Merged: Football Hero Killed In Afghanistan | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Football Hero Killed In Afghanistan

Pat Tillman's death kind of puts things in a different perspective going into the NFL draft this weekend. The fact that he and other American hero's are giving their lives every day in foreign countries so that we may enjoy the freedoms we are granted in a democracy. The cause's that their lives are sacrificed for can be debated but the reasons in their hearts and the love of their country and fellow man can never be doubted.
Thank you Pat Tillman, for in your your selflessness and your ultimate sacrifice you remind us all that there are more important things in this world than the game of football.
All of our prayers go out to your brother, who also serves our country in a foreign land, and to all of your family and friends.
He Has My Respect...

My prayers go to the family and may God Bless his soul..

:salute: :patriot:
BTW, Rome just said that his brother Kevin was with him, in the same platoon, when he was killed during an ambush in the mountains.
PhinPhreak said:
Can't add much more to what has already been said, just to add this doesn't take anything away from others that have given their lives over there, it's the story behind the tragedy. This guy walks away from almost 4 million dollars to go fight for his country and winds up giving his life.

RIP Pat you have made us all very proud to call you an American.

PhinPhreak - you said this very well. Although I am saddened by the loss of Pat Tillman for his family and friends, there have been many more that have given their lives for freedom. Unfortunately, there will be many more in the future who will lose their lives too.

From a previous post of mine: "These are the extremely brave men and women who sacrifice greatly and are selfless. They do not defend America for any reward, or do they intend for their actions to be captured for the evening news, there is no public glory in what they do. They instinctively understand the Latin phrase Non Sibi, Sid Patriae  not for self, but for country.

Their influence must be felt. If it is not, we will have turned our backs on the countless other Americans who have sacrificed so much and America will, like so many great nations before her, continue down the road to decline and fall.

Their actions reflect the true character and timeless spirit of the American peopleâ€â€a spirit that burns as brightly today as it did at our Nation’s founding, America will forever remain the home of hope and promise.

Honor, Courage, Commitment

These words have special meaning for us. They are our core values. They are non-negotiable."

Freedom is something that many Americans take for granted - Freedom is not free!

May all my brothers and sisters in arms be safe, and may those whom paid the ultmate price - Rest In Peace.

US Navy
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In 2001, Tillman turned down a $9 million, five-year offer sheet from the Super Bowl champion St. Louis Rams out of loyalty to the Cardinals, and by joining the Army he passed on millions more from the team.

Wow, loyalty to team and country. He made a bigger impact in people's lives with his decision to fight for country than he would've playing football. God bless him and his family.
Justasportsfan said:
In 2001, Tillman turned down a $9 million, five-year offer sheet from the Super Bowl champion St. Louis Rams out of loyalty to the Cardinals, and by joining the Army he passed on millions more from the team.

Wow, loyalty to team and country. He made a bigger impact in people's lives with his decision to fight for country than he would've playing football. God bless him and his family.

Non Sibi, Sid Patriae  not for self, but for country
Rick: Some have no choice. I had some acquaintances that needed the reserves in order to help pay their way through school.. If they wanted to make a future for themselves, they had no other choice. Although reserves knew there was a possibility that they may see action, I dont think they all thought they would, especially those signing up prior to 01. Still, That doesn't take away from their service in my opinion.
Obviously Mr. Tillman is a true patriot and was a warrior, in the truest sense of the word. It would be my fondest desire for the media to make mention of him, his service and his sacrifice everytime one of these knuckleheads that we watch every weekend refers to themselves as "warriors". As retired navy, I am truely offended when football players refer to the games they play as "wars".

Raise a glass to Pat, and the other men and women who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Remembering their sacrifice, every day, is the highest honor we can offer.

May God grant peace to his family.
I really hope they have a moment of silence for him and those who have sacrificed as he has before the draft tomorrow.
I felt moved by the death of this truly patriotic and selfless American so I made a signature pic of him. Feel free to use it any of you, or maybe some of you could go post it on the Cards message boards.

Rep. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz.: "Pat Tillman exemplified the sacrifice, selflessness, and service of the U.S. military. Nowadays, genuine role models in professional sports are few and far between, but Tillman proved that there are still heroes in sports. "

Tillman makes me want to be a better man, and I feel for his family...
This is truly a sad story. I logged on to my computer and this hit me like a sock to the stomach. I hate hearing about soldiers who die, but when you know a little more about them, like we did with Tillman, it seems to sting a little more. Sometimes we seem to forget that we have troops fighting for their lives so we can continue with ours as well as in Iraq. I know sometimes I have overlooked the troops there. Hopefully, this serves as a reminder to support our troops through thick and thin and wish for a speedy return home. :patriot:
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