BREAKING NEWS: Boston Coming Back! | Page 16 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

BREAKING NEWS: Boston Coming Back!

patsdynasty said:
:roflmao: the same all star te who couldnt even run the right play and had jay fiedler sacked on his back losing the ball in that 12-0 loss???

that was hilarious!!! mcmichael looked like a high schooler that day for real....

ill take graham, ben watson and fauria trio over your "all star te" lol

you mean your TE that so far you overpaid with a 1st round pick ? lol , McMike is a 4th rounder and i think he was in his 2nd year when it happened, players will make mistakes and don´t forget, our coaching staff sucked......i like mcmike over watson any day, because he has produced already....
No reason to get excited by this. Boston will either get suspended by the league and/or arrested before the season is over, so we'll still need a quality 3rd WR. If Boston really is coming back, it's another disappointment that Saban is adding another player with lousy character.
patsdynasty said:
lol exactly, u guys are all excited about this injury proned so so wr? and i get grief for saying terrell will be a good one.

:roflmao: i like terrell over boston anyday......

there is a reason boston was out there and not signed for so long, hes not all that....

Although Boston has been injury prone of late, there is no way anyone can say he's a "so so wr" when he's healthy. This is a guy who was considered the best WR in the league at one time. On the other hand, Terrell has been healthy and he hasn't accomplished much in this league. Therefore, it's pretty safe to say that the upside for Boston is greater than it is for Terrell. I'm not predicting 100 rec or anything I just think it's plain to see why many here (including myself) would look at the Boston signing as a bigger deal than the Terrell signing.
dolfanmark said:
No reason to get excited by this. Boston will either get suspended by the league and/or arrested before the season is over, so we'll still need a quality 3rd WR. If Boston really is coming back, it's another disappointment that Saban is adding another player with lousy character.
That's a real good stance to take as a fan. A fan of the Jets, Bills, or Pats that is. Troll!!
PhinfanUK said:
Boston wasn't a steroid user, he used a legal substance in another country that the NFL just happens to frown upon. And his personal trainer described the lengths he went to to get to the size he was (some time last year), so why should we blame steroids? I think a WR with undoubted talent, at the size he is (not actually so sure how big he is now) would make a mean *** addition to our corps, he could make the difference in our division!

Do you have the results of the NFL test that reveals exactly what it is he tested positive for?
He will be hurt and out for the year by week 4. If it's not a completely incentive driven contract it's a waste of money.
How is it that Channing Crowder has had 4 ACL injuries, and everyone is excited about him, yet Boston has produced in the NFL, and people seem to act like he's not a good pick up ?

I recall last year during training camp, how much the players were praising this guy. They were saying how great he was gonna be for the team. One year later people think he 's sh--. It just makes no sense.
dominizzo said:
its cuz they think Dbo is a head case but Saban likes giving players chanches and will show the other 31 teams wat they miised out on just like Crowder and Roth 1st round projections

I got a feeling Saban will bring out the best in D-Bo. That's the difference.
phinz_fan said:
He will be hurt and out for the year by week 4. If it's not a completely incentive driven contract it's a waste of money.

Thank you Miss Cleo.
I'm psyched about this! He has the ability to be an ANIMAL out there. I couldn't care less how eccentric he is or isn't. Saban won't let him go fruitcake on our team.
goodness now all these dilusional boston fans are gonna be hyping him up like hes the 2nd coming of jerry rice...

last time he played healthy he wasn't even that effective in san diego... i hope he can revert back to his arizona form, then hes deadly, but im not gonna get my hopes up...
LtDan662002 said:
That's a real good stance to take as a fan. A fan of the Jets, Bills, or Pats that is. Troll!!

Sorry. Guys like Boston are more trouble than they are worth. In the 1 year that we had Boston on the team, he managed to get injured, get suspended for violating the league's banned substance policy, and get arrested for assault.

Boston has long been suspected of steroid use, ever since he put on 35 pounds of muscle after his college career. He defended himself against these accusations by talking about how strict he was about what he would put into hsi body. Then, he got arrested for driving under the influence of cocaine and marijuana, and had 2 bags of cocaine in the backseat. Does that sound like a guy who cares about what he puts into his body? And this is a guy who got traded by San Diego because of repeated run-ins with his coach. And he's torn the patella tendon in each knee in 2 of the last 3 years.

As a Dolphins' fan, how can you count on this guy to do anything for the team?
We never should have released him. Good to see Saban do the right, smart move. Could be very explosive this year.
dolfanmark said:
Sorry. Guys like Boston are more trouble than they are worth. In the 1 year that we had Boston on the team, he managed to get injured, get suspended for violating the league's banned substance policy, and get arrested for assault.

Boston has long been suspected of steroid use, ever since he put on 35 pounds of muscle after his college career. He defended himself against these accusations by talking about how strict he was about what he would put into hsi body. Then, he got arrested for driving under the influence of cocaine and marijuana, and had 2 bags of cocaine in the backseat. Does that sound like a guy who cares about what he puts into his body? And this is a guy who got traded by San Diego because of repeated run-ins with his coach. And he's torn the patella tendon in each knee in 2 of the last 3 years.

As a Dolphins' fan, how can you count on this guy to do anything for the team?[/QUOTE

....All you conservatives just keep on focusing on the NEGATIVE, and ignore the fact that ON THE FIELD we have just resigned one of the premier talents in the league!!! He's better than Booker and Chambers, even though I love them both it is what it is.....Our offense is back to having some HUGE potential...stop crying foul liberalists our team (if healthy) just might win the AFC east, Now tell me wich team has UPGRADED the most?? If HH shapes up the OL....this team will win 10-12 games....Try being happy and excited about your team and stop being so negative...:shakeno: the way I just found out this morning we resigned DB........:eek: :eek: :eek:
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