[MERGED] Crowders Car Found Abandoned After Crash / Issued Citations | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

[MERGED] Crowders Car Found Abandoned After Crash / Issued Citations

Why do you guys jump to conlusions, it could have been someone stole his car was drunk and fled the scene! At 5 AM I'm sure Crowder had no clue his truck had been stolen from his property. Better yet it could have been a relative or friend...
If Crowder played as well as he runs his mouth he'd be a perennial Pro Bowler. The guy simply underachieves all the time and is NOT very smart either. I'd cut him and be done with it. Let him be another teams disappointment

Run his mouth?!??

When has he ran his mouth?
For what its worth, and I don't want to get into specifics, I was at my local bar last night in north beach and channing and his cronnies came in. I left around 11:30 and they were still there. Don't know how drunk he was or what time he left(bar usually closes around 1ish).
Interesting thing is that another dolphin was with him who might have the use for crutches.
man this sucks. i really like channing crowder but we have to stop letting stupid high paid athletes get away with **** like this. Its stupid how igonorant people can be. if ur drunk dont drive. And i a person with a DUI saying this so it might seem hyporitical but ever since i got my DUI i have never driven drunk ever again i won't even drive if i have had just one drink. I don't take the risk its seriously not worth it. And lets hope that he's got a license for that gun or else he's going to be in trouble seriously. Also don't hold ur breath that his car was stolen...i stopped holding my breath a long time ago for this franchise i just hope for the worst and then i am really suprised when something good happens.
For what its worth, and I don't want to get into specifics, I was at my local bar last night in north beach and channing and his cronnies came in. I left around 11:30 and they were still there. Don't know how drunk he was or what time he left(bar usually closes around 1ish).
Interesting thing is that another dolphin was with him who might have the use for crutches.[/quote]
Well that could be about 12 different safties or Ronnie Brown
For what its worth, and I don't want to get into specifics, I was at my local bar last night in north beach and channing and his cronnies came in. I left around 11:30 and they were still there. Don't know how drunk he was or what time he left(bar usually closes around 1ish).
Interesting thing is that another dolphin was with him who might have the use for crutches.

your a witness, man!!!!!
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