Not necessarily in order ... My positions:
- **** Trump
- Pro Gun
- Pro Abortion (not pro-choice, pro-abortion
- Pro Union
- Pro decriminalization of soft drugs
- Pro Free Health Care for All
- Anti Autoimmune hepatitis of the liver
- Anti Doctors who won’t let me drink
- Anti being forced to watch our Dolphins sober
- Pro forcing those who eat steak with catsup to be deported
- Pro Education
- Pro launching Mitch Carmichael into the Sun
- Pro chicks putting out after dinner and drinks
- Pro Mexico paying for a wall/dome around/encompassing 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
- Anti voting rights for those with a sub 85 IQ
- Anti bootlegging legislation
- Pro tax cuts for those earning under $40K single/$70K couple
- Pro tax increases for those making over $750K
- Pro Hooker option for tax returns instead of cash
- Pro GoT hurrying the **** up already
- Pro Government Shutdown = All Federal Politicians FIRED (do your ****ing jobs)
... I’ll think up a few more for a tie breaker if needed.
Whoever comes closest to my demands, earns my vote!