Why the Miami Dolphins will be under .500 | Page 8 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Why the Miami Dolphins will be under .500

Predictions right now are useless, injuries can happen and probably will, some player may come out and have a breakout year, so there are variables that can't be applied, because it'll be unexpected. I personally believe the Phins will be under .500, because they're are too many "ifs" that apply. I think that alot of people are thinking Saban is gonna come in and be a miracle worker and just automatically become the best coach in the NFL, but I don't think it'll happen because he'll have to adjust to the pro game. The reasons I believe the Phins will be under .500 are the QB, the whole offensive line, defensive tackle, and safety positions, and the Afc East. I don't think every team in the East will be at .500 or better, and I think right now Miami is the team with the most question marks of all the teams in the East. I just remember some coach who is now regarded as one of the all-time greats failing in Cleveland, quiting the Jets job, and going like 5-11 his first year with the Patriots, so if everybody wants to compare Saban with that guy, than maybe fans need to give him time to build the franchise to greatness. I would be more surprised if the Phins were a playoff team than if they had a top 5 pick in the draft. With that said if Saban finishes this year with an 8-8 record he should get alot of consideration for coach of the year IMO.
Mr. Right said:
If you knew what you were talking about, you would know that its not just his running ability that is getting everyone excited about him

I am not saying that he is going to have 4000 yards and 30 TDs, but we dont need him to put up Peyton like numbers. With our D and special teams, and with the weapons he has, he should be fine in his first year. He will have growing pains and he will make mistakes, but he will do a fine job
Not according to a National pool in espn, take a look and you will find what nfl fans think about the fins and the bills. They got the bills last in the division and in reference to Losman over 70% feel that he will not be a factor, to get the bills in the playoffs.
Chalk it down now, this team, the entire team, will not be anything like last years team. I think alot of people are going to be pleasantly surprised. Not that we will go 10-6 or even close, but thay when you play the miami Dolphins, you will have to bring your best to beat us.

I dont care what anyone says about our talent, our QB's, out this our that and the other thing. The fact is is that we have kevin Carter, JT, Zach, Junior, Madison, holliday, Roth, Traylor, Ronnie Brown, and and OL that will be head and shoulders above what we saw last year. Any real Dolfan knows, if they were paying attention, that the OL was just god awful. a Siv in a rain storm. I guarrantee that this group will not only be good over time, but we will have ten guys ready to come in at a moments notice and do a job. You hear everyone talk about the QB's and how they suck. So what, people just like to brag about what they think they know, rather than what the possibilities are that these guys could end up making a name for themselves just as much as JP Loserman.
O-Line: Aside from Stockar McDougle, who has Miami picked up? They didnt even draft an offensive lineman until the 5th round. And hes not starting. Its pretty much the same O-line from last year. And if they preform like they did last year, Miami's offense is in for a loooooong season. Nothing really more to say about these guys. They just need to step their game up. I give them a C-.

My friend putting together a football team is alot like building a house.The strength of any football team lies in it's front lines on both sides of the ball,they're the foundation! To lay down a solid foudation you have to have contractors who know what the hell they're doing(personnel staff and coaches).Under Wanny our OL coaches were PATHETIC.
That fact alone destroyed our entire offence and wore our defence into the ground.As a result our running game was pathetic,our Qb's were pathetic, our receivers looked pa.... well i think u get it.
Saban has changed ALL OF THAT!I wud bet u anything that there is going to be a drastic difference in our OL this season.As a result there will be a drastic difference in our offence.The fact that most of those highly talented tools that were injured last year r healthy (and if they can stay that way)will make a hughe impact as well.

