Dolphins not cutting ties with Brandon Marshall(right now) | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dolphins not cutting ties with Brandon Marshall(right now)

The ones who cannot be taken seriously are the ones shaking their pom poms over an issue as serious as this one. This has nothing to do w/ him being a Miami Dolphin.

When you have almost 30 incidents invovling police in a 4 year period I don't believe you are innocent until proven guilty. You lose benefit of the doubt. I'm not saying he did anything wrong here, it's possible he did nothing wrong but I'm not buying it until it is proven based on his history.
but that's just it, a man is innocent until convicted, thats the way it works in this country, sure you're free to believe what you want about him, but has not been arrested nor charged in this incident.
but that's just it, a man is innocent until convicted, thats the way it works in this country, sure you're free to believe what you want about him, but has not been arrested nor charged in this incident.

I'm not asking that he be arrested, I'm not even saying he did anything wrong. My point is w/ his history he does not deserve benefit of the doubt. He may be 100% innocent but until I see that I think there could be more to the story.

Why does this man keep getting into domestic conflicts that escalate to the point where the police are constantly being called? Have you guys not noticed this trend?
He may be 100% innocent but until I see that I think there could be more to the story.

The opinion of a jest fan. :loser: Oh, I am holding my breath in hopes he gains your approval on his one. :rolleyes2:
I'm not asking that he be arrested, I'm not even saying he did anything wrong. My point is w/ his history he does not deserve benefit of the doubt. He may be 100% innocent but until I see that I think there could be more to the story.

Why does this man keep getting into domestic conflicts that escalate to the point where the police are constantly being called? Have you guys not noticed this trend?

Of course we notice trend we just ignore it because he is a phin now. How many have piled on dez Bryant and applauded Ireland for not taking him yet defend Marshall for his constant police troubles.
Of course we notice trend we just ignore it because he is a phin now. How many have piled on dez Bryant and applauded Ireland for not taking him yet defend Marshall for his constant police troubles.

Stop bringing up Dez and trying to compare the two. Dez is nowhere near as talented as Marshall and probably never will be. Who really gives a crap about Dez other than you?
Stop bringing up Dez and trying to compare the two. Dez is nowhere near as talented as Marshall and probably never will be. Who really gives a crap about Dez other than you?

but but but but Dez isn't a Dolphin so he is the greatest thing since Clinton Portis. If Dez was a Dolphin, then he'd suck too, and we would have made a mistake drafting him because he walked around the mall with his pants around his *ss...
The opinion of a jest fan. :loser: Oh, I am holding my breath in hopes he gains your approval on his one. :rolleyes2:

This is not about Jet fans vs. phin fans, it's about adults discussing a topic.

Of course we notice trend we just ignore it because he is a phin now. How many have piled on dez Bryant and applauded Ireland for not taking him yet defend Marshall for his constant police troubles.

Dez wore his pants low which is much worse than being invovled in multiple domestic disputes per year.

Stop bringing up Dez and trying to compare the two. Dez is nowhere near as talented as Marshall and probably never will be. Who really gives a crap about Dez other than you?

Are you trying to say Dez isn't a big time talent? Dez in 12 games had 6 TDs as a rookie- double what Brandon had as a vet playing 2 more games. IF Dez doesn't screw it up he is going to be an elite WR in this league up there w/ guys like Marshall but that has nothing to do w/ this discussion and lockz brought up a good point. The homers will rationalize anything their players do.
but but but but Dez isn't a Dolphin so he is the greatest thing since Clinton Portis. If Dez was a Dolphin, then he'd suck too, and we would have made a mistake drafting him because he walked around the mall with his pants around his *ss...
Exactly... obviously Brandon Marshall has some issues. This can hardly be labeled a "surprise" given his history with domestic violence. At the end of the day though, Brandon Marshall is still an elite WR and therefore a great player to have on this team.

People seem to have a problem separating on the field performance with off the field issues.
Stop bringing up Dez and trying to compare the two. Dez is nowhere near as talented as Marshall and probably never will be. Who really gives a crap about Dez other than you?

