We would be 12-4 If not for our PLAYERS and REFS and yet it is Wanny's fault?? | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

We would be 12-4 If not for our PLAYERS and REFS and yet it is Wanny's fault??

Originally posted by Prime Time

He made the game plan to throw the ball against Dallas, and we did. He outcoached the beloved Bill Parcells. And last year was his fault we missed the playoffs too??? You are kidding me right? We are 9-5 heading into Minnesota, If Cris Carter holds onto a ball in the endzone, we win that game and make playoffs. Wanny's fault Carter drops the ball? Week 17 Vs New England, WIN and we're in. A nice Royals shank job, a pass interference by Fletcher, and a Mare kickoff out of bounds which gave NE the ball on the 40 yard line cost us. So therefore, we miss the playoffs two years in a row and It is Wanny's fault?? Just Wanny's Fault? No Blame goes on anyone else but him? Come on man, get real. Do not make Wanny our scapegoat. Put the blame on the guys who deserve it, just not Wanny and Fiedler because they are not top tier guys at their positions.

Great points, and that PI on Fletcher in the New England game was total BS. I think Fletcher should be cut immediately, but he did not interfere on that play against New England. That bad call gave them a 1st and goal at the one and officially cost us that game.
Originally posted by Dreads-4-Prez
Here's a thought. Of course we can place the blame on the players. Wanny isn't out there playing.

But, if there are that many players out on the field blowing our season, than it is up to Wanny to make changes. Therefore, it is ALWAYS partly the coach's fault. That just comes with the job.

And that why we're getting a new GM. The GM doesn't deal with players on a day-to-day basis, like the coach does. So now you don't have that "personal" attachment to someone, you just let them go. Believe me, if Mueller is hired, he will do just that.
Well let's not talk about last year's New England game. You have to also put in Jay Fiedler missing McKnight wide wide wide open in the endzone for the juggler.
Originally posted by Jaj
Well let's not talk about last year's New England game. You have to also put in Jay Fiedler missing McKnight wide wide wide open in the endzone for the juggler.

And finally, yes finally, Jay's playing days in Miami are numbered.
Originally posted by DolFan31

It is critism. Buddy, when you post on a message board, always expect to be criticized because there will always be someone who disagrees with you. My advice to you is just take it. I remember that thread and I will say it was not a very nice thing to do. I disagree with you almost always but Im not going to make a whole thread directed toward bringing you down. Thats not what I do. Ill make a joke or a criticism here and there, just take it and move on. Thats what you expect on any message board. Sorry.

I said I can take criticism. I cannot take insults, especially If I did nothing to insult you. I took it and went on to other quotes from other posters in this thread. I still have to mature as a poster and I know, but to say I need to get off the drugs was uncalled for, and contributed nothing to the main topic of this thread. It is all good, we can now move on and continue to disagree on almost everything except that MIAMI RULES! :D
What is Wannys fault Prime Time is hanging onto players taht should have been cut, Royals should have been gun right after the Patriot game last year, Fletcher and Moore were not needed picks at thae point that were drafted. These things are Wannys fault. I am not one that is putting all the blame on him but to not place any on him is nuts.

You explain to me why Dallas, Carolina, New England are doing more with less talent.
Originally posted by Prime Time

I shouldn't have to take CRITICISM (that is how you spell it) about me on this Forum. This is not CriticizePosters.com. This is FH were insults are not tolerated nor permitted. BTW, that was an insult not criticism.

Also, I have taken criticism on this board. One of the few months I was on here, someone called me out by making a thread calling me out asking people to post what they thought of me. I admit I was more of an immature poster, but I stuck through and I said okay, let me tough it out and see what people have to say about me. I have matured as a poster and still have alot more maturing to do on this board, but I know right from wrong, and that was an insult not critcism.

I can take criticism on Jay and Wanny, as long as you support it with facts. Facts are Wanny and Jay are not responsible for missed FGs or a stupid holding penalty. So for them to be our ONLY scapegoats for our "underachieved" season is just down right wrong.

I agree with what you said and I also think this is probably your best post, ever.:D
Originally posted by Prime Time

I said I can take criticism. I cannot take insults, especially If I did nothing to insult you. I took it and went on to other quotes from other posters in this thread. I still have to mature as a poster and I know, but to say I need to get off the drugs was uncalled for, and contributed nothing to the main topic of this thread. It is all good, we can now move on and continue to disagree on almost everything except that MIAMI RULES! :D

Fair enough :drinkers:
Originally posted by iceblizzard69

In the Dallas game, Norv made some playcalls that were good ones, and we won because of his playcalling and because Jay was incredibly accurate in that game.

Last year's New England game was the worst coaching job I have ever seen. You seem to think that NOTHING is the coaches fault. A lot of things aren't, but a lot of things are. If this team went 0-16 with all of this talent, you still would say that it isn't the coaches fault because they aren't playing on the field.

Also, I haven't blamed Fiedler in one of my posts. He had some good games this year and some bad games.

