Mando Blog Destroys Martin | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Mando Blog Destroys Martin

I have nothing against Mando voicing his opinion, and in this case the way in which he does it (a one-sided, factually-devoid rant) makes it clear he's not even attempting to be an objective journalist, so I'm ok with that too.

But I'm not ok with his opinion. He (like most on this board) wants to default to the "Martin is a snake" and "Martin is a p*&&y" narrative, which frankly just smacks of ignorance and intellectual laziness (no, not on Finheaven! :) ) . Look, either Martin is a manipulative, two-faced con-man looking for maximum profit at others' expense, or he's a troubled person who couldn't handle the vulgarity and aggressiveness of his Dolphins teammates. There's no way he's both - they are fundamentally incompatible (unless he has multiple personality disorder). I personally vote for the "troubled person" scenario because a con-man would've done a lot better job of gathering evidence, incriminating everyone (top to bottom) in the organization, than Martin has.

But fine, if you all want to go with "Martin is a "pu$$ysnake" because it makes you feel good, go ahead. ;)
I'm upset at the topic? WTF? I've been one of the most outspoken people on here blasting Martin since the start of this ordeal. Heck, it almost sounds like Mando lifted half his material from me and Hayden. In fact, I wouldn't doubt that he cobbled together that piece from edited message board chatter.

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You and Hayden? I believe some of you started to waver on Incog, believing the drip drip of nonsense. Only a few here stayed steady in defense of Incog.

And yes I do remember you being one of the better posters at the time on the topic. I agreed with you about 98% of what you said, have to leave room to not be a bobble head. I was thinking of someone else. My bad homie.

---------- Post added at 01:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:39 PM ----------

I have nothing against Mando voicing his opinion, and in this case the way in which he does it (a one-sided, factually-devoid rant) makes it clear he's not even attempting to be an objective journalist, so I'm ok with that too.

But I'm not ok with his opinion. He (like most on this board) wants to default to the "Martin is a snake" and "Martin is a p*&&y" narrative, which frankly just smacks of ignorance and intellectual laziness (no, not on Finheaven! :) ) . Look, either Martin is a manipulative, two-faced con-man looking for maximum profit at others' expense, or he's a troubled person who couldn't handle the vulgarity and aggressiveness of his Dolphins teammates. There's no way he's both - they are fundamentally incompatible (unless he has multiple personality disorder). I personally vote for the "troubled person" scenario because a con-man would've done a lot better job of gathering evidence, incriminating everyone (top to bottom) in the organization, than Martin has.

But fine, if you all want to go with "Martin is a "pu$$ysnake" because it makes you feel good, go ahead. ;)

I guess someone who has been in the league and performed at high level, like Eric Dickerson just wants to feel good.
Good article, Martin has been coached to do this the entire time. To bad he didn't learn as much from his o line coach with his blocking.
I guess someone who has been in the league and performed at high level, like Eric Dickerson just wants to feel good.
We all want to feel good. It's being willing to move out of your comfort zone by asking (and answering) honest questions - that's what no one seems to want to do (including Eric D).
Number one rule as a writer is to keep biased out (which in other cases Mando has failed at as well).

gawd. I hate to defend Armando and Omar.

But, there is a difference between a columnist and journalist. Journalists distribute unbiased news, theoretically. Columnists offer opinions.

I would put both Armando and Omar down as columnists.
gawd. I hate to defend Armando and Omar.

But, there is a difference between a columnist and journalist. Journalists distribute unbiased news, theoretically. Columnists offer opinions.

I would put both Armando and Omar down as columnists.

Omar and Mando are both beat writers. They report on the daily goings-on of the team.

Guys like Dave Hyde are columnists.

Guys who can't even put two sentences together without committing an egregious grammatical error don't often get a gig as a columnist.

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So Salguero is good when he writes his opinion but he kinda stinks when he needs to report factual information.
Last I heard, Mando is a beat writer/reporter/journalist. This wasn't an unbiased report on an issue, with some slight personal perspective added in, it was a straight up rant, similar to what you would find on message board like this.

Well-articulated opinion pieces are one thing, and those are generally reserved for columnists, not beat writers. Like I said, this was a rant. I tended to agree with most of what he said in the rant, but most respected journalists wouldn't take a tone like Mando did when writing an official piece.

If you want to see what a good, professional sports opinion piece looks like, look up anything written by Dan LeBatard.

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He wrote this on an online blog. You'd have to intentionally look for the story to read it. One can't claim to be offended by the story if they looked for it first.
People want unbiased reporting. Well you can all throw that out the window with Twitter and social media.

Reporting has now become 140 character phrases. Bullet point items are dissected and opined on by not only writers but by their entire audience. It's the new game. It's what now sells and sensationalizes.

You may not like it.

But it's here's to stay.
I have a lower opinion of Armando for writing this column because it's pretty damn unprofessional, IMO. Even if I agree with it to a large degree.

But I have a higher opinion of Armando now for how he handled Richie.
Not "kinda"

So Salguero is good when he writes his opinion but he kinda stinks when he needs to report factual information.

---------- Post added at 03:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:32 PM ----------

And Hyde's columns still leaves alot to be desired. These writers would benefit from leaving their opinions out of it and stating the facts. They make it personal and look like baffoons in the process.
Omar and Mando are both beat writers. They report on the daily goings-on of the team.

Guys like Dave Hyde are columnists.

Guys who can't even put two sentences together without committing an egregious grammatical error don't often get a gig as a columnist.

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