By the end of this season I do believe you'll be choking on your "under .500" words.
Oc5er said:
Quarterbacks: Your Quarterbacks are AJ Feeley and Gus Frerotte. Feeley started 8 games last year behind a poor offensive line and threw for 11 TD's and 15 INT's. Not HORRIBLE, but far from good. Frerotte, a 12 year vet with his 6th different team has never proven to be that great. He had one good year in Minnesota in which he started 2 games and posted 7 TD's and 2 Int's. Other than that, hes been mediocre at best. If your O-line is improved, your quarterback play will be much improved but still, there isnt a LOT of talent here. I give your QB's a C.
Actually Frerotte has been a pro-bowler. And because Feeley played behind such a poor OL last year it is not fair to say he does not have a lot of talent. Joe Montana would have looked like crap playing behind last years Dolphins OL. I agree with C grade, but that could easily goto a B grade with a much better OL coach and offensive coordinator calling the plays. Further Because Linehan is our OC and Houck is our new OL coach that alone has to improve Feeley's play. And we all know Linehan got good results out of Frerotte in Minny. Houck is a miracle worker and I think he will do wonders with this OL.

Oc5er said:
Running Backs: Lets ASSUME that Ricky Williams never puts on a Miami Dolphins uniform again. Ronnie Brown was a pretty good college running back had good stats, hes a big guy, strong, he'll be able to take a lot of carries and still run strong. But, he IS a rookie and no one knows how he will perform. And, behind him, who do you have? Virtually no one. Assuming Ricky DOES come back, he hasnt played football in over a year, and hes down like 45 pounds from what he was when he was in football shape. PLUS, who knows WHATS going on in his head. He might come back for one game and decide he doesnt want to play anymore. Hes a headcase who cant be counted on. So, unless Ronnie Brown busts out for like 1,500 yards in his rookie year which is highly unlikely. For THIS season, your running back situation could be a problem. I give them a C+.
Sorry dude. The Dolphins have a lot of depth at RB, and a lot of quality depth at that. HB is the easiest position to have quick success in the NFL. Let's put it this way it's not exactly rocket science. The main concernes for rookie HB's is can they pickup the blitz and catch the ball out of the backfield. Ronnie grades A's in both of these areas. At worst the HB corps grade should be a B- and potentially A+. IMO this will be the strength of this entire team. They will be the reason this team wins and loses games.

Oc5er said:
Receivers: Miami has got some pretty good receivers. But, underacheivers if you ask me. Chambers has the ability to be the best receiver in the AFC East but he hasn't used it. Only 69 catches and 7 touchdowns last year. Thats just not cutting it. Bringing in Marty Booker was a great pick up, he'll help the Dolphins a lot. And assuming that David Boston can stay healthy. Id say hes good for at least 45 or so catches and a few touchdowns. He is coming off major surgery though and hasnt played in over a year so who knows how he'll perform. Derrius Thompson, we wont even get into him. But, of course, your receivers can only perform well when your quarterback can get them the ball. But, assuming you have fairly good QB play, your receivers should do well. I give them a B.
I can't disagree with your B grade. It will prob take 2 years to get this group to the point where they will be considered an A or A+ group. But that potential is most certainly there.

Oc5er said:
O-Line: Aside from Stockar McDougle, who has Miami picked up? They didnt even draft an offensive lineman until the 5th round. And hes not starting. Its pretty much the same O-line from last year. And if they preform like they did last year, Miami's offense is in for a loooooong season. Nothing really more to say about these guys. They just need to step their game up. I give them a C-.
I can't disagree with the C- grade. There is no proven talent on this OL only a proven OL coach in Houck. Will that make a difference? I think so but only time will tell. And seeing as how they were prob the worst OL last year in the NFL. I can't argue against a C- grade.

Oc5er said:
D-Line: Your strong point. You lost Ogunleye who was a force which did hurt. But, the Dolphins signed Vonnie Holliday and Kevin Carter, both pretty good pickups. And they still have Jason Taylor. This unit has been pretty solid year in and year out and I think theyll have a good year this year. Taylor should have double digit sacks with ease. With the new additions I give them a B+.

