atmosphere in here is too negative | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

atmosphere in here is too negative

You know what I'm sick of (besides the masquerading Alabama fans) is the continued defending of this franchise by those tho just drink the cool-aid year after year and are okay with being this bad.

If your defending this team, after all these inept years, you are part of the problem. We should he furious about how many draft picks have busted. We should be furious about how bad our play calling still is. We should be furious we can't block at all.

We as a fanbase need to do everything in our limited power to provoke change. Boycott the games, quit buying merchandise. Fly a blimp over the stadium with "Ross please sell the team"

We let them get away with this **** because every year its the same preseason hype and joy just to get back handed over and over and over by teams that Ross has owned.
If I am part of the problem, I am happy that it infuriates you. I stand by the traditional derivation of "fanatic" as "fan" and that's unqualified enthusiasm and optimism for my team. Do I want them to win? Certainly. Do I get frustrated? Sure but I'm an adult who properly relegates the Fins to where they belong and that's subordinate to the happiness my real life confers on me!
If I am part of the problem, I am happy that it infuriates you. I stand by the traditional derivation of "fanatic" as "fan" and that's unqualified enthusiasm and optimism for my team. Do I want them to win? Certainly. Do I get frustrated? Sure but I'm an adult who properly relegates the Fins to where they belong and that's subordinate to the happiness my real life confers on me!
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It's fine ... although several of the doom and gloom guys will be scrambling to adjust their position if the Fins put together a win streak

That will be fun :lol:
So true! I’m coming to the conclusion that much of the negative posters (I’m NOT talking about honest, solid football criticism WHICH IS GOOD) has nothing to do with our team or even football. It’s just people finding a sense of self worth and self aggrandizement by making outlandish negative statements on everything and getting reactions. To quote a great line from a movie: ‘Some people just want to see the world burn.”

At first it really bothered me. Now I regard it with somewhat smug amusement.
I’m not sure what his name has anything to do with it. If he had ms or Mrs in the name would you have made the same comment?
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Where’s the line here?

I’ve read these forums pretty much every single day of my life for 15 years or so. I don’t post much. Partly because I don’t have the time and in all honesty partly because this place can be a little intimidating.

Over those 15 years I’ve been almost exclusively positive and interacted with positive users. People that come here and whine about individual players or plays or play calls as a reaction really annoy me and don’t aid the flow of information and useful subjective opinion. I completely agree there should be a limit on who is able to start threads. I’ve been a member here 15 years but in all honesty I don’t think I’ve earned the right to start them.

Over the last three weeks however I’ve found it really tough to be positive. I think that’s disappointment fatigue. I really thought this rebuild was going to be different and I really fear it’s going to be dreadful.

I’d like to think I’ve added some articulate and well reasoned thoughts to some of those debates rather than just lashing out with frustration. Although those thoughts have been largely negative this season, I still think they’re worth sharing. Good or bad, I’ll give a passionate opinion about what’s going on with this team.

I can’t ‘take a break’ from this team… I love it. I can’t help it but I do. I’m invested and committed to it. I have a Marino jersey tattooed to my leg for goodness sake. I look forward to every season, to every game. I don’t expect wins or a super bowl, no matter how much I’d love one, but the almost constant purgatorial state of this team and the farcical inability to field an offensive line that’ll enable a talented QB to succeed across two generations of QBs is not something I can just stand by and shrug off.

So where’s the line here? Because I’ve definitely fueled the negative fire recently but wouldn’t consider myself a negative person. Just honest, reasoned and passionate. I’ll never lose faith or optimism. Watching this team win is like a life goal that I have no control over. And I know that WHEN this team does win it will be all the more sweet for having endured the decades of futility.

So am I welcome here to give those views, even if they’re negative whilst the team deserves criticism? Or should I find somewhere else to post?
Calling out critical fans is shooting the messenger.

This team is a microcosm of this franchise. Sucks really bad for one year...strings wins together, battles for or makes playoffs, then regresses.

Don't blame the fans. It's not their fault. They don't miss blocks, miss tackles, pick bad players, mismanage resources, hire bad coaches, etc.

When you lose 35 - 0 at home, you suck. When you go on the road and are one play from winning but don't, you develop a losing culture. Finding ways to lose sucks. That's this team. It is what it is.
Calling out critical fans is shooting the messenger.

This team is a microcosm of this franchise. Sucks really bad for one year...strings wins together, battles for or makes playoffs, then regresses.

Don't blame the fans. It's not their fault. They don't miss blocks, miss tackles, pick bad players, mismanage resources, hire bad coaches, etc.

When you lose 35 - 0 at home, you suck. When you go on the road and are one play from winning but don't, you develop a losing culture. Finding ways to lose sucks. That's this team. It is what it is.
So why continue to follow?
So why continue to follow?

I don’t understand this narrative. I can’t pick up and put down this team. It’s not an HBO series. I’ve invested it in my whole life. I care about the team and the community and I’ll never ever stop. It’s for life.
I don’t understand this narrative. I can’t pick up and put down this team. It’s not an HBO series. I’ve invested it in my whole life. I care about the team and the community and I’ll never ever stop. It’s for life.
I understand that. I don’t understand only pointing out the negative in every post From anyone who is a fan. Fair-minded individuals are able to see both negatives and positives and pout out both. the issue I have are those that only post out negatives and take glee in it.
IMO I think a good amount were legit hyped for this season. I was expecting a nice improvement overall and maybe not too many more wins but a team that was going to grow with Tua in year 2.
That hasn't happened, they got curb stomped by the Bills and Tua got injured.

So, I try to not be a debbie downer often, but it did just really suck having expectations for the first time since maybe the beginning of the T-Hill or Sparano era and then boom. The Raiders game was a bummer too with the early lead, then safety etc...
I'd be willing to bet that there is a direct correlation with losing and negativity.

Want to see these forums all rosy and upbeat? Check back after a decisive, dominating win from both sides of the ball...
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