****roster Critique***** | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

****roster Critique*****

The extra 2 players were because we dont have a practise squad. Its always been that way so any problems with it now is just a little bit late dont ya think?
azfinfanmang said:
Alright, 55 it is. In that case, Dwayne Carswell and Omare Lowe are still on my roster.. I cut them just before posting. I will update...

Now then, this thread is supposed to be critiqueing rosters, not determining how big the roster... Lets get back to what is important like "how many yards do you guys think Dominick Davis is going to have in my lineup" :D

BTW: I seriously doubt the difference between 55 and 53 is going to make or break anybody. If it does, then that's unfortunate....

:lol: I dont know about that, my opinion of your team just went up with Carswell back on your team. :lol: You're right though, those two players we're all arguing about is irrelevant. No wonder NFL owner meetings are so contentious. Davis is a good pickup for you by the way.
adamprez2003 said:
You're right though, those two players we're all arguing about is irrelevant.

They are irrelevant if we wern't trying to build a mock NFL team. How many NFL teams's can carry 7 WR? Its like turning of the salary cap in Madden because you don't want to cut someone.

I don't think the practice squad argument is a good one, does ones practice squad reflect the team? Why should they even be included?

This dosn't help or hurt me personally, I just think its a stupid rule.
saves said:
They are irrelevant if we wern't trying to build a mock NFL team. How many NFL teams's can carry 7 WR? Its like turning of the salary cap in Madden because you don't want to cut someone.

I don't think the practice squad argument is a good one, does ones practice squad reflect the team? Why should they even be included?

This dosn't help or hurt me personally, I just think its a stupid rule.

I think Stan Marino made a good point about it being a bit late to bring up reducing the roster size to 53 one week before rosters are due
saves said:
They are irrelevant if we wern't trying to build a mock NFL team. How many NFL teams's can carry 7 WR? Its like turning of the salary cap in Madden because you don't want to cut someone.

I don't think the practice squad argument is a good one, does ones practice squad reflect the team? Why should they even be included?

This dosn't help or hurt me personally, I just think its a stupid rule.

If anything is "stupid" its u bringing this up when the rosters are being posted. The thread which says Please Read Me that is stickied in this forum has the roster limit and has been posted since the league started again this year.
adamprez2003 said:
I think Stan Marino made a good point about it being a bit late to bring up reducing the roster size to 53 one week before rosters are due

I did not bring up anything. The people who have actually been moving things along proposed this and we all complied, I don't see why to change it now to some obscure number.
Its 55 it always has been 55, im not sure what u are bitching about or why anyone that is "moving this along" as u say would change it without notifying anyone.
stan marino said:
If anything is "stupid" its u bringing this up when the rosters are being posted. The thread which says Please Read Me that is stickied in this forum has the roster limit and has been posted since the league started again this year.

Okay well if that how you want to handel this.

1. I did not bring this up. It was brought up before anyone posted their roster, everyone saw that at the top of the final roster thread, and no one has had trouble following it until now. I'm just defending the people that actually tried to get this leauge going.

2. You mean that same thread made by you, who has not kept this leauge moving at all? Weeks have went by with no action from you so the members of the leauge took the initiative to have the draft and then set a date and final rules for the roster. Why would we follow the word of someone who has not been active?

3. 55 makes no sense in terms of an NFL roster limit.

I still don't feel affected by this, but to show up months after any involvment in running the leauge and still make rules is "stupid". I'm done arguing this, my roster is in and my stance is noted.
LOL i didnt make any rules the rules were made along time ago. I'm not sure what u dont understand about this the rules were set months ago wether i have been inactive or not has what to do with the rules that were already set??? Ur objection thats 3 months late about roster limits is duly noted good job. Funny how my inactivity is brought up, ive run the league in the past and i didnt feel like running it this year greg took that on this year. I was on aim everyday and answered anyone from the league whenever i could. I am on the midnight shift so mornings are actually the best time to get ahold of me unlike most other people.
saves said:
Okay well if that how you want to handel this.

1. I did not bring this up. It was brought up before anyone posted their roster, everyone saw that at the top of the final roster thread, and no one has had trouble following it until now.

2. You mean that same thread made by you, who has not kept this leauge moving at all? Weeks have went by with no action from you so the members of the leauge took the initiative to have the draft and then set a date and final rules for the roster. Why would we follow the word of someone who has not been active?

3. 55 makes no sense in terms of an NFL roster limit.

I still don't feel affected by this, but to show up months after any involvment in running the leauge and still make rules is "stupid". I'm done arguing this, my roster is in and my stance is noted.

What me and Stan Marino are saying is that 55 was the number everyone was using until May 2nd when it seems some people decided amongst themselves that the roster was going to change to 53. Noone put it up for a vote, it was just arbitralily changed. I'm new to the league but I was under the impression that the final judge on the rules was Saint Greg and if I'm not mistaken Stan Marino is providing the prize this year so I think their opinions count
ok the mistake was MINE AND MINE ALONE..,53 is NFL size and thats the rosters that i had to cut down to last year...and if this is an NFL league it should be NFL size...but thats not my call and I misread the rules going over them...its 55...two mini camp fodder players wont vault anybody into first place...thats just my say....

either way its 11:00 tonight eastern time
Can't we all just get along?:tantrum:
Okay, the roster limit is set at 55....
Now for something important like "How about those Donkeys?":tongue:
I think everyone involved in running this league this year has done a great job and if small disagreements happen they are are to be expected considering how difficult it is to reach everybody. They're all settled amicably and its what makes this such a great league. Phin Soldia has done a great job this year and its perfectly understandable why he thought the roster was 53. Props to everyone who put in the time to make this season extremely enjoyable
azfinfanmang said:
Can't we all just get along?:tantrum:
Okay, the roster limit is set at 55....
Now for something important like "How about those Donkeys?"

they suck :tongue:
adamprez2003 said:
I think everyone involved in running this league this year has done a great job and if small disagreements happen they are are to be expected considering how difficult it is to reach everybody. They're all settled amicably and its what makes this such a great league. Phin Soldia has done a great job this year and its perfectly understandable why he thought the roster was 53. Props to everyone who put in the time to make this season extremely enjoyable
Youre welcome :lol:
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