Oc5er said:
Linebackers: Zach Thomas leads this group. Although hes getting up there in age, hes still preformed quite well every year. Junior Seau is pretty much at the end of his career and doesnt really look like the player he used to be at all. I dont really expect much out of him. Other than those guys the Dolphins are lacking. They drafted Channing Crowder who could be a great player for them, but they really need him to step up immediately. Ill say the Dolphins linebackers will struggle a little early but I expect Crowder to step in nicely with the veteran wisdom of Seau and Thomas to help him. I give them a B-.
I agree with the B- grade, but I think potentially this could be the strength of this Dolphins defense. I am more confident of the LB corps than I am the DL corps.

Oc5er said:
Defensive Backs: The Dolphins traded Patrick Surtain :shakeno: which leaves Sam Madison as the leader of the secondary basically. Madison has been in the league for 9 years and isnt getting any younger. Hes clearly not the same player he used to be either. Reggie Howard could be a good player for Miami as hes had a pretty good career thus far. And Will Poole had a pretty decent rookie year, hopefully he can keep it up. The Dolphins got Tebucky Jones who im my opinion is very overrated. New England knew what they were doing when they got rid of him and they only benefited from it. And now Jones is on his 3rd team. Neither of the 1st two teams really had any reluctance in getting rid of him. (And you know its tough for me to say this too because im from Syracuse) Your free safety is Travares Tillman, a former Bills cast off. This guys really got nothing to bring to the table. He was nothing more than a backup in Buffalo and I really dont think hes going to do anything for Miami this year. I give the DB's a C.
Again I have to agree. This is prob the weakest part of the defense right now.

Oc5er said:
Special Teams: Mare is solid as usual. And should be again this year. And Wes Welker turned out to be a great special teams guy for the Dolphins. The Dolphins special teams were pretty solid last year and should be even better this year. I give them an A-.
I don't agree about Mare. I would only give our special teams a B- maybe a B+ because of Wes Welker. If Mare was still as good as he was 3-years ago I would go with the A- or A+ grade. Mare still kicks a mean kickoff though.

Oc5er said:
I expect Miami to win more games than they did last year, no doubt about it. And they MAY even finish at 8-8. But, if you ask me, im going to predict a 7-9 record for Miami. These are my opinions. If you want to know how I feel about the my Bills, Ill tell you that as well. Im not a homer as most people are. If you dont agree with these, tell me why. All I ask is that you post something intelligent, please.
I think we'll get over 8-8 for sure, and we could potentially be the #7 or #8 play-off team. I like the energy Saban and his coaching staff has brought to the Miami Dolphins. I just can't see a team with so much D and HB talent not being able to win at least 8 games. That is how football is won. D and rushing the ball.
Losman7 said:
See how you have many factors, we don't. Losman and LT are the only two unkowns on our team. We are confident at every other position, and the players playing the positions know the game plan, they have expieriance in it.

We have a total of 3 new starters from last year when we swept you, how many new players are suiting up for the Fins this year?

You would have to agree though those are TWO very important positions on any offense no?
Oc5er said:
[Mod Note: This post is fine, but the thread is closed while I sort through it and start doling out lots of time off, maybe even a ban or two. See you all later in the thread.


Mod Update: Okay... a couple more suspensions and warnings are done. I'm going to re-open this thread. But here's the thing: It's going to stay on topic. It's not a thread about each other... or the Bills... or message boards...

This is a thread about whether or why the Dolphins will be under .500, PERIOD.



Before I start. If you dont have anything intelligent to post, do us all a favor and DONT RESPOND. This isnt a post to "anger" Dolphins fans, its a post made to counteract all the homerism on this website. Its also my opinion, if you dont agree with it, thats fine. But explain why, dont just say stupid things like "OMG GO AWAY" and "YOURE A BARFALLO BILLS FAN." Thank you.