At this point you can say that Dez is not as talented but u are comparing a first year player to a veteran and if u only compare thier first year which is also flawed then Dez could be more talented. Its not about Dez its the hypocritical nature of the people on this board.
Exactly... obviously Brandon Marshall has some issues. This can hardly be labeled a "surprise" given his history with domestic violence. At the end of the day though, Brandon Marshall is still an elite WR and therefore a great player to have on this team.

People seem to have a problem separating on the field performance with off the field issues.
The problem is they can collide. look at mike vick his offfield issues definately affected the team. Brandon marshall and his propenisty to fight with women could easily affect the team, hell it could have got him killed in the recent incident. I just think its funny how some fans want to act like he is just the world's biggest victim and has never been at fault in these incidents, obviously one judge thought he had a hand in it since he gave him the choice of anger management or facing charges. Yes Brandon Marshall is a top flight recweiver and yes brandon marshall is a turd that is constantly in runins with the law for fighting with women.
but but but but Dez isn't a Dolphin so he is the greatest thing since Clinton Portis. If Dez was a Dolphin, then he'd suck too, and we would have made a mistake drafting him because he walked around the mall with his pants around his *ss...

unlike many people on this board I have been consistent and would never say anything like this. I would feel he is an idiot and immature but in no way see Dez in as bad a light as i see someone that constantly fights with women. for your info there are many dolphins I dont bash but lets face it a team that has done little to nothing in a decade deserves bashing sorry. You are one of the homer types that if Ronnie has one good game he is the best back in the league, yet wont give ricky williams props for putting up more in a season when he started less than half the games than the most overrated dolphin in history ronnie Brown. You are also the type that will bash a guy like Porter once he is not a dolphin, while I always was very candid in my opinion of him as a scumbag .
Are you trying to say Dez isn't a big time talent? Dez in 12 games had 6 TDs as a rookie- double what Brandon had as a vet playing 2 more games. IF Dez doesn't screw it up he is going to be an elite WR in this league up there w/ guys like Marshall but that has nothing to do w/ this discussion and lockz brought up a good point. The homers will rationalize anything their players do.
Marshall had an off year for his standards and besides a low touchdown number still had a tremendous season while missing 2.5 games to injury and playing in a run first offense.

Dez has potential, but that is exactly it, POTENTIAL. He hasn't proven anything and is far from being elite at this point. So what they he caught 6 touchdowns as a rookie. Chris Chambers had 7 touchdowns as a rookie, do you consider him elite? 6 touchdowns, but only 45 receptions for 561 yards. Besides touchdowns, even Davone Bess put up better stats as a rookie. I am far from sold on him and there is no way he should even be mentioned in the same breath as an elite receiver like Marshall.

How am I a homer by saying Marshall is innocent in this matter when all the facts currently prove that point? He was stabbed, was not arrested or charged with anything. His wife admitted to stabbing him and has no physical signs of abuse. Yet I am a homer if I don't think he is at fault? You claim this is not Jets Vs Dolphins, but lets face it, if you can not acknowledge FACTS, than that is exactly what you are making this out to be.
Marshall had an off year for his standards and besides a low touchdown number still had a tremendous season while missing 2.5 games to injury and playing in a run first offense.

Dez has potential, but that is exactly it, POTENTIAL. He hasn't proven anything and is far from being elite at this point. So what they he caught 6 touchdowns as a rookie. Chris Chambers had 7 touchdowns as a rookie, do you consider him elite? 6 touchdowns, but only 45 receptions for 561 yards. Besides touchdowns, even Davone Bess put up better stats as a rookie. I am far from sold on him and there is no way he should even be mentioned in the same breath as an elite receiver like Marshall.

How am I a homer by saying Marshall is innocent in this matter when all the facts currently prove that point? He was stabbed, was not arrested or charged with anything. His wife admitted to stabbing him and has no physical signs of abuse. Yet I am a homer if I don't think he is at fault? You claim this is not Jets Vs Dolphins, but lets face it, if you can not acknowledge FACTS, than that is exactly what you are making this out to be.

Compare Dez's first year w/ Brandon's and it isn't close.

Dez has a long way to go to be an elite WR like Marshall but he has that type of talent. It's up to him and how hard he wants to work and how clean he stays.

