Anyone who thinks we should pay Jake long 8 million a year | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anyone who thinks we should pay Jake long 8 million a year


I have also have to mention that with their cheap O-line, the Ravens were using a lot of deep threats with Smith and Jones. So that defeats the theory that you need to throw $7m+ to Jake Long in order to get the ball down to Mike Wallace.

The Baltimore line had 2 first round picks playing on it....Oher and McKinnie....and a 2nd round guy in Osemele. Not to mention that the BEST player on the line was Yanda, who is counting 7.45 million against the cap this year as a guard. McKinnie is only cheap b/c he was cut for being overweight and Oher is still in his cheap rookie deal (cap hit of 4.955 million).

The SF line is still cheap but loaded with talent.....1st round picks Staley, Iupati and Davis. When these guys get out of their rookie deals, they are going to demand a fortune. Either SF pays and remains a power running team, or they let them go and possibly struggle.

New England is another team that might have had a cheap OLine this year, but it wasn't without talent. 2 first round picks (Solder, Mankins - cap hit this year of 10 million for a guard) and 2nd round pick Vollmer, who is looking for big money himself now.

As for Miami, the line minus Jake is VERY cheap. Jerry (1.5) and Martin (1) are dirt cheap, Pouncey is about 2.5, and only Incognito is at 5.5.....even if we give Jake 8 million, that's still only 18.5 for all 5 guys.....that's cheap! You have Wallace 13 himself and he's not responsible for protecting your franchise QB and opening holes for a running game.
The ravens won the superbowl with no linemen making over 4 million...just saying

They also have only 1 olineman making over 3 million...

Not at all true. Marshall Yanda's deal was 5 years 32 mil with a big signing bonus. He is one of the highest paid OG's in the league. Rightfully so, he is great and I lobbied like a mad man for us to sign him when he was a FA but we drafted Jerry instead. Another reason I hate Ireland as a GM. Yanda would have been a starter in the pro bowl if they weren't in the SB.
Not sure the Fins had an offer on the table till now.
extremely misguided thread. just in general. o-line is extremely important. trying to cheap out on it and get the same results as paying out the a$$ is a great idea if you can get it done, but i don't see it happening. you need to protect the young qb and you need to be able to run the ball with a one point lead and four minutes on the clock. what fantasy world are you living in where an amazing o-line appears and is reasonably priced? and what are these posts on jonathan martin being a bust? from what i saw an under developed (strength wise) rookie offensive lineman started all 16 games, most at right tackle and some at left tackle, and took his lumps from the veteran d-linemen that love nothing more than to see a rookie lining up across from them. is there a chance he will turn out to be a bust and a wasted second round pick? of course. but saying he already looks like a bust and a wasted second round pick? we must have been watching an entirely different football season last year and/or you are sorely misinformed re: rookie offensive lineman starting in the NFL. give the guy ONE offseason before proclaiming Ireland blew the pick. geez.
We paid Vernon Carey $15 M!!! I love the []_[], but that's ridiculous. Yeah, give Jake his 7-8 M per year and lock up the position. Tanne isn't going to hit any of those WRs if he's on his back

or even 7 or even 6 million

please check the link...

Next peice of evidence
1. Jake Long, Dolphins – $11,200,000
2. Trent Williams, Redskins – $11,000,000 - Wildcard Lost
3. Joe Thomas, Browns – $10,500,000
4. Jason Smith, Rams – $10,000,000
5. Jordan Gross, Panthers – $9,500,000
6. Jason Peters, Eagles – $8,250,000
7. Michael Roos, Titans – $7,300,000
8. Andre Smith, Bengals – $6,508,000 - Wildcard Lost
9. David Stewart, Titans – $6,200,000
10. Donald Penn, Buccaneers – $5,900,000

Notice anything? Top 10 paid OTs and only 2 teams made it to the playoffs and they lost their 1st game. Also notice that the other 8 teams SUCKED...Why? because they were paying one man that didnt score TDs more money than the people that did score TDs...

Its time to move on from Jake long...we have a Left tackle that will get stronger and plays zone better than Jake...draft a right tackle in the 2nd and be done with it...
I think your numbers are wrong. Trent Williams was 13 mil against the cap last year. Russell Okung was almost 9. Ryan Clady is going to make 10 this year. Duane browns salary is climbing. Andrew Whitworth makes almost 7 mil. Matt Kalil made 4 and was the third pick. Sam baker was making pretty good coin and just resigned. 7 of the playoff teams committed money to their LTs. Don't give me it's not important

This and I was expecting it when he was trying to use a site that feature all of the offensive linemen dating back to 2009. Someone already addressed the ravens OL in this page and I'll address the champs before them by saying they are paying 3 starting OL over 5 mil. If people think long getting 6-8mil is blasphemous then they don't really know the importance of the position and especially if they think martin has looked the role at LT so far.
The Falcons, who no one would state is a poorly run organization, just paid 7 mil/ year for Sam Baker.