Quarterbacks: Your Quarterbacks are AJ Feeley and Gus Frerotte. Feeley started 8 games last year behind a poor offensive line and threw for 11 TD's and 15 INT's. Not HORRIBLE, but far from good. Frerotte, a 12 year vet with his 6th different team has never proven to be that great. He had one good year in Minnesota in which he started 2 games and posted 7 TD's and 2 Int's. Other than that, hes been mediocre at best. If your O-line is improved, your quarterback play will be much improved but still, there isnt a LOT of talent here. I give your QB's a C.

Running Backs: Lets ASSUME that Ricky Williams never puts on a Miami Dolphins uniform again. Ronnie Brown was a pretty good college running back had good stats, hes a big guy, strong, he'll be able to take a lot of carries and still run strong. But, he IS a rookie and no one knows how he will perform. And, behind him, who do you have? Virtually no one. Assuming Ricky DOES come back, he hasnt played football in over a year, and hes down like 45 pounds from what he was when he was in football shape. PLUS, who knows WHATS going on in his head. He might come back for one game and decide he doesnt want to play anymore. Hes a headcase who cant be counted on. So, unless Ronnie Brown busts out for like 1,500 yards in his rookie year which is highly unlikely. For THIS season, your running back situation could be a problem. I give them a C+.

Receivers: Miami has got some pretty good receivers. But, underacheivers if you ask me. Chambers has the ability to be the best receiver in the AFC East but he hasn't used it. Only 69 catches and 7 touchdowns last year. Thats just not cutting it. Bringing in Marty Booker was a great pick up, he'll help the Dolphins a lot. And assuming that David Boston can stay healthy. Id say hes good for at least 45 or so catches and a few touchdowns. He is coming off major surgery though and hasnt played in over a year so who knows how he'll perform. Derrius Thompson, we wont even get into him. But, of course, your receivers can only perform well when your quarterback can get them the ball. But, assuming you have fairly good QB play, your receivers should do well. I give them a B.

O-Line: Aside from Stockar McDougle, who has Miami picked up? They didnt even draft an offensive lineman until the 5th round. And hes not starting. Its pretty much the same O-line from last year. And if they preform like they did last year, Miami's offense is in for a loooooong season. Nothing really more to say about these guys. They just need to step their game up. I give them a C-.

D-Line: Your strong point. You lost Ogunleye who was a force which did hurt. But, the Dolphins signed Vonnie Holliday and Kevin Carter, both pretty good pickups. And they still have Jason Taylor. This unit has been pretty solid year in and year out and I think theyll have a good year this year. Taylor should have double digit sacks with ease. With the new additions I give them a B+.

Linebackers: Zach Thomas leads this group. Although hes getting up there in age, hes still preformed quite well every year. Junior Seau is pretty much at the end of his career and doesnt really look like the player he used to be at all. I dont really expect much out of him. Other than those guys the Dolphins are lacking. They drafted Channing Crowder who could be a great player for them, but they really need him to step up immediately. Ill say the Dolphins linebackers will struggle a little early but I expect Crowder to step in nicely with the veteran wisdom of Seau and Thomas to help him. I give them a B-.

Defensive Backs: The Dolphins traded Patrick Surtain :shakeno: which leaves Sam Madison as the leader of the secondary basically. Madison has been in the league for 9 years and isnt getting any younger. Hes clearly not the same player he used to be either. Reggie Howard could be a good player for Miami as hes had a pretty good career thus far. And Will Poole had a pretty decent rookie year, hopefully he can keep it up. The Dolphins got Tebucky Jones who im my opinion is very overrated. New England knew what they were doing when they got rid of him and they only benefited from it. And now Jones is on his 3rd team. Neither of the 1st two teams really had any reluctance in getting rid of him. (And you know its tough for me to say this too because im from Syracuse) Your free safety is Travares Tillman, a former Bills cast off. This guys really got nothing to bring to the table. He was nothing more than a backup in Buffalo and I really dont think hes going to do anything for Miami this year. I give the DB's a C.

Special Teams: Mare is solid as usual. And should be again this year. And Wes Welker turned out to be a great special teams guy for the Dolphins. The Dolphins special teams were pretty solid last year and should be even better this year. I give them an A-.

