Merged: Which NFC team would you want the Dolphins to face in the Super Bowl? | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Which NFC team would you want the Dolphins to face in the Super Bowl?

Washington or Green Bay.The Skins are the "home" team here, and I hateeeeeee the media coverage around this area. Green Bay b/c my dad has been a fan for over 35 years, and I'd love nothing more then to see him pissed off b/c the Dolphins whooped their assets
Well if we sign T.O. then Philly......imagine that 2 week pre-game warm up.....if we dont....then Bears....Vikes...or St.Louis....give Linehan a taste of his own medicine....hahahahaha.
My most hated NFC team...

Would definately be the Panthers. Living in Charlotte and dealing with these fair weather fans and their "Got Jake" t-shirts is misearable. 99% of them know nothing about football yet will proceed to tell you how great the Panthers are and how they shoulda won this game or shoulda won that game or coulda won this game because... The excuses are endless.
finfan32 said:
why does everyone hate dallas so much? their fans arent that bad? i would pick the eagles or the skins (revenge), wouldnt mind facing the 49ers.

Well for those of us who were remember when the Dolphins won Super Bowls(I am 44, I notice that you are under 25), Dallas was by far the easiest team to hate. A major reason was the ego and the arrogance put out by the Dallas management, particularly General Manager Tax Schramm, and Personell Director Gil Brandt.
Schramm decided to call Dallas "America's Team" in the 1970's, and that upset a lot fans(including myself). Dallas was also the 1st team to use the computer in player scouting. They also were well known for converting basketball players and track stars to football players. They also had the superiority complex that the Yankees employ about how much better and classier they are, and how better their facilities were than everyone elses were. Also they portrayed a very unemotional image(yet by the late 1970's employed guys like Hollywood Henderson, Harvey Martin, and Butch Johnson who were at the TO level of outrageousness).
The best image on why Dallas was disliked was a 1978 statement, that the Dallas Cowboys were like a jewelry store, run by a computer.
I agree with everyone who said Dallas!!
The Tampa Bay Bucs. I dislike the Bucs and I hate their fans even more.
I don't hate most NFC teams. It's probably because we don't play them very often, but most NFC teams don't bother me. However, there is one team that I don't like in the NFC and that's the Bucs. So yeah, I gotta go with the Bucs.
RoKnRuiN said:
Which NFC team do you dislike so much that they would be your choice for a totally embarrassing royal butt kicking from the Dolphins on the biggest stage in professional sports?

Of course the real answer is ANY team from the NFC but I have taken so much crap from Dallas Cowboy fans over the years that if I could I would choose them to eat a truckload of humble pie from the Dolphins.

Giants - my family all likes them. Second - Bucs...they think they rule Florida.
I can understand the Dallas hatred. Just as many dislike the pats now-a-days (not just AFCE fans), but I was actually surprised to see that many posts voting for them. I actually would like to see us crush the Falcons. Nothing against them as a team, but I know that Mike Vick would just be turned into God in the flesh for those two weeks before the game. I think he's an exciting guy, but I have to agree with many people that he is the most over-hyped single athlete in the entire history of sports. Lebron was hyped to oblivion, but jeez, that kid can play like the game is no one elses business. Vick has done practically nothing in the NFL, yet he is still god-like to many. So yea, I would love to hear the announcers struggle with their words while watching their only child get torn to pieces by our mighty Phins.
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