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Anyone But Harrington

gunnakillbrady said:
Am I the only one that is completely against this potential move???

Harrington would be good as a back-up. Not great like McNair or Collins but comparable to Martin. The question you should be asking is at what price? Remember it all comes down to balancing the cap. Plus, we can't keep trading away draft choices or in a year or two we'll have cap problems. For you to be "completely against this potential move" seems like an overreaction. Who knows what happened in Detroit. He obviously didn't get it done and didn't inspire confidence with his teammates. But that franchise has been a mess since before Matt Millen started screwing it up. Bottom line, Harrington is not a stiff, he's a guy with shaky confidence right now and a lot to prove. If he's willing to play for 2 or so million a year, I say make the deal when he's released. But perhaps Saban wants to misdirect and see if McNair or someone else shakes free. Problem is Culpepper might not be ready by the start of the season so whomever we get as a back-up needs to learn our system fast.
Pigskin Pimp said:
Please, the votes are as they are because that's who it seemed we were going to get at the time.

If the Dolphins had never sniffed Harrington and were in extreme negotiations with Collins it would be lopsided his way and we all know it.

I'm against Harrinton simply because it's going to cost a draft pick. Whatever Veteran we pick up this offseason will essentially be looking at a one year deal - and that includes Harrington. Therefore, I want a guy who can come in and start ASAP - not some guy with "Tremendous Upside." Define upside, rediculous argument.

Not to mention the QB contraversy the Media will undoubtably create this offseason with the acquisition of Harrington, what with him so young and this being his chance to rejuvinate his career. It's all bad: From what he'll cost, to what he's proven, to what he could do to the locker room.

Give me Maddox or Collins. Say no to Harrington.

DC is the QB of the Fins....Harrington, Collins, Martin, Feidler...none are going to have a chance of creating any controversy while awaiting DCs return, should it take longer than the beginning of the season...

Of the group of available backup guys, Harrington is the best. He does have some potential for improving. He needs a change of venue to resurrect his career. He wanted and has agreed in prinicple to a TWO year deal, not a one year deal. He comes in and gives us the best opportunity to win some games before DC returns. They'll be no controversy...afterall, if there wasn't any controversy between AJ and Gus, as bad as Gus was playing before AJ was traded, there can't be any issues with Harrington and DC...

Maddox, Martin and Collins are shot...those guys give us very little chance of starting the season out on a positive note if DC isn't ready. I can't believe you'd want a 35+ year old anyone compared to Harrington...We do want an opportunity to win some games until DC is ready...With those guys, we have NONE....
Pigskin Pimp said:
Please, the votes are as they are because that's who it seemed we were going to get at the time.

If the Dolphins had never sniffed Harrington and were in extreme negotiations with Collins it would be lopsided his way and we all know it.

I'm against Harrinton simply because it's going to cost a draft pick.

Great, then, by your logic let's settle for brittle old Jamie Martin. Hey, he won't cost us a draft pick!...he also won't do very well either.

Whatever Veteran we pick up this offseason will essentially be looking at a one year deal - and that includes Harrington.

Which shows you don't read the news very well. Harrington's been offered a 2 year deal by Miami, not one, if they can work out a trade.

Therefore, I want a guy who can come in and start ASAP - not some guy with "Tremendous Upside." Define upside, rediculous argument.

Not as "ridiculous" as your spelling. Harrington could come in and start ASAP, he isn't great, but he's better than the other options out there, plus he's younger. Jamie Martin is a joke, Kerry Collins is considering retirement and still wants to start...Tommy Maddox, need I say more...who exactly do you want? All three of those options are all old and beat up. Not exactly what you want as the second layer of offense.

Not to mention the QB contraversy the Media will undoubtably create this offseason with the acquisition of Harrington, what with him so young and this being his chance to rejuvinate his career. It's all bad: From what he'll cost, to what he's proven, to what he could do to the locker room.

Give me Maddox or Collins. Say no to Harrington.

You're high. Apparently you haven't read the news. Essentially if Kerry doesn't get a starting job, he's going to retire. Maddox, just....stop.
How many 6th and 7th round picks do you know who were all pros or for that matter even made the team? Not many.....and we don't exactly have to trade a pick now. Millen screwed Detroit once again...Harrington is dead set on coming here so we can always wait til they cut him. I can't see the Lions eating $4M just to keep us from getting him for free.....but they are morons in that front office so I guess you never can be 100% sure what those idiots will do!
lordlegel said:
i agree. i am completely against him. harrington BLOWS

So then why would we trade for him? You must know more then our entire front office right? Please oh wise one, enlighten us
For a 2007, 6th round pick...Its a no brainer!!

Harrington is MUCH better than Maddox and he has the talent to thrive on another team. After a year or two he will be good trade bait, and I'll bet we will get more than a 6th for him!
Maybe we'll be talking about trading DC rather than Harrington....or maybe we keep them both.....

I really think Harrington is going to drop a surprise bomb on our opponents once he officially arrives here! Then everyone will see it was not Harrington in Detroit that was a problem, but basically everyone from the Fords on down through the entire front office.

I have watched him play practically every week b/c Toledo Fox carries every Lions game so I had very little option...Lions, Bengals, Browns -- YUCK!
dorsaroll156 said:
i am to.i really dont want him here.the worst possible move we could make right now
You are absolutely incorrect. If and probably when he gets a chance to show his skills under better conditions he will prove you wrong. Mark my words.
If he has to start b/c DC is not ready we should be able to use our running game to take some of the pressure off him. If gus can do it I will bet joey can too.
Harrington had no 0ffensive line and talented, but inconsistant WR's in his years in Detroit. WE GOT A STEAL IN THIS DEAL!!!
gunnakillbrady said:
Am I the only one that is completely against this potential move???

For a 6th rounder! Grab him now!

I could see how you could be against it if we gave up anything lower than a 4th rounder. But, It is 6th round pick!
This is a no brainer.

If not him, then who?
gunnakillbrady said:
Am I the only one that is completely against this potential move???

I don't know......31 touchdowns versus 24 interceptions over the last two years looks a lot better to me than anything Jay Fiedler or AJ Feeley did here, considering it was for a poor organization like Detroit it looks even better.

You can't blame the kid for the ineptitude of one of the worst organizations in the league.

He was a top five pick in the NFL draft, he is still very young.

Yes, he could end up being a career backup(which is what we want right?), or he could blossom into the franchise QB he was drafted to be (Wouldn't that be a nice problem?)

I think you have to kinda throw last year out as Jeff Garcia was the designated starter at seasons beginning, and look back to two years ago when Joey threw 19 touchdowns and only 12 interceptions.

This is a no brainer move, we have acquired both of our backup QB's for 6th round picks......not bad.
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