Salguero: Dolphins Will Fire Tannenbaum, Keep Gase And Grier | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Salguero: Dolphins Will Fire Tannenbaum, Keep Gase And Grier

Because it looks bad to the rest of the NFL to fire a coach after 3 years who’s had to deal with the injuries Gase has had to deal with. This will matter to the Harbaughs and other top candidates. Also by firing the guy who bought the groceries you’re essentially saying the chef is not the problem.

Mmhmm. The 49ers fired Harbaugh, fired tomasula after a year, fired chip jelly after a year and still landed Kyle Shanahan. This false narrative needs to stop.
I would say that Gase is the problem more so than Tannenbaum. The line on Gase finishing out next season is he is retained will probably be around -110.
We’ll Tannenbaum bad contracts and restructuring of contracts has put our cap in hell so we could not really afford to go after good ol. Help, ya he’s not a big part of the problem not giving Gase a pass, and should go as well,
Wow...Gase needs to go ASAP, can’t believe that Ross can’t see after 3 years how bad Gase is as a HC.
That picture of Gase alone on the bench fiddling with his ipad or whatever just says it all .Terrible head coach. If he stays another crap year.
Wow guess the rams head coach is terrible as well, he does the same thing when his defense is on the field as well
Because it looks bad to the rest of the NFL to fire a coach after 3 years who’s had to deal with the injuries Gase has had to deal with. This will matter to the Harbaughs and other top candidates. Also by firing the guy who bought the groceries you’re essentially saying the chef is not the problem.

3 years is more than enough time to evaluate if Gase is qualified to be a head coach or not and he has proven that he is fraud. He was brought in because Ross thought he was some offensive guru and he is anything but that. I never liked the hire from the get go because he rode Peyton Manning's coattails in Denver and was a terrible OC with the Bears for one season before coming to Miami. He also shouldn't have gotten this much power in personnel decisions when he was hired. He didn't do anything to earn it being a first time head coach.
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the key question I have for ross. when it come to coach??
1.will Gase be able to compete w BB to win afc east or we playing for second place.
2. or we just hiring coach to compete against bills and jets???
3. if not you need find better coach
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We’ll Tannenbaum bad contracts and restructuring of contracts has put our cap in hell so we could not really afford to go after good ol. Help, ya he’s not a big part of the problem not giving Gase a pass, and should go as well,

Its been what 18 years since Wanny also neglected the OL and shockingly hasn't been fixed properly since then and if Gase remains here it will be the same next year.....guaranteed
It ultimately was not a affordability issue but one of lack of knowledge of actual importance of a good to adequate OL. They still don't get it Gase at the top of that list even after another season of OL being a major area for failure seen by all of us.
This team needs major adjustments to which #1 OL is genuinely dealt with...But afraid thats to many levels above this organizations understanding .. Another obvious sign for blowing this organization up with Ross parading in with a sparkler or tiny BlackCat cracker.... Hope we are not screwed again...
This is exactly what I want! TBomb out and retain Gase. Ross should give complete faith and confidence in him to run the organization the way he seems fit. If he has to carry out the mission then give him complete control over building and planning it. This is a business and they need one leader. Model your management philosophy off the Patriots and build a dynasty through one leader. Gase may not be the right guy, but you never truly know until given this opportunity. If he fails then clean house and rebuild; but stick with this style of management. I couldn’t stand Gase’s playcalling this year, but his personnel was a bigger issue and I can’t confidently say that was or wasn’t his fault. If Gase can truly get his guys then whether he succeeds or fails it’s all on him. No one can blame anyone else but him.
The Big Eared Buffoon never disappoints. If he isn’t the worst owner in NFL, he’s a very close 2nd. This entire franchise is an absolute joke. The Browns have certainly surpassed us.
I have no problem leaving Gase (for now), but the GM position needs to be more open, the O-line after all this time, is still not fixed. Miami also needs to evaluate what may be best for the defense...They are not very consistent in game, and or flat out good at the end of games.
I dont think its the worst idea. Gives him a chance to draft his qb.

Tbaum being gone is always a plus.

Does teddy b bridge the gap? Probably.
Can't say I'll be surprised if this is true. Ross has always done everything half ass with this team. I'm all for t-baum going but keeping Grier and Gase=more of the same **** we saw this year.
This is exactly what I want! TBomb out and retain Gase. Ross should give complete faith and confidence in him to run the organization the way he seems fit. If he has to carry out the mission then give him complete control over building and planning it. This is a business and they need one leader. Model your management philosophy off the Patriots and build a dynasty through one leader. Gase may not be the right guy, but you never truly know until given this opportunity. If he fails then clean house and rebuild; but stick with this style of management. I couldn’t stand Gase’s playcalling this year, but his personnel was a bigger issue and I can’t confidently say that was or wasn’t his fault. If Gase can truly get his guys then whether he succeeds or fails it’s all on him. No one can blame anyone else but him.
it reason why one team is winning the division every yr. and rest take turn finishing 2nd place.
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