I expect Miami to win more games than they did last year, no doubt about it. And they MAY even finish at 8-8. But, if you ask me, im going to predict a 7-9 record for Miami. These are my opinions. If you want to know how I feel about the my Bills, Ill tell you that as well. Im not a homer as most people are. If you dont agree with these, tell me why. All I ask is that you post something intelligent, please.

agreeing with a bills fan is very hard to do but i must admit i agree with you on most of the things you posted. if you check my profile or some of my posts in other threads, i too believe we will go 7-9. however, i still disagree with you on some things. firstly chris chambers has not played to his potential in terms of stats because he has been a part of the most inept passing offense the past few years. give him to indy, minnesota, philly whoever and he would be a pro-bowler. I think in scott linehan's new system that our receivers will be able to show their true potential, providing that qb play is good which relies on the play of the o-line which brings me to my next point. you completely disregard the hiring of hudson houck in your post. the guy is an o-line master. just look what he did in SD with five new starters and a 3rd and 7th round rookie starting at center and RT respectively. his coaching alone is enough to expect improvement, as well as the signing of stockar mcdougle and the fact that the other four guys will have had a whole season and off-season to play better together. the o-line WILL be improved this season, how much by i do not know but im guessing its not going to be enough to perfectly execute linehan's plan so 7-9 seems the most likely result. I share the same concern about our secondary, hopefully their weaknesses will not be exploited too thoroughly because of the pressure we should be able to get on the qb, still it is a weak spot. btw in case you haven't noticed will poole is out for the season. as for your bills, in short, a great defense (missing their run stuffer however) good crop of receivers and willis should be good however your o-line is an area of concern. correct me here because im probably wrong cos i dont check up on bills info that much but you guys still haven't replaced jonas jennings at LT? willis will probably have to do most of the work himself looking for gaps and losman...well lets just say i think he will struggle his first year behind that line. still he's got some great WR and i think your defense should be able to carry losman to an 8-8 record. sorry i just don't think losman's got what it takes to get to the playoffs his first year. well that's my rant over with, look for the fins in the near future, cheers:beerbang:
Wagon Circler said:
Wow you know nothing about JP. Overrated legs? What's so overrated about them? They just add another dimension to his game. He is an evasive gunslinging QB who can also scramble, but he is not a scrambling qb.
He was absolutly a scrambling QB last season for you guys. When he was in there last season and in training camp before injury all he did was take the snap, tuck and run. He has good physical skills, but not a very good head. And lets be honest, before last years draft most of you Bills fans never heard of Losman. You know it. You can say you did, but in all honesty you know you didnt. So in reality you guys dont know what you have in your QB. You've read some things on the net, scene some tape on the local news, and you are basing your season on exactly what us Fin Fans are, HOPE. We HOPE just like you guys are, that all our question marks work out for the positive. If you read the first post in this thread (by whatever his/her name is), every question mark for Miami will not work out. And every question mark for your Bills, in you guys' minds will work out for the positive. But yet we are "Homers"? Does Miami have more question marks than the Bills? Yes, But its a new season, a new season for HOPE. If i'm a "Homer" for thinking Miami will have a better season than the Jills. Great
Oc5er said:
Your coaching staff has improved no doubt.

But, just because Saban succeeded on the collegiate level doesnt mean hes going to succeed at the NFL level. Prime Example: Steve Spurrier.

You make a good point about Spurrier but he didn't have the coaching staff that we have. He also wasm't Bellichick/Parcellls deciple.
Losman7 said:
See how you have many factors, we don't. Losman and LT are the only two unkowns on our team. We are confident at every other position, and the players playing the positions know the game plan, they have expieriance in it.

We have a total of 3 new starters from last year when we swept you, how many new players are suiting up for the Fins this year?

