Anybody not wanting Leinart over Feeley as our QB....... | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anybody not wanting Leinart over Feeley as our QB.......

I really do not think Leinart will be going to San Fran. I know they you usually can't trust what GMs say this early about the draft because of all the misdirection and whatnot, but Donahue mentioned some things about Leinart that really make me think he's not willing to take him.

The thing is, yeah GMs lie through their teeth when they need to. But the key is when they need to. No GM really needs to lie when they have the first pick in the draft. He wants someone to pony up high compensation so he could trade down and acquire a ton of picks. Well, guess what the LAST thing you want to do if you have the first pick and you want people salivating over Leinart is to sit there and talk about all of Leinart's faults and how he can't throw the ball when he runs to his right and how he's not good for your system. You do that and people think ok, they'll trade with Miami at #2 to get hold of Leinart.

The icing for me on what Donahue said about Leinart is that it really rings true. No, Leinart does not have the mobility to run San Fran's true west coast offense and throw on the run and everything. Rodgers and San Fran are like a match made in heaven so long as they are convinced Rodgers has the star potential that some of us think he does. He's mobile, has perfect mechanics, great gun on him, and he's been raised in Jeff Tedford's true west coast offense. He's a huge Montana fan to boot. I think if San Fran stays at #1 they get Rodgers. If they trade down, I don't know what happens we may lose out on Leinart.

I still like Rodgers though, so on the bright side, we get ourselves a pretty good QB if we have the guts to select one...and I take it from Saban's press conference that he is leaning toward taking a QB.

Why is Leinart perfect for Miami? He's a lefty, takes away some concerns about the LT position (not all concerns mind you), and of all the QBs you could choose from he's a guy that reminds you most of Tom Brady, a guy you have to think Saban really likes considering his friend, colleague, and mentor Belichick loves him.

The WCO does not strike me as Saban's style. If we moved toward a WCO, I'd be lobbying for Rodgers. I don't think we're going to be doing that, and so I like Leinart. He's definitely a Belichick kinda QB, and so that probably makes him a Saban kinda QB. What I think would be bad news all around, for both the 49ers an Dolphins, is if the 49ers take Leinart over Rodgers, then Miami doesn't go WCO and they take Rodgers.
chambers84 said:
Last I checked Feeley has thrown so many INTs for TDs that I can't keep track of them all.

you didnt answer my question
chambers84 said:
This isn't Madden 2005 on "rookie" level for Playstation 2. It's real life.
I dunno if its true, but didn't you all here, that he might stay anyway, because he didn't want to be drafted by us?
texasPHINSfan said:
i don't judge talent by one game.... Leinart is definitely looking real good right now, but as someone else said, college makes you look great.

Eli didn't look that great in college, and i think he made it to where he is based on name alone.

That said, i wouldn't mind grabbing leinart or rodgers, as i am sold on the idea of drafting a franchise QB to push Feeley... if our draft is better, play him... if he's worse and feeley pans out, play feeley.

if they both pan out, stick with one and use the other as trade bait.
Did you watch Eli in college? I did... I'm a huge SEC fan. Yes, he did look that great in college. Eli did not play for USC or any other power recruiting schools. He played for the heel of the SEC West... Ole Miss. And, HE made them competitive.
Leinart is a WCO QB & would probably struggle in any other type of offense. The Niners are going to be all over him.
That's what I said.........Palmer was doing pretty good too until he got hurt. He has a better QB rating than Feeley does.

Is this Norm Chow?

Aren't you supposed to be coordinating a game right now?
I'm not giving up on Feeley but if Leinart is there the Dolphins have to seriously think about drafting this kid. He is having a whale of bowl game to go along with his Heisman.
xXxpHiN34 said:
I dunno if its true, but didn't you all here, that he might stay anyway, because he didn't want to be drafted by us?

But wasn't that from Pro Football Talk, who is full of BS anyways??
Jnaledu3 said:
I agree.

I think it will take at least 4 years though.
If rebuilding takes 4 years it is b/c of mismanagement.
In the NFL it takes 2 years or less to rebuild and become competitive: salary cap, free agency, parity...
There are so many examples of this, I don't know where to begin. Okay, Carolina last year.

4 years is for college and recruiting.
chambers84 said:
Eli is still better than Feeley, so your point is weak!!
Wow. You had to reply twice to the same post?

Isn't it bed time for some of you guys?

Let's play hit or miss:

1st round QB's over the years....

1997 draft

Jim Drunkenmiller - Miss

1998 draft

Peyton Manning - Hit
Ryan Leaf - Miss

1999 draft

Tim Couch - Miss
Donovan McNabb - Hit
Akili Smith - Miss
Daunte Culpepper - Hit
Cade McNown - Miss

2000 Draft

Chad Pennington - Hit

2001 Draft

Mike Vick - Hit

2002 Draft

Although, it is a bit early for this class to evaluate, none of them appear to be star Franchise QB's.

David Carr
Joey Harrington
Patrick Ramsey

2003 Draft

Kind of early to tell as they're all pretty much hit and miss with expception to Rex Grossman who is a miss completely.

Carson Palmer
Byron Leftwich
Kyle Boller
Rex Grossman

2004 Draft

Too early to tell

Point is, all of these guys did very well in college that is why they were picked in the 1st round. Even though they look good in college, only about half make it to NFL stardom. Leinart has been labled a product of the system and was not even considered the top QB in this class, that was Rodgers. Rodgers flopped in the bowl game and now Leinart is doing well so guess what? Now everyone will be singing his praises!!! As I said, keep things in perspective.
People w/ Chambers screenames...

why are the majority of people who use chambers in some form in their finheaven names such *&^%$% :confused:

mind boggling

Who remembers that other Chambers34phins character :lol:

the one who insisted that Aj fumbled when it was really minor, and started a 1o pg thread:roflmao:

you guys are out there!!:goof:
chambers84 said:
I haven't been hiding.. I just don't sit on a message board everyday and stay glued to it unlike you obviously. Feeley has had what 1 maybe 2 good games?? Feeley hasn't stopped thowing INTS, he's just had a break from being is usual crap self. Our Defense beat New England, not Feeley, so don't start with that crap. Feeley didn't create 4 INTS...(at least not that game, but almost every other...for the other team!!!!) Thanks for being done with me. Feeley ISN'T THE ANSWER!!! WHERE WILL YOU BE HIDING NEXT YEAR IF FEELEY DOES START FOR US AND SUCKS????
I am now dumber for reading this dribble.
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