I will blame Dave when I think it his fault, and I do not think It is his fault we went 10-6. Did he cost us some games, I believe so, but the blame does not just belong on him. Okay,so then If Turner made those great play calls against Dallas, then he is at fault for passing the ball 3 times when we were inside our own 10, desperately needing a 1st down to win the game against NE last year.

BTW, I never said you blamed Jay, but most of the people on this site do.
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Originally posted by PhinPhreak
What is Wannys fault Prime Time is hanging onto players taht should have been cut, Royals should have been gun right after the Patriot game last year, Fletcher and Moore were not needed picks at thae point that were drafted. These things are Wannys fault. I am not one that is putting all the blame on him but to not place any on him is nuts.

You explain to me why Dallas, Carolina, New England are doing more with less talent.

Everyone here agrees with this, including the owner. Which is why Wanny is no longer having a say in personnel. Our new GM should fix this. But I would blame the owner first for having Wanny as the GM to begin with. If you run a company, or own a team in this case, you should know who should do what. And the idea of a coach acting as GM is something from the 80s and before free agency. Now with free agency, more attention needs to be paid and a GM only position will greatly help with this.
Originally posted by inFINSible

I agree with what you said and I also think this is probably your best post, ever.:D

Aww thanks...that is so sweet. :tongue: :lol: :goof:
Originally posted by PhinPhreak
What is Wannys fault Prime Time is hanging onto players taht should have been cut, Royals should have been gun right after the Patriot game last year, Fletcher and Moore were not needed picks at thae point that were drafted. These things are Wannys fault. I am not one that is putting all the blame on him but to not place any on him is nuts.

You explain to me why Dallas, Carolina, New England are doing more with less talent.

Okay Phin Phreak, I agree, Wanny is to blame for drafting Moore instead of a WR and for not cutting Royals, but in Wanny's defense there was no better punter out in FA. I know Turk was there, but he had just come off his worst season ever. The pick of Fletcher was not a bad pick. We had just come out with the Wilson contract problem, and we did not know If we would be able to retain both Surtain and Madison at the time. If we are going to criticize Wanny for guys he drafted, why not applaud him for guys he did not draft that many of us wanted such as (I didnt want him) Drew Brees.
Originally posted by PhinPhreak
What is Wannys fault Prime Time is hanging onto players taht should have been cut, Royals should have been gun right after the Patriot game last year, Fletcher and Moore were not needed picks at thae point that were drafted. These things are Wannys fault. I am not one that is putting all the blame on him but to not place any on him is nuts.

You explain to me why Dallas, Carolina, New England are doing more with less talent.

Dallas has 4 pro bowl players, Carolina has three....Maimi has 4 with one extremely questionable selection in Brock Marion....not a big talent disparity there.

NE, plays a scheme that relies heavily on role players and specialists which doesn't promote individuals' stats....they are well balanced...and well coached but, I don't think Belichek is going to be available in the offseason....parcells neither. the opinions of some people not withstanding there isn't one clear cut choice available to us that would be a definate up grade over Wannstedt.

Fletcher was a need pick at the time, it just turned out to be the wrong guy. do I need to remind you that Jerry Wilson was playing nickell for us the year before fletch was chosen....eddie Moore was picked BEFORE we traded for Seau, and while it may not have been an urgent need, LB depth was very thin at the time.
Originally posted by Prime Time

The pick of Fletcher was not a bad pick.

:lol: :rofl:

3rd CB seemed like a need (although Cousin proved it wasn't) but it was still a horrible pick. He was a bad fit in our system and we had bigger needs. I am not going to say "We should have picked Drew Brees" because he is a bad QB.
Originally posted by Prime Time

Okay Phin Phreak, I agree, Wanny is to blame for drafting Moore instead of a WR and for not cutting Royals, but in Wanny's defense there was no better punter out in FA. I know Turk was there, but he had just come off his worst season ever. The pick of Fletcher was not a bad pick. We had just come out with the Wilson contract problem, and we did not know If we would be able to retain both Surtain and Madison at the time. If we are going to criticize Wanny for guys he drafted, why not applaud him for guys he did not draft that many of us wanted such as (I didnt want him) Drew Brees.

I think one of the problems will be fixed with the new GM but theother one we will have to see. He needs to stop being so nice and make people accountable for their mistakes. I truthfully don't have an opinion either way because what do I know. I do know that if Wanny doesn't make players own up to their mistakes he will ebout the door next year.

These quotes are what I feel is Wannys contribution to the teams failures. The players contributions were on the field.

A half-dozen players said last week part of the problem is there is no penalty for poor play. Wannstedt rarely yells; his stern lecture after the team's 31-7 loss at Tennessee in November was remarkable because it was so rare.

''We don't have much accountability,'' one player said. 'We go over stuff in practice and then screw it up in a game and you wonder, `Was that guy paying attention?' Then nobody gets yelled at. Guys get a pat on the back and [Wannstedt] says, 'You'll do better.' Then everybody is shocked when they don't get better.''
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