absolutely Disgusting Game By The Nfl | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Absolutely Disgusting Game By The Nfl

Anyone watching the Browns game ? Now that is all the evidence you need. The Browns won the game and the refs took it from them. Clear first down overturned with NO evidence to overturn.
Did you see the Carr fumble? He was hit and fumbled, the Browns picked it up and were running for a TD. The whistle blows the play dead for forward momentum stopped. The worst call in NFL history. The refs gave Chucky his first victory at the Browns expense.
Did you see the Carr fumble? He was hit and fumbled, the Browns picked it up and were running for a TD. The whistle blows the play dead for forward momentum stopped. The worst call in NFL history. The refs gave Chucky his first victory at the Browns expense.

These refs are out of control. They should get hit with fines.
Except that the refs had decided from the very first Miami drive we weren't going to score today. We were not allowed to have success on any offensive drives. And that will cause the blunders to stand out, and it would also likely lead to more blunders. How do you react to the powers that be shoving a giant tree trunk right up your **s? You're not sure what to call for plays, and you're stuck with what they give you, which today was nothing. So who really is to blame?

The refs weren't going to let Miami score?

With that silly statement, you absolve everyone of their shortcomings and lack of production....since well you know, it was predetermined in NY that the game day crew couldn't allow Miami to score. Gotcha.


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Would someone explain the “pick” rule to me. Specifically in the second quarter when the Patsies player picked Xavier Howard at the line of scrimmage and Patterson was wide open for the pass from Brady for the TD.

It was within 1 yard of the LOS. By definition that's not a pick play.
That first quarter really did feel like the refs were in on the fix. Not saying that they were, but just a lot of questionable calls that kept Pats drives going really made you think about it. I felt like our defense was playing great but our offense didn't help for **** and the questionable calls eventually let the floodgates opens.

No excuses and regardless of the bogus calls, it was clear our Fins (specially on offense) were not mentally prepared for the game, and the Pats didn't need the refs to assist them either.
When you spend a 1/4th of your posting history on stupid stuff like this....your trolling.

You mean 2 of 8? Wow staggering numbers there. I'm sorry if me pointing out the fact that you are acting like a hypocrite seems stupid, but your posts are bringing the overall content quality of the site down. Do better and hold yourself to the same standards that you hold other posters to.

Oh, and *you're*.
This game was rigged, zero doubt in my mind.

The crooked calls will probably slow down now that the Dolphins are proving they don't need any help to embarrass themselves, but there is no doubt that somebody up high made sure the refs knew to make sure the Patriots win.

I honestly hope Brady gets injured. Screw NFL and their media darling cheater.

You don't really believe that stuff do you?
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