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Aqua seats

Dolphins customer service called me up a few weeks ago trying to sell me Season Tickets based on the Stadium and the new renovations. He mentioned the clubs and the party stuff, all that mess. I asked the rep what about the Team, you know the players etc., and after a pause, the response was 'We are working to be highly competitive next year'. I told him that I appreciate the call but that until the No. 1 selling point is a team that has been to the playoffs and had success, to not bother with me since I could care less if they play in a parking lot so long as we have a winning product.

you sure told him:chuckle:
Anyone have a rendering of what the seats will look like as a whole, maybe from an aerial view or a view from the field?
Here is the Falcons new stadium coming in 2017.

Here is the Falcons new stadium coming in 2017.


Damn that's awesome. Meanwhile we are stuck with something that looks like it was cobbled together with an erector set and a table cloth...

The Sun Life Stadium canopy is the least aesthetically pleasing architectural design I've seen in some time. Absolutely looks tacked on. An eyesore
Here is the Falcons new stadium coming in 2017.


My first thought was that it looked like my vegetable strainer/steamer.

I have the same one :lol:

My first thought was a roof air vent, dirty bird .


Touche' :lol:

---------- Post added at 11:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 PM ----------

I'm sure they've done their research (hopefully) but anyone else find the placement of the video screens to be an afterthought in all this?
I'm sure they've done their research (hopefully) but anyone else find the placement of the video screens to be an afterthought in all this?

I don't know but they are pretty cool. The stadium has all the bells and whistles that's for sure however if you look at the seats (you know, the part of the stadium you are actually at the game for) they aren't much different than any other stadium. The same complaints a lot of people have about Sun Life seating looks the same or worse in the new ATL stadium. Looking at the distance from the field to the stands, seems to be a lot wider than Sun Life. Also a lot of newer stadiums have so many damn seats that the upper levels are so high up it's probably not worth the price. Sun Life's upper deck doesn't have a bad seat and I think they are doing the right thing by eliminating seats.
I applaud you Hayden, it can't be easy to come up with a "fire Philbin" angle on a thread about stadium seats
Don't applaud, it only encourages him. Hayden thinks about Joe's departure constantly - from the moment he wakes up in the morning until the moment he falls asleep (and then he dreams about killing him off).
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I like the looks of the aqua seats and I for one think the upgraded stadium will be awesome. I can't wait to go even though it's a long distance for me to travel.
Don't applaud him, it only encourages him. Hayden thinks about Joe's departure constantly - from the moment he wakes up in the morning until the moment he falls asleep (and then he dreams about killing him off).

What Hayden doesn't realize is for all the faults of Philbin, he's not the main reason we can't get anywhere. The main reason remains a significant talent gap. For the better part of a decade under many many coaches, Miami has not had impact players on either side of the ball. Just a few nice players and a mix of pretty good ones. And then a whole lot of crap ones.

It's about the talent. But it's way easier to point our anger at one guy. When we could've had a receiver like Dez and a LB like Willis. And the list goes on and on and trucking on. Someone go look at a Cam Chancellor and then go look at.....jimmy Wilson. Fact is guys Miami has failed in the talent business. Did Dick Lebeau suddenly suck at coaching defense? Or did did some of those guys just get old or leave on that defense?

Philbin isn't a difference maker. We all know this. Miami likely needs someone else. But please, even Philbin could get us to the playoffs if we didn't have hole after hole that continues to not be filled with capable draft picks. This team flat out has not drafted all pro talent. Case in point our two pro bowlers this year. Wake a FA from Canada and Grimes a FA from Atlanta.

This is root cause.

Now back to these sweet new seats.
Damn that's awesome. Meanwhile we are stuck with something that looks like it was cobbled together with an erector set and a table cloth...

The Sun Life Stadium canopy is the least aesthetically pleasing architectural design I've seen in some time. Absolutely looks tacked on. An eyesore

Doesn't look to bad to me, it is definitely different though. I know they say it will be safe for Hurricanes, but you know they really can never predict what will happen.
I expect it to fly like a kite in the next category 3 or four Hurricane that hits South Florida. Also I can just see it now, that nice plexiglass roof will look like crap
literally when the Seagulls are done with it, or will they ever be done crapping on the top of it? Just sayin'. I bet they never took that into consideration.
Other than that, its not bad. Really, if they solved those issues Great, if not, look out.
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