Marshall has been involved w/ too many domestic incidents, it is a homer view b/c you are rushing to his defense. If he was a Jet you'd be slamming him like most people on the board. All the facts will come out in this case eventually, let that play out first before rushing to the defense of a guy who is having the police called to his home multiple times per year.
unlike many people on this board I have been consistent and would never say anything like this. I would feel he is an idiot and immature but in no way see Dez in as bad a light as i see someone that constantly fights with women. for your info there are many dolphins I dont bash but lets face it a team that has done little to nothing in a decade deserves bashing sorry. You are one of the homer types that if Ronnie has one good game he is the best back in the league, yet wont give ricky williams props for putting up more in a season when he started less than half the games than the most overrated dolphin in history ronnie Brown. You are also the type that will bash a guy like Porter once he is not a dolphin, while I always was very candid in my opinion of him as a scumbag .


Seriously, this is the first time I've ever been called a homer. I worry that you may not know what that word means.

Also, making up facts is pretty juvenile. I've never said a bad word about Porter, even after being cut. I also never said Ronnie was the best in the league. I believe I mentioned a few times that he has as much talent as anyone else, but can't stay healthy. If you take that to mean best in the NFL, you may need to go enroll in a community college and sign up for an English comprehension class.

I'm simply being objective. I acknowledge the fact that I don't know much of anything about what is happening. I acknowledge that I've been in a relationship with a crazy b*tch and I know society gravitates towards blaming the male in any domestic dispute. That does NOT mean I am saying that Marshall is completely innocent. I am going to repeat that phrase, in all caps, because I want it easy to find later on when you try to spin my argument into something else. I AM NOT SAYING THAT MARSHALL IS COMPLETELY INNOCENT. I even bolded it for you. Hopefully this helps you comprehend the message that phrase is trying to convey. I am saying that it is ignorant to try and blame Marshall for something when you don't even know what happened.

Yes, he has had domestic disputes before. Some dudes like dating crazy b*tches. Maybe that's the kind of girl Marshall likes. Those kinds of girls lend to over-the-top fights, which then lead to domestic disturbances. Maybe Marshall is an abusive *sshole who likes to punch women in the mouth. He could be either one of those. I simply don't know the guy personally, and neither do you, so you can't know which one. You are relying on journalists who like to sensationalize events in order to get people to read their junk. That is pretty much the absolute worst source for objective news.

I don't know why I spent the time typing all that though. You're going to ignore all of it because Marshall is a Dolphin and everything the Dolphins do is garbage. All Dolphins players and coaches are garbage. I'm seriously not convinced that you're not a troll trying to stir up nonsense...
Compare Dez's first year w/ Brandon's and it isn't close.

Dez has a long way to go to be an elite WR like Marshall but he has that type of talent. It's up to him and how hard he wants to work and how clean he stays.

Marshall has been involved w/ too many domestic incidents, it is a homer view b/c you are rushing to his defense. If he was a Jet you'd be slamming him like most people on the board. All the facts will come out in this case eventually, let that play out first before rushing to the defense of a guy who is having the police called to his home multiple times per year.
This is not a Dez versus Marshall thread so lets just end it there. He is not anywhere near the same class as Marshall right now and that is a fact.

I am rushing to his defense because all the FACTS right now point to him being 100% the victim. You seem to be expecting that something will come out that puts him at fault. What exactly do you think will come out when his wife doesn't have a scratch on her, he was the one in the hospital with a stab wound and she ADMITTED to stabbing him? Just because all the evidence shows him as being the victim doesn't mean there is something that will "come out" that changes that. You seem to be reaching and hoping that he is at fault. If you are waiting for something to "come out" get read to wait a long time.

You are telling me to wait for all the facts before rushing to defend him, how about you wait until all the facts before you condemn him. I am going on facts right now on the situation that just happened. You are SPECULATING on incidents from as recent as a couple of years ago. Who is the real homer? The Dolphin fan basing his opinion on the FACTS, or the Jets fan basing his opinion on speculation and hope that something shows Marshall was at fault? The answer is easy.

Also, most Dolphin fans are defending him, not the other way around. As they should, because he was the victim.
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