I don't want to get off topic, but the defensive tackle position is still an unknown for the Bills, I think Ron Edwards is good but he has yet to prove he is capable of being a full time starter in the league. Also Mike Gandy I believe is right now the starter for the Bills at LT, and Troy Vincent is basically a new starter at safety as he was injured most of last season. The Bills are a better team IMO, and Losman will not fail because he's in a perfect situation IMO. I do believe Losman has tremendous ability and may have been physically the most talented QB in last years draft, but it comes down to the mental aspect of the game for him. I'll put it this way, the Bills would've been the same team last year with Aj Feeley starting as they were with Drew Bledsoe starting because both are bad QB's IMO. With that said Miami is not as good of a team as the Bills last year and they finished 9-7, while beating a bunch of soft teams at the end of the year, Miami was one of those teams but beating Cincy w/o Palmer, and the Jets is not very praise worthy. Miami added a bunch of decent players, but I don't think Vonnie Holliday is anything special, Kevin Carter is good but these guys have to adjust to a new system, and with they still are possibly one of the weakest teams in the league at QB. I don't think teams can get by with bad Qb's, and unless Feeley or Gus play very well than I see Miami as a 6-10-8-8 team.
pigskinguy said:
What's the difference. You posted with nothing intelligent to say :rofl3:

OK. In all seriousness, it's not a bad post. It's clear any position that could go either way, you took the negative side. I.E. QB and RB. But that's OK. I expect that from a rival fan. I'd probably do the same if cared enought about the Billygoats to post something that in-depth about them. :lol:
But what I'd really like to see from you is a similar post about the Billygoats. It'd go a long way in figuring out how objective you can be. And IMO, give more cred to the original post.
Oc5er said:
Quarterbacks: Your Quarterbacks are AJ Feeley and Gus Frerotte. Feeley started 8 games last year behind a poor offensive line and threw for 11 TD's and 15 INT's. Not HORRIBLE, but far from good. Frerotte, a 12 year vet with his 6th different team has never proven to be that great. He had one good year in Minnesota in which he started 2 games and posted 7 TD's and 2 Int's. Other than that, hes been mediocre at best. If your O-line is improved, your quarterback play will be much improved but still, there isnt a LOT of talent here. I give your QB's a C.

Running Backs: Lets ASSUME that Ricky Williams never puts on a Miami Dolphins uniform again. Ronnie Brown was a pretty good college running back had good stats, hes a big guy, strong, he'll be able to take a lot of carries and still run strong. But, he IS a rookie and no one knows how he will perform. And, behind him, who do you have? Virtually no one. Assuming Ricky DOES come back, he hasnt played football in over a year, and hes down like 45 pounds from what he was when he was in football shape. PLUS, who knows WHATS going on in his head. He might come back for one game and decide he doesnt want to play anymore. Hes a headcase who cant be counted on. So, unless Ronnie Brown busts out for like 1,500 yards in his rookie year which is highly unlikely. For THIS season, your running back situation could be a problem. I give them a C+.
Actually LG, and morris showed enough last year to make huge improvements in the running game. Also if you look at the NFL, year in and year out, Running back and Wr are the two postitions that can do the most damage as a rookie, and if you think that miami got the best back in the draft... well, you can't grade ronnie anymore than we can until he touches the rock.

Receivers: Miami has got some pretty good receivers. But, underacheivers if you ask me. Chambers has the ability to be the best receiver in the AFC East but he hasn't used it. Only 69 catches and 7 touchdowns last year. Thats just not cutting it. Bringing in Marty Booker was a great pick up, he'll help the Dolphins a lot. And assuming that David Boston can stay healthy. Id say hes good for at least 45 or so catches and a few touchdowns. He is coming off major surgery though and hasnt played in over a year so who knows how he'll perform. Derrius Thompson, we wont even get into him. But, of course, your receivers can only perform well when your quarterback can get them the ball. But, assuming you have fairly good QB play, your receivers should do well. I give them a B.
O-Line: Aside from Stockar McDougle, who has Miami picked up? They didnt even draft an offensive lineman until the 5th round. And hes not starting. Its pretty much the same O-line from last year. And if they preform like they did last year, Miami's offense is in for a loooooong season. Nothing really more to say about these guys. They just need to step their game up. I give them a C-.
Okay Carey was a pick last year, and mcdougle is a former number one, so potental wise we have anchors of two number one picks. what did you expect, miami to pass up on the best back in the draft and reach for another lineman?
D-Line: Your strong point. You lost Ogunleye who was a force which did hurt. But, the Dolphins signed Vonnie Holliday and Kevin Carter, both pretty good pickups. And they still have Jason Taylor. This unit has been pretty solid year in and year out and I think theyll have a good year this year. Taylor should have double digit sacks with ease. With the new additions I give them a B+.