The Bears, who went 10-6 last year and narrowly missed the playoffs, paid Jermon Bushrod 7.2 mil/ year.

The Giants, who won the Superbowl not but 2 years ago, paid William Beatty 7.75 mil/ year.

The Colts, who did make the playoffs this year, just paid Gosder Cheriuls 6.8 mil/ year.

I'm not advocating paying Jake Long at more than 9 mil/year, but you can't sit there with a straight face and say that traditionally 'good' teams aren't paying offensive tackles at a rate of 7 million per year. Yes he had a rough year, but if you look over that list above, would you take Jake Long for 4 or 5 years over the majority of those guys? I think you would, I certainly would. Paying him at 8 or 8.5 million is simply market price compared to deals from this year. If you'd rather a cheaper or younger solution, that's fair. Make sure you're actually basing your decision on what's happening now and on legitimate numbers though.
These numbers are ancient, WTH?

Do you really think that leading the NFL in QB hurries,hits and sacks is the answer???

Or having our RB's average 2.5 yds per carry because there are no holes??

This post shows the kind of attitude that makes teams perennial losers.

I am not at all for overpaying Jake Long, he simply doesn't deserve it, but not prioritizing the OL is stupid. All the playoff teams last year had top OL's and the Ravens had better line play in the playoffs than they had all year mostly due to Bryant McKinnie playing at an extremely high level. Thae guy is still a monster when motivated.

49ers,Ravens,Pats,Bengals,Seatlle,Broncos, all have top grading OL's.

There is more actual evidence to show that OL wins games than even QB's.

Dolphins should sign both Vollmer and Winston and draft Lane Johnson if possible.

Jonathan Martin led the league in QB hurries given up and ranked 76th amongst OT's last year. He isn't a starter at any position on the OL. He isn't even good depth. If he starts next year again there is little doubt that he will again be a huge liability.

i dont think so ,Martin was a ROOKIE not a 2-3 year starter and he is still learning the speed and everything else thats new that isnt seen in college and taken on guys that are done an elete players dosent mean hes a bust or isnt going to be great , but rookies do seem to take atleast one year to adjust to the NFL and not moving around playin 2 diffrent poss , even in the NFL playin RT or LT IS THE SAME AS IN College the have to think faster , play faster exc. but i do think Martin with the offseason under his belt and time to bulk up some will be a very very good player and will be able to handle his own , yeah he helped turn Luck into a top draft pick , and i think he will be alot better player this coming year.
I hope Long takes the Rams offer over the fins! I am tired of watching the Dolphins over pay this guy. He should be in jail right now for all the money he stole from the fins for playing below average! If the guy had any kind of morals he would be willing to take a pay cut for his poor play over the past 2 years!
How to be a winning team. Build a dominant o-line and give my QB time to find his receivers and open holes for my RB. Control the clock, wear out the other teams D and keep my D rested.
That's old way of thinking that got miami exactly no where!
Too bad it didn't work for the miami Dolphins the past 5yrs. They once had the most riducously overpaid OL in the NFL and still never made the playoffs.
I'll take Long to a short contract at $8 million per season. People in this thread are really fooling themselves if they are satisfied with Martin at LT. Martin wouldn't be starting for most NFL teams at RT or LT. And Winston is probably just as risky as Long, but didn't play as good last year. There is a reason why nobody is beating down his door to sign him. Somehow Finheaven has made this shaky RT a savior.
first, i wouldnt have signed Hartline to 6 million...hes a #2 receiver. I would have offered him 4-5. I wouldnt have signed Wheeler or Gibson either, I would have used that money for Dumervil instead and just drafted a #3 receiver.

After watching Jon Martin's play last year, i would sign both Winston and Vollmer....or just one, and then draft an OT in the 1st round. Im sure Martin can get better, but he needs to get better big time this off-season.

Im pretty sure with the cap space we have left, we can get both Vollmer and Winston instead of Long.

people keep talking about signing younger players to build a franchise but....the NFL is about winning NOW, not in 5 years. You see the Patriots got Brian Waters to play OG...hes an old guy, and look how good he did for them.
I just hope we sign one of the free agent tackles so we don't have to think about drafting one at 12, don't really care which one and its a relatively soft market for tackles this season. One thing to think about is if we do keep the Rams from getting Long they might trade up to get one of the good left tackles as they have 2 firsts, which may indirectly help us in having a skill player drop.
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