Everything Will Be Bad Until O-line Is Fixed | Page 11 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Everything Will Be Bad Until O-line Is Fixed

He hasnt struggled over 7 years. Your agenda sure has changed. You advocated for the same QB for the past 3-4 years. Now he has struggled for 7 years.

13 TDs
6 Ints
98 Passer Rating
This is in 7 games. He's got a bum shoulder. You can tell. Doesnt have the arm at the moment. Most wouldnt consider that struggling. He threw 3 tds yesterday against the #2 defense in the league with pretty ****ty oline play. We scored 21 points.

I advocated for the same QB for the last 3-4 years? lol

And the struggle was in reference to oline play and the qb struggling with it and it being all because of the oline and nothing to do with the qb.

I think its comical to reference Drew Brees’ bad game in use it in relation to throw Ryan Tannehill a life line but whatever, I have seen everything there needs to be seen on this subject . . . I am just here for the debate aspect.
So the great Drew Brees struggled against the Cowboys . . . .wake us all up when it becomes a 7 year struggle.

Cut that noise out and stay focus. The point exclusively has to do with the OL. How many years has Drew Brees been constantly harassed in a game? Under constant duress?
So as not to leave out the OL, WTF is Jesse Davis doing on this play? Who the hell is he passing off the rusher to?

Six blockers, four pass rushers, immediate pressure. Give me a break with the QB talk. Just stop it. This is years of the same crap. Guys just not knowing what the F**K they are doing.

He is CLUELESS that he just almost got his QB killed.

That the worst first half of o line play I have ever seen.

Had to be. If they weren’t blowing assignments they were getting penalties.

Jesse Davis is right up there for most disappointing dolphin playing along with raekwon and gesicki.
So as not to leave out the OL, WTF is Jesse Davis doing on this play? Who the hell is he passing off the rusher to?

Six blockers, four pass rushers, immediate pressure. Give me a break with the QB talk. Just stop it. This is years of the same crap. Guys just not knowing what the F**K they are doing.

What were your thoughts on the almost safety?

Could Ryan of done better there or Should the oline held their blocks longer?

Since we are sharing the love between OL and RBs in pass pro.
That entire half was killed by our o line play. They have to take Larsen out and either give Wesley Johnson a look or get shot gun fastball snap artist Swanson back this week.

How bad must Asiata be to not even be a consideration.

And Jesse Davis is getting schooled by guys.
Until we find a qb that can manipulate the pocket the results won't be much different regardless how well staffed the OL is.

There is no doubt that RT does not overcome some situations where he has an opportunity to make a play. My disagreement with you is that I feel the largest portion of the blame is poor interior line play.
What were your thoughts on the almost safety?

Could Ryan of done better there or Should the oline held their blocks longer?

Since we are sharing the love between OL and RBs in pass pro.

On the safety play it was all about deep routes being called and nobody was getting open.

The OL should've been able to hold off a tad longer and be like most of the OL in NFL. Give the offense time for things to setup. OL is the biggest issue on all bad offenses. Always will be.
There is no doubt that RT does not overcome some situations where he has an opportunity to make a play. My disagreement with you is that I feel the largest portion of the blame is poor interior line play.

No doubt. Brendel is a keeper. Davis is likely to get another year to see if the light bulb comes on. Larsen needs to hang em up.

This team needs Swanson back or to promote Wesley Johnson and let Brendel play left guard. Thank goodness he’s back or this would be a absolute disaster interior

Inside zone yesterday was a joke.
Two weeks in a row he has taken the ball away from the QB in critical spots. You can call it anything you want except a coincidence.

I doubt it is confidence in RT’s ability. I believe he is trying to minimize the chance of RT getting hurt because he knows that is his only chance of winning these last four games.
On the safety play it was all about deep routes being called and nobody was getting open.

The OL should've been able to hold off a tad longer and be like most of the OL in NFL. Give the offense time for things to setup. OL is the biggest issue on all bad offenses. Always will be.

Deep routes called with our QB having his foot on his own goal line and a shoddy imterior offensive line . . . .sounds about right.
I smell a bit of a riff developing between qb and gase over play calling.

That 3rd and 1 call situationally if you don’t have a built in pass option out of it you fail cause they are gonna sell out to stop the run. Once that backside boundary corner shows blitz to should have a built in sticks stop route toss option. But they also know that ballage is extremely unlikely to come in cold there and throw it. Once that corner shows blitz the safety from off has the assignment there was a pitch and catch there waiting to happen.

That call was horrendous after a solid 2nd down flats release call to o Leary.

Which Miami should have imo challenged the spot.
Deep routes called with our QB having his foot on his own goal line and a shoddy imterior offensive line . . . .sounds about right.

It's worked for us before..

I'd take a chance to get some yards before I'd run a draw again, cause we all know how this fanbase feels about "giving" up on a possession. Can't be happy with any play call around here..
There is no doubt that RT does not overcome some situations where he has an opportunity to make a play. My disagreement with you is that I feel the largest portion of the blame is poor interior line play.
There's always something with this qb holding him back. He's always been a tier 2, tier 3 qb. I've seen enough this season to know he will never rise any further. Sorry, I want better, I'm ready to move on from him.
That the worst first half of o line play I have ever seen.

Had to be. If they weren’t blowing assignments they were getting penalties.

Jesse Davis is right up there for most disappointing dolphin playing along with raekwon and gesicki.

Let's recap:

1st drive Tannehill is hit three times and still throws a TD pass
2nd drive Gore screws up and 8 man protection isn't enough.
3rd drive so close on the throw to Drake to get out of a hole.
4th drive Jesse Davis, just..... WTF.
5th drive two holding penalties
6th drive TD pass.
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