Linebackers: Zach Thomas leads this group. Although hes getting up there in age, hes still preformed quite well every year. Junior Seau is pretty much at the end of his career and doesnt really look like the player he used to be at all. I dont really expect much out of him. Other than those guys the Dolphins are lacking. They drafted Channing Crowder who could be a great player for them, but they really need him to step up immediately. Ill say the Dolphins linebackers will struggle a little early but I expect Crowder to step in nicely with the veteran wisdom of Seau and Thomas to help him. I give them a B-.

Defensive Backs: The Dolphins traded Patrick Surtain :shakeno: which leaves Sam Madison as the leader of the secondary basically. Madison has been in the league for 9 years and isnt getting any younger. Hes clearly not the same player he used to be either. Reggie Howard could be a good player for Miami as hes had a pretty good career thus far. And Will Poole had a pretty decent rookie year, hopefully he can keep it up. The Dolphins got Tebucky Jones who im my opinion is very overrated. New England knew what they were doing when they got rid of him and they only benefited from it. And now Jones is on his 3rd team. Neither of the 1st two teams really had any reluctance in getting rid of him. (And you know its tough for me to say this too because im from Syracuse) Your free safety is Travares Tillman, a former Bills cast off. This guys really got nothing to bring to the table. He was nothing more than a backup in Buffalo and I really dont think hes going to do anything for Miami this year. I give the DB's a C.
[/QUOTE] OKay first of all, even your own Bills brother Clumpy would've traded Pat for the cap relief, and with that we went out and drafted Matt Roth. So don't bash the Surtain trade. Second I agree with everything else, but then you leave out the mention of Daniels, and you mention Poole, who is done for the year. your research here is a little off.
Special Teams: Mare is solid as usual. And should be again this year. And Wes Welker turned out to be a great special teams guy for the Dolphins. The Dolphins special teams were pretty solid last year and should be even better this year. I give them an A-.

I expect Miami to win more games than they did last year, no doubt about it. And they MAY even finish at 8-8. But, if you ask me, im going to predict a 7-9 record for Miami. These are my opinions. If you want to know how I feel about the my Bills, Ill tell you that as well. Im not a homer as most people are. If you dont agree with these, tell me why. All I ask is that you post something intelligent, please.
Now here is where I have with your analysis, is the fact that you don't even take into account that for the last 5 years, this team was coached by Wanny, and this year we have a coach that was considered to be so good that every year for the last five years, every team that had a coaching vacancy asked about him before signing someone else. Second predicting a teams record should involve a little more than just a talent breakdown. I would've thought the patriots dynasty would've hammered that point home.

Each team is can be greater or less than the sum of its parts and coaching is the glue that determines how well a team is going to bond.
it's all moot and falling on deaf ears... he left in a huff when we didn't agree, as a whole, on his opinion that didn't even add up...
Frankly, any team that goes 4-12 or worse is a heavy favorite to follow with a losing season, regardless of coaching or personnel changes. In the salary cap era, obviously it's not as overwhelming a favorite as previously. Someone could get a decent gauge simply by looking at teams at 4-12 or worse beginning in '95, or whenever salary cap/free agency began, and finding out how many finished below .500, at .500, above .500 a season later, and what the average improvement has been.
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