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Give Minkah a break

Lil message from a baker to Minkah maybe that he just tweeted

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
That's actually a Martin Luther King quote.
Is there a link to the statement

Based on the players reaction after week one blow out. Minkah and several others apparently want to get out of here. Leaves me to believe that they are not happy here and I don't think it's because of the guys playing next to them but the coaching staff.
Based on the players reaction after week one blow out. Minkah and several others apparently want to get out of here. Leaves me to believe that they are not happy here and I don't think it's because of the guys playing next to them but the coaching staff.
He was fine with the coaching staff all the way up until the game is over, then he had to sit in the film room and listen to the coaches critique him.
And he deserved every bit of the criticism.
The new coach that just came in a few days ago doesn't have the best rapport with all the players?
Impossible, because everyone has the best relationship with everyone as soon as they step into their new office.
What the hell is wrong with that Flores guy?

Based on the players performance and reactions I would say it's off to a poor start which is concerning.
He was fine with the coaching staff all the way up until the game is over, then he had to sit in the film room and listen to the coaches critique him.
And he deserved every bit of the criticism.

Yes he did but from putting 2 and 2 together sounds like he was unhappy prior to the game having his mom go on Twitter complaining, which tells me he was complaining about this to his mommy.
He was fine with the coaching staff all the way up until the game is over, then he had to sit in the film room and listen to the coaches critique him.
And he deserved every bit of the criticism.
I don't know that he was fine during the game. He, and his mom were bitching during camp.

What's his main complaint anyway? The way he's being used? Playing time in general (he didn't get all the snaps)?, The rebuild?

If it's all of the above, I would have to day he's a malcontent whenever he doesn't get his way. It must be tough to have life changing money, with the prospect of being set for life, at such a young age. Saban probably stroked his ego at Bammy, and Flores is certainly not that kind of guy.

Anyway @lurking, that pic always brightens my day.......
Can you imagine the same patch job for the last 10-15 years. Brining in a high priced FA being touted as the "missing piece" only to go 8-8, miss the playoffs again, too middle of the pack to draft a real difference maker and then repeating the same nightmare dream the next year?
You are a fan. Minkah is a player. He doesn’t care about the past. This is his future. The tank is hurting his future and his pride. You can’t be pro tank and then attack players for wanting to leave.
IMO, Minkah is very immature, and apparently not as talented as he (and many others) thought he was. The thought process when we drafted him was that he was a "safe" high floor, not a particularly high ceiling, type of guy, and that is exactly what he is. I agree that he has been coddled his entire HS, and collegiate career. Well guess what Minkah, the NFL is full of guys that you aren't better than.

someone needs to set him down, and explain the facts of life to him. He doesn't appear to be a "team first" guy, and he, obviously doesn't see (or agree with) the bigger plan, as it relates to the future of the franchise.

That's tough Minkah, but you signed a contract and gladly took the $. Going public with your complaints is counterproductive, and makes you look like a cry baby.

I realize you want to win. Hell, everyone wants to win, but you are barely past being a rookie. You have to pay your dues is almost any occupation before you have the right, or credibility to start demanding things of your superiors. Keep your trap shut, and play football. Good things usually happen for talented, hard working, high character guys.

Whiners, and complainers, not so much.

end rant....................................

Letting him look for a trade should be a mind blowing experience for him. When other teams will not shell out an arm and a leg for him, it should be the equivalent of a spoiled brat getting a spanking.

* If we can get good value for him in a trade, DO IT. Let him be someone else's problem.

** If we cannot get good trade value for him, we keep him and use him as we see best. If he chooses to play poorly, we bench him. We already know that he has less trade value then we should expect. Let him reduce it even more. So What? When he goes into Free Agency he will see that he has only hurt himself. Other teams can draft other players for a lot less, and with less of a chance of getting a diva, which is guaranteed with this guy.

*** If he tries to sit out his contract, we should let the contract provisions that let us quit paying him come into play. We should not relinquish our rights to him. This is more important for our establishing a clear pattern of expecting contracts with us to be honored. It may be more important for us to do this in view of setting up future contracts with players.

I don't see any way this guy hasn't just become history!
Like i said its week one, whats minkah gonna do if we don't trade him sit out for the season? I don't think so let the kid suck it up this season then in 2020 we should be able to field a pretty strong team and by 2021 if all goes well compete for a Superbowl.

This year will be rough on him but once we have a good team lets see if his attitude doesn't improve
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