MERGED 2x: Should the "Culture Change" include new uniforms? | Page 12 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED 2x: Should the "Culture Change" include new uniforms?

Should the Dolphins Modify The Uniforms

  • YES

    Votes: 252 62.4%
  • NO

    Votes: 152 37.6%

  • Total voters
I tell ya, elbows & ______ everyone has them.

You're right, just look at all the change uniform threads we get all the time.
If the organization listened to any of them we'd change our entire identity (uniforms, name, mascot, colors) every week. Wouldn't that be a hoot!
A uniform change would be GREAT, but by change I mean going back to the past uniforms. Gray facemask, the Fin logo that was used from '74-'95, get rid of the 3-D numbers on the jerseys; basically go back to uniforms that were worn during the '74-'95 time period.
How many of the fans who stay at the games until they are over and don't leave for the beach actually live in Miami??

That has nothing to do with it my friend. I am hundreds of thosands of miles away and would put my "fandom" up against any Ocean Drive walking poser.

Hundreds of thousands of miles away? The moon? No wonder you missed my point.

I'm not trying to exclude anybody. Come one, come all! My point was that, if you haven't lived in or at least visited Miami you might not realize the significance of the colors of the uniform. They are not arbitrary. Changing colors would be a disconnect from the character of the city.

Not sure if you meant it, but that Ocean Drive dis sounds like a shot at the locals, and it might not sit well with others on this board.
I was bored, so I designed some new unis for the phins. I basically used Buffalo's design as a template, and used the Phinheaven logo for the helmet.


No going back to the old decals.....the Dolphin on the helmet was smiling for craps sake!!!

And...if we're going to "get tough" we really need to do away with the Fightsong !! (or modify to a metal/rock sound) but that's a whole other debate!

Looks a little to close to the "U"'s colors.....Plus while I like the Finheaven Logo Decal the NFL would never approve it as they won't go for anything too "cartoonish".
YES, and they should have a star instead of a Dolphin

not really, I think we should stick to what we have. I hate when teams change their logos they always look worse and imho take away from the history of the club.
you think the bucs uni's are worse ?
BP has a history of going retro.. that is the ONLY change I would support

Retro I can deal with. Otherwise no. Unis that are identical to the ones back in the day (especially white with more Orange highlighting around numbers and names) are cool.

what program did you use to make that uniform template?

I'd like to give it a try :)
nice job! i like it!! i wouldnt change the logo though. i like the concept of the white jersey though.

you like it? seriously? That logo is great for a fan site but it doesn't look good at all on a helmet. And the jersey's have way too much going on there.

keep them the same or go back to the old. I'm comfortable either way :)
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