All In With Tannehill | Page 19 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

All In With Tannehill

My Official Position:

Going forward, given concern over Tannehill's injury recovery and resulting mobility, I agree that discussion relating to whether the team should have drafted at least a developmental QB reflects a valid, viable concern and is worthy of debate.

However, especially for the relatively few habitual Empty Drummers, whether in agreement or not, Gase and the FO has made the obvious decision to sink or swim with Tannehill. At this point, continued whining about our designated starting QB has become counterproductive and for all intents and purposes, a futile circle jerk. Whoever disagrees has had more than ample time to vent in every shape and form possible! The issue is now moot! It's already been said and done and it's time to move on.

If Tannehill stays healthy, posters who are true Fins fans should be pulling for his and the team's success. The only other option is to root against RT17 and if that's the case, it will reveal true colors regarding the legitimacy of their so-called "fandom."

And that's the way I see it.

I'd like to add one caveat. When discussing what Miami "should have done", have the decency to acknowledge that:

A. you are guessing about the future
B. their approach is not at all uncommon
C. your recommended approach may not have worked either
Let's talk truth and reiterate something that has been mentioned a dozen or so times on this forum...

Truth...The Dolphins have given Tannehill many WR's early in their and his career that are no longer in the NFL...hell, once they left Miami they became less the JAGS...just nonexistent players. Most had some of their best seasons as a DOlphins...Wallace caught more touchdowns, Hartline was a two time 1000 yard WR...hell some only caught passes from Tannehill.

Truth...The Dolphins have had historically bad offensive lines...Outside of John Jerry and Incognito, none of the dozen or so guys we have had to hold down the area in front of the QB are even on NFL rosters. The teams rated in the 30's on a consistent basis.

Truth...Coaches that coached in Miami while Tannehill has been here are not only be demoted but knocked down so low they went from head coach to ruining another NFL QBs career. If people around the NFL really felt the QB was holding this team back, those individuals would no problem getting jobs. dislike Tannehill, but obviously, fail to understand the leading factors to this team's poor win/loss record so are unable to actually offer anything of substance to the argument.

Plain and simple facts that cannot be denied, especially item 2. The way some people post, you'd think you could assemble an all-pro roster with the OL, WRs, TEs, and RBs that have been wrongly blamed for Tannehill's failures. Truth is, you'd be more likely to assemble a Home Depot crew.
Okay, one ACL injury. Either way, I have no idea why the front office would think Fales & Osweiller are good backup plans.

For the same reason the Colts have Brissett and Kaaya as their plan. You don't have the ability to just pluck whoever you want from anywhere and put them on your roster. Every selection comes at a cost. They have the burden of weighing that cost against the potential gain. Most posters either don't consider or purposely downplay the cost.
I think it's time for people to stop driving themselves crazy with this. Tannehill is the QB for the 2018 season at least. I will support him. I am on record having said that I was hoping we'd draft a QB at some point but we didn't and there's nothing I can do about it. Either he stays healthy and has a great year or he does. I believe that either way we'll be looking to draft a QB in the 2019 draft. But at this point I'm just hoping he stays healthy along with all the other guys coming back from injury. The next off season we'll have a chance to add more talent to what we did in this year's draft.
i think you either get football or you dont. Those who dont put waaaaaay too much emphasis on QB and assign to him the teams losses and wins.

it's really pretty easy to tell the football IQ of most posters- at least to slot them into High, Medium, Low categories.
I think the dude's going to be a bit rusty to start off this next season, but that's to be expected...but...

We've got some good WRs to set him up with...

We picked up a nice TE weapon in the draft in Gesicki...

We finally addressed the OL with some quality OL...

Our RB situation seems to have stabilized...

I think he'll be fine...

As long as the knee holds up, he should have a pretty good year...I'm comfortable with him as the QB for this, given what we did with his contract in the offseason, it's clear he wasn't going anywhere this season (or next, or probably until 2020).

Would I have liked us to have drafted a QB like Lauletta to develop? Absolutely....but....that's not the way things went, and I'm actually quite happy with the way the draft turned out. We added a **** ton of athleticism to the team for the first time in forever, and we brought some nice talent to the offense and defense.
I like what @Danny says above. RT17 is our QB. And I'm hoping for the best for him, and from him. Whatever people think about him, he has proven himself to be one tough dude, and I think he deserves a bit of luck this coming year (ie, no injuries, a good line helping him out, good play calling) and we'll see what we have. It genuinely seems to me in some of these threads that people actively want him to fail, despite calling themselves fans of the Dolphins Franchise, just so they can come on here and bleat to faceless people who they'll never meet that "I WAS RIGHT". Well, I'm hoping you're all wrong.

Like Danny, I wanted us to draft a QB. If one fell to us in the first round that the coaching staff had conviction on, sure. But what I really wanted was to draft someone on D in the first round (super check there) and get someone in the mid rounds to try and develop. That didn't happen, c'est la vie.

Let's all get aboard the RT17 Express. This is our QB. This is the franchise we all support. Incidentally, the definition of support in a sporting environment: "be actively interested in and concerned for the success of (a particular sports team)." I've highlighted success. That's what we all supposedly want.

So is there any chance we can give up on this tired Tannehill debate, get behind him for the upcoming season and root for the boys?

Fins up.
Okay, one ACL injury. Either way, I have no idea why the front office would think Fales & Osweiller are good backup plans.

I concur. Sorry about that. I got into a prolonged argument with someone about the whole injury thing.

As I posted in another thread, I think Gase was more frustrated with his staff and players not being able to execute a game plan more than he was with the QB play. That being said, I think there are better backup options than Osweiler and Fales. If Bridgewater become available and we don't even kick the tires, I'll be...perplexed.
There have been quarterbacks who have played behind great offensive lines, and have never managed to produce a 23 TD to 4 INT season. As a rookie no less.

You are smoking water if you think Dallas would trade Prescot for Tannehill. All things considered (youth, contract, upside). Go to the Cowboys forum and ask that, you'll be laughed off suggesting such lol.

Notice how you mentioned his stats from two years ago and not this past year. But otherwise, yes if the Cowboys start winning 12 games a season again, they certainly ride it out with Prescott. I'm just saying that it's not unreasonable to think that Prescott isn't as good as people think he was and that he might start playing like that. Notice that it doesn't appear that the Cowboys are completely sold on him as they were playing footsie with Romo before he definitely said he was retiring.

So if Prescott this year becomes an uninspiring 20 TD 18 INT 2800 yds passing kind of QB, I absolutely could see Jerry and co. asking about a localish boy to be their QB.
Personally, I think they'd trade Tannehill for Carr or Mariota in an instant, but not for Winston or Cousins. But all I was saying is that people really overvalue Tannehill around here. Weren't you the one who said the Patriots flipping Garopolo for a 2nd was a fail? If the 49ers were given the option of trading a 2nd for Garopolo or Tannehill, who do you think they take?

Tannehill is a good QB, but that's ALL he is right now. He isn't viewed as having that much of a higher ceiling than what we've already seen, is already on the back half of his career and is coming off a significant knee injury... All of this doesn't exactly bode well for this future or his potential at this point.

It's probably a moot point almost every team in the league perceives themselves as being set at QB right now (maybe two or three teams might theoretically want a different QB than they have now to start the season). Down the road though, one thing Tannehill has going for him so far as trade value is that I bet you there are a good handful of GMs out there that still really really like his skill set and think they can get a lot more out of him for one reason or another. On paper he's pretty much a Pro Bowler waiting to happen: big guy that's fast, smart and has a good arm who's done a lot with a so so team. Prior to this past season, my Jets fans friends would tell me that they'd kill to have him as their QB. All he has to show is that he's completely healed from his injury and put up good numbers.
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