Report: Martin had drug issues (Pouncey too?) | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Report: Martin had drug issues (Pouncey too?)

so far all we have are texts between two guys who didn't attend an event that may or may not have occurred at Pouncey's house.
Based on recent events with the drive-by media, it might be a good idea to wait for things to play out before passing judgement
Great, so Pouncey's the god damn drug lord on the team. Awesome.

He'll talk about how it was the old him and the Dolphins will recommend him to go into a rehab center or something like that, and 4 months later it's all forgotten. Everyone goes back to Pouncey's for drug parties. Ugh....this team sometimes.

You do know that Marino was like scarface back in the 80's, right? :lol:
I didn't read much of this thread. I assume that it blows the lid off the fact that some or all of the\
Miami Dolphins players are using drugs?

WOW! What a scoop.

I assume all the other teams in the NFL are really very different.
Coulple head cases..... Pouncy probley not the type of person you want on your team either. The talent is there but he is bad news I think. With the whole Hernandez thing and now possible drugs? Miami needs real football guys like Manning, luck , Saturday and Birk etc... Not pot smoker head cases like Ricky Williams , Martin , Incognito , Pouncy etc.
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This is the world we live in. You give young kids millions of dollars and tell them to behave. You have Nieve fans who think every locker room is clean cut and that their favorite player is role models. My cure to the situation is to STOP CARING what athletes do in their personal life and enjoy the show.
This reminds me of a COPS episode I watched.

Some crack head lady called the cops because some dealer sold her fake drugs and she wanted her money back.

Cop was dumb founded.

I've seen that one many of times. It's just so ... hilariously sad. Twenty bucks...
Aaron Hernandez' best buddy at U F was Mike Pouncey who was still defending his innocence. Now these texts allude to Pouncey as the source of drugs. He's a good footballer, even made the Pro Bowl, but probably not the type of leader that you want on the team. When Jake Long accepted the offer to join St Louis, he was probably eager to leave the drug riddled O-line. It was easier to just walk away...
I am not too worried about marijuana consumption but when I hear that our 2nd round draft pick is on "molly" (super ecstasy) and his source is our 1st round draft pick from the year before, then we have a major problem. Don't be surprised if Pouncey gets traded to another team in the middle of the night. Good player but trouble.
This is the world we live in. You give young kids millions of dollars and tell them to behave. You have Nieve fans who think every locker room is clean cut and that their favorite player is role models. My cure to the situation is to STOP CARING what athletes do in their personal life and enjoy the show.

I'll stop caring the day it stops impacting the team via suspensions and arrests.
This is the world we live in. You give young kids millions of dollars and tell them to behave. You have Nieve fans who think every locker room is clean cut and that their favorite player is role models. My cure to the situation is to STOP CARING what athletes do in their personal life and enjoy the show.

i'll enjoy the show when we make the playoffs. Til they can play well enough to get there, maybe they should take it down a notch.
Whats a "molly"?

Molly is not Ecstasy. Molly is straight MDMA (usually snorted like Coke), which is the main ingredient in ecstasy. Ecstasy is a mix of MDMA and Cocaine or MDMA and heroine.
I wouldn't be surprised to find out lots of players in the NFL have used coke. I'll speculate that's what was going on at Pouncey's. Weed is hard to cover up, but coke can be out of your system in a few days if you are a casual user.

This and actually it doesn't even take a few days for coke to be removed from you system. I work in a MAX A prison and you'd be surprised on how quick weed can be covered up with extreme water drinking, but your right it is more difficult to cover up.
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