Merged: Which NFC team would you want the Dolphins to face in the Super Bowl? | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Which NFC team would you want the Dolphins to face in the Super Bowl?

wazzy said:
I would want the Dolphins to beat the Bucs because the battle for Florida and because my family has a rivalary between Miami and Tampa Bay my brother and dad our Bucaneers fans and I am a dolphins fan. My second option would be Falcons because I hate them with a passion!

Falcons with Vick, and Superbowl? :sidelol:
San Francisco, and New England in the championship game
FISHFAN44 said:
Let me help my buddy BrazForPhins McChoke is over rated. they think he's the next greatest thing since slice bread. If you ask any Eagle they put McChoke in front of Marino and that's enough to dislike him. I live it believe me.

thanks my friend, that's a reason.
And not only philly fans and big part of the media think McNabb is the next greatest thing since slice bread, but himself thinks it. McNabb is full of himself. He chokes and he's overrated imo.
SoDakDolfan said:
I want to beat San Fransico one year and then the Redskins the next year. I hated watching those two Super Bowl losses.

Agree then follow up with a thire super bowl and thump the cowboys..:lol:
IdahoPhin said:
Agree then follow up with a thire super bowl and thump the cowboys..:lol:

I think that we should beat each team in order for the next 15 years.

Then start over..
Its not gonna happen (since they're terrible), but I'd love to see us lay a Super Bowl smackdown on San Fran. I wasnt alive to see it, but I'm still pissed that they knocked Marino out of his only SB, and one of my friends is a Niners die-hard, so it'd give me trash-talking rights, lol.
HuskerFin said:
Tampa. See the Fins shut down the Cadillac, and see Chuckie stand there with that scowl on his face.

Absolutely,especially for me living in Tampa. It would make my millenium.
RoKnRuiN said:
Which NFC team do you dislike so much that they would be your choice for a totally embarrassing royal butt kicking from the Dolphins on the biggest stage in professional sports?

Of course the real answer is ANY team from the NFC but I have taken so much crap from Dallas Cowboy fans over the years that if I could I would choose them to eat a truckload of humble pie from the Dolphins.

I didn't know we could pick our opponenet when we get